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Oriental Red Hunan Cuisine
  • Franchise industry:

    Catering>Chinese food

  • Suitable for:

    Additional items of free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment in existing companies

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:

    Franchise of distribution agent

  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:

    six hundred and forty-three

  • Investment amount: 50000~100000 yuan


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Oriental Red Hunan Cuisine Introduction to joining
 Dongfanghong Hunan Cuisine
Oriental Red Hunan Cuisine, or Hunan Cuisine, is developed from local cuisines in the Xiangjiang River Valley, Dongting Lake area, and Xiangxi Mountain Area. The dishes in the Xiangjiang River Valley, centering on Changsha, Hengyang and Xiangtan, are the main representatives of Hunan cuisine. It is finely made, widely used, and has a wide variety of materials. It is characterized by rich oil, rich color, and affordable price. Pay attention to crispy, hot and sour, soft and tender taste. Xiangquange Hunan cuisine has a unique flavor. Oriental Red Hunan Cuisine Inherits Hunan Cuisine Culture Delicate and delicious dishes are presented delicately! Fashionable environment and considerate service bring you a new feeling. The fish is tender and the accompanying dishes are refreshing and delicious! Tour around elegant specialty food, authentic Hunan flavor and fragrance will bring you pure taste, crispy, hot and sour, soft and delicious. Fine materials are widely used for making, and there are many kinds of unique Hunan cuisine classic taste! A variety of dishes, meat and vegetables together, delicious
The pace of life has become faster, and the meals have also changed. The western fast food is popular. However, some people are not accustomed to western food, so Chinese fast food has emerged to solve the problem of busy people eating. Dongfanghong Hunan Cuisine provides different cuisines with superior raw materials to make it delicious and homely. The following is the project introduction, let's have a look!
Under the humanized and large-scale management mode of Taodu City Hotel and according to the service management system of star rated hotels, Dongfanghong Hunan Cuisine enables you to feel the closeness of culture, the permanence of hometown, enjoy delicious food, and also feel the warmth of home. The design of Dongfanghong Hunan Cuisine Workshop will let you feel the closeness of culture and the warmth of hometown
The brand of Dongfanghong Hunan Cuisine is also expanding. It has successively opened franchise stores in Kunming, Tianjin, Wuhan, Lanzhou, Shenzhen, Anhui Wuhu, Jiangsu Xuzhou, Chongqing Fengjie and other places, which are highly praised by the local government and consumers. With its profound cultural heritage, Dongfanghong Hunan Cuisine has well combined modern civilization with traditional culture, creating favorable achievements to win the market, The "Oriental Red Hunan Cuisine" has become a world catering brand.
Oriental Red Hunan Cuisine Franchise advantages
 Dongfanghong Hunan Cuisine
1. Dongfanghong Hunan Cuisine has a perfect brand system, which can mature in each region and have a qualified reputation, so that the franchisees can quickly integrate into the local market, improve their reputation and occupy the market as soon as possible.
2. The headquarters not only invested a lot of manpower in the research and development of new products, but also timely introduced good production technology and technology, and used good imported raw materials to improve/increase the quality of products.
3. The mature technology of Dongfanghong Hunan Cuisine has a priority position. The powerful technology research and development center of the headquarters will develop new products and provide technical training in a timely manner according to the continuous changes of the market, so that your franchise stores will always stand at the forefront of technology and maintain qualified competitiveness.
4. The management and training provided for franchisees are guided by experienced regional market consultants throughout the process.
5. Provide free implementation plan for opening ceremony etiquette activities (customized), free opening supplies, and provide lifelong tracking guidance services.
6. With low investment and high passenger flow, the fixed business site will attract more repeat customers for you and give you support.
Oriental Red Hunan Cuisine Franchise conditions
1. Have brand awareness.
2. Franchisees should recognize the brand concept and business philosophy, and unify the business awareness with the headquarters to develop together.
3. Franchisees must have certain experience and strength, and have certain funds to support the normal operation of the store.
4. It has legal business premises and is decorated according to the unique design style and technical requirements of Dongfanghong Hunan cuisine.
5. Franchisees should recognize the corporate culture, business philosophy and management model of Dongfang Red Hunan Cuisine, maintain the brand image, and develop and progress together with the company.
6. Have qualified reputation foundation and credit qualification.
7. The operation and management of the store can maintain full commitment, and can receive continuous improvement training.
Oriental Red Hunan Cuisine Franchise process
1. Entrepreneurial consulting: consult the company headquarters by telephone about joining matters; Consult the company brand.
2. Field investigation: investigate and ask for the details of cooperation related to the project, and fully understand the details of joining.
3. Entrepreneurship application: At this time, if you have a strong interest in opening a store, you should pay the increase/increase fund.
4. Qualification review: after receiving the application form, the headquarters will review the specific situation and conditions of the franchisee. Confirm the operation qualification of the franchisee.
5. Sign a contract: sign a franchise contract and propose a new store plan.
6. Store decoration: the headquarters provides decoration guidance and design guidance for franchisees.
7. Headquarters training: the headquarters sends preparation personnel to your store to provide you with procurement, management, personnel position arrangement and training services.
8. Goods distribution: materials distribution. The headquarters assists entrepreneurs in trial operation and provides marketing solutions.
9. Trial operation: start trial operation and do some promotion activities.
10. Official business: At this time, the headquarters will pay attention to the business dynamics of the franchisee.
11. After sales service: After the official opening, someone from the headquarters will come to guide the operation and keep the store fully on track.

Oriental Red Hunan Cuisine Joining dynamics


Oriental Red Hunan Cuisine Related questions and answers


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    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Dongfang Red Hunan Cuisine! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-14 00:16:54 From Urumqi, Xinjiang  49.118.248*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; About one million and two hundred thousand.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Dongfang Red Hunan Cuisine! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-13 02:05:50 From Jinzhong City, Shanxi Province  60.223.187*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; 500000。 Urge contact.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Dongfang Red Hunan Cuisine! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-06 15:45:31 From Zibo City, Shandong Province  61.179.66*
  • I am very interested in this project, please send some materials for more information

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Dongfang Red Hunan Cuisine! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-04 06:35:51 From Kaifeng City, Henan Province  61.158.149*
  • Contact me~

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Dongfang Red Hunan Cuisine! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-30 03:08:06 From Gansu Province  42.90.198*
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Friendly tip: The content of this page is only for reference. In order to reduce investment risk, we suggest you to do more investigation, consultation and comparative analysis before investment. Some brands are not open for franchise, please refer to the official information of the brand.

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