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Danizi cosmetics
  • Franchise industry:


  • Suitable for:

    Additional items of free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment in existing companies

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:

    Franchise of distribution agent

  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:

    one hundred and eighty

  • Investment amount: 100000~200000


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Danizi cosmetics Introduction to joining
 Danizi cosmetics joined
Shanxi Danizi Trading Co., Ltd. sells and wholesales essence and toys in the best-selling consumer market, enjoying a high position among consumers. The company has established long-term and stable cooperative relations with many retailers and agents. Shanxi Danizi Trading Co., Ltd. sells a complete range of essence liquid and toys at reasonable prices. Shanxi Danizi Commerce and Trade Co., Ltd. has a strong strength. It values credit, abides by contracts, improves/increases product quality, and wins the trust of customers with its diversified business characteristics and the principle of reducing costs and increasing sales. Cosmetics can be healthier only if they are green, and plant skin care is healthier, which is also the reason why Danizi cosmetics is highly praised and popular in the market.
Danizi Cosmetics, a good cosmetics brand, is an irresistible product for female consumers, which starts from consumer demand and truly solves consumer problems. Guided by the cultural concept of "due diligence, cooperation, integrity, respect and progress", the company has more than 200 employees united.
Strict management system, advanced management concept, skilled technology, excellent product quality and qualified service reputation make us have strong competitiveness in the industry. Our products are loved by customers all over the world. The company stores more energy and expands to a broader space and field.
Cosmetics can be healthier only if they are green, and plant skin care is healthier, which is also the reason why Danizi cosmetics is highly praised and popular in the market. Danizi Cosmetics, a good cosmetics brand, is an irresistible product for female consumers, which starts from consumer demand and truly solves consumer problems.
Because of its quality, Danizi cosmetics naturally adopts the fresh and elegant "green" as the main color. A natural color is added to the good cosmetics market, which adds vitality and vitality.
The appearance of Danizi cosmetics has brought hope to fashionable women. In their eyes, "Danizi cosmetics" seems to be a long lost friend. They all feel that this is the cosmetics they have been looking forward to, a cosmetics that can truly belong to themselves.
Danizi Cosmetics, adhering to the skin care concept of "green, healthy", is refined from plant essence. It always believes in the combination of nature and technology, giving careful care to the skin, so as to truly create healthy skin from the inside out.
Danizi cosmetics Franchise advantages
 Danizi cosmetics joined
1. Assist in site selection and assessment:
Assist the franchisee to carry out field inspection on the store location they are looking for, and evaluate the feasibility of opening the store. Investigate the region, business circle and customers, and provide the estimated turnover, operating profit and loss and other data for the reference of franchisees.
2. Area protection:
The company will strictly control the quantity and quality of franchise regions and franchisees, and establish a complete price control system and policies;
3. Human resources support:
Before opening the store, provide reference materials such as personnel recruitment and personnel system to assist the franchisee in recruiting new employees. During the store opening period, the headquarters provides human support and coaching.
4. Unified image and decoration:
In order to ensure a unified image of the brand, the professional space designers of the headquarters of the company uniformly design the image of the store; The shop decoration works shall be constructed by the engineering team approved by the headquarters, and the headquarters shall assign personnel to guide and supervise, and the franchisee shall be responsible for supervision.
5. Continuous guidance and training:
Before the opening of the store, the headquarters will offer corresponding courses for franchisees and business teams on business philosophy, store management and product related knowledge.
After opening, the headquarters will send supervisors to the store to guide the opening of the store; Set up corresponding product training courses for new products launched every month; At the same time, in order to strengthen professional exchanges with franchisees, the headquarters regularly holds franchisee conferences.
6. Product R&D:
According to the actual market demand and popular trend, the professional R&D department of the headquarters conducts comprehensive market research, formulates reasonable product planning, strengthens regional market competitiveness with flexible product prices, and improves/increases the rights and interests of franchisees.

Danizi cosmetics Franchise conditions
1. A natural person who has the capacity to independently bear civil liability or an enterprise legal person who independently bears civil liability.
2. Relevant business experience is preferred.
3. Having moral quality and dedication to social health.
4. Having a strong entrepreneurial spirit.
5. Able to identify with the company's business philosophy and model.
6. Having a certain economic foundation.
7. Those who can abide by the company's operation and management policies and can maintain the company and brand image.
8. Have a strong desire to seek knowledge and join in the industry, and have qualified reputation.

Danizi cosmetics Franchise process
1: Understanding Consultation
Telephone interview - submit simple basic information.
2: Go to the headquarters for investigation
To the company headquarters, we will send professional staff to introduce to you the market overview of the project, the project costs, including your site selection, etc.
3: Submit franchise application to the company
Both parties confirmed that there was no dispute about the inspection results and formally signed the contract.
4: Contract signing
The headquarters will conduct professional site selection training and store location evaluation for franchisees.
5: Site selection and store construction
All franchised stores have a unified image, so the headquarters will design a decoration scheme for the franchisee free of charge and assist the franchisee in the decoration of the store.
6: Decoration shop
Provide technical training on product understanding and operation for franchisees and employees.
7: System training
Franchisees will receive free training at the headquarters for 15 days.
8: Opening operation
Official business and follow-up support: the headquarters assists entrepreneurs in opening and provides guidance and assistance. After the official action, the headquarters will provide operation guidance services.

User consultation

  • Interested, please call me!

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Danizi cosmetics! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-01 06:42:28 From China  39.181.218*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; 80W。

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Danizi cosmetics! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-29 04:28:04 From Lishui, Zhejiang  39.180.78*
  • I want to consult

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Danizi cosmetics! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-26 15:49:07 From U.S.A  66.87.150*
  • I want to join, please contact me, thank you

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Danizi cosmetics! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-24 11:05:42 From Yingkou City, Liaoning Province  60.22.46*
  • Quite approve of the company's brand, want to know more about it

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Danizi cosmetics! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-22 13:28:38 From Changsha, Hunan [Telecom]  42.48.107*
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Friendly tip: The content of this page is only for reference. In order to reduce investment risk, we suggest you to do more investigation, consultation and comparative analysis before investment. Some brands are not open for franchise, please refer to the official information of the brand.

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