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Get a piece of furniture
  • Franchise industry:

    Furniture>Overall Furniture

  • Suitable for:

    Additional items of free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment in existing companies

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:

    Franchise of distribution agent

  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:

    five hundred

  • Investment amount: 100000~200000


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Get a piece of furniture Introduction to joining
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  Chengdu Deyi Industrial Headquarters (hereinafter referred to as Deyi Furniture) is located in Chongzhou, Sichuan. Since its establishment in 2000, it has never forgotten its original intention and adhered to the principle of "using superior The company's mission is to create a better home life for people with quality and service. Focusing on the R&D, production and sales of the whole house supporting furniture, soft decoration, accessories and customized furniture.
Good products should be promoted by good marketing methods. By carefully segmenting the market, the company has formulated the business policy of "setting foot in the province and surrounding provinces and cities, facing the whole country to explore foreign markets". It has established its own sales network by establishing franchised stores in important cities, general agents at or above the county level and other forms. At present, the sales network has spread throughout Anhui Province, Shandong, Henan, Hubei, Jiangxi, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shanghai and other places, "Deyi" brand products are also exported to Japan and other countries, actively expanding the field of foreign trade. In 2004, the company also hired Zhou Qunwei, a famous TV host, as the image representative of the first brand products, to further enhance the brand image. "Deyi" brand products enjoy a high reputation, which is the result of the company's production and operation in accordance with the quality policy of "sincerity and refinement, customer satisfaction, healthy sleep, Deyi mattress". The company's products have won five patent , has been recognized as Class A products and qualified products by the full standardization center, and has obtained the environmental protection product marketing permit in the industry. The company is the designated supervision unit of "Quality Line", the total quality management standard unit of the Ministry of Agriculture, the basic (on-site) management standard unit of enterprises in Anhui Province, and the "integrity" unit of furniture industry in 18 provinces and cities across the country.
Deyi Furniture is one of the enterprises in the industry that began to independently design original furniture. Adhering to the original product research and development is the driving force of our company's development, and has gradually mastered the unique core technology of solid wood furniture processing and manufacturing. Deyi attaches great importance to the exploration and cultivation of talents. It works closely with the presidents of Central South Forestry University, Sichuan Agricultural University and other colleges and universities. Every year, dozens of undergraduate and master graduates are recruited to practice in the factory, and qualified reserve cadres and technical talents are selected from them.
Get a piece of furniture Franchise advantages
 Get a furniture to join
  1. Opening planning and seasonal promotion: when dealers and agents open or celebrate their stores, about four major holidays every year, a furniture headquarters will uniformly plan seasonal promotional activities, provide low-cost promotional products and buy one get one free series of gifts, gather and drive popularity, trigger brand sensation in the local area, and let dealers and agents continue to operate well.
2. Exclusive brand, exclusive wealth: once an agent of a furniture brand, within the authorized agent area, it can not only monopolize the market, enter all suitable stores and related exclusive stores for direct sales, but also develop sub dealers to obtain cash receipts for supply balance. Once you become a furniture brand dealer, you can operate a furniture within the authorized distribution area. One market has two products, and the cash register has increased several times.
3. Supply, lasting : Within the authorized distribution area, the headquarters of the company can only provide product distribution to dealers. Within the authorized agent area, the headquarters only supplies products to the agents, and the regional agents are responsible for the distribution of products of all subordinate dealers. The agents can lasting Get the differential cash register and preferential differential cash register of product distribution and supply, and easily make a lot of money.
4. Accumulated purchase, multiple rewards: get a furniture headquarters to make corresponding multiple efforts to further expand the market and purchase rewards for dealers and agents according to the monthly purchase volume and annual accumulated purchase volume agreed in the distribution contract. The more sales, the more profits, and the higher rewards and concessions.
5. For unsalable products, it is responsible for replacement: all unsalable products of dealers and agents can be applied for replacement so that the agents have no bad inventory, as long as there is no damage, no obsolescence, and no impact on secondary sales. If any product with quality problems is found, a furniture headquarters shall be responsible for the replacement or replacement of parts, and bear the relevant replacement costs.
6. Headquarter promotion and wealth growth: Deyi Furniture Headquarter will continue to carry out brand publicity and advertising in dozens of major media, such as CCTV, Satellite TV, Internet, and print. The three-dimensional "bombing" will enable furniture brands to achieve continuous improvement and growth. Dealers and agents will gain free growth of brands in the distribution area and enjoy the huge business brought by the brand.
7. Assisting development and enjoying success: furniture agents can apply to the headquarters to assist them in developing sub dealers in their authorized agent regions. After successful development, they can directly transfer to the regional business network in the charge of the agents, who are responsible for management and supply. The balance of supply is collected by the agents. The agents can enjoy success, save worry and effort, and easily earn big money.
8. Assisting in operation and not worrying about distribution: Deyi Furniture Headquarters will, according to the actual operating conditions and applications of dealers and agents, send marketing personnel to assist dealers and or agents one-on-one for a long time to carry out brand promotion, product marketing and operation management in the region, and dealers and agents can be qualified to not worry about operation even if they have no experience.
Get a piece of furniture Franchise conditions
1. It has legal personality.
2. Can well identify with the business model and business ideas of Yifu.
3. Franchisees must have certain experience strength and qualified capital operation status to maintain the normal operation of the store.
4. In the region where the franchisee is located, it should have a good store address and increase/increase the flow of people adequately.
5. Recognize the operation mode of the headquarters and accept the unified management of the headquarters.
6. Have management experience and ability in the industry, and must be managed by a specially assigned person.
Get a piece of furniture Franchise process
1. First of all, reservation: the number of places in the corresponding regions is limited, and franchisees contact the headquarters through various information channels to reserve places.
2. Field investigation: go to the headquarters to investigate the project and have face-to-face communication with the headquarters staff.
3. Franchise application: At this time, if you are strongly interested in opening a store, you should pay the increase/increase fee.
4. Qualification review: the headquarters inspects and reviews the application for joining, reviews the entrepreneurs and confirms their cooperation qualifications.
5. Signing the contract: both parties confirmed that the investigation results were correct, and formally signed the cooperation contract through friendly negotiation.
6. Store decoration: The headquarters provides decoration guidance and design guidance for entrepreneurs.
7. Headquarters training: the headquarters sends preparation personnel to your store to provide you with procurement, management, personnel position arrangement and training services.
8. Goods distribution: the headquarters will provide transportation assistance for the transportation of materials.
9. Trial operation: during trial operation, do some preferential activities to attract customers.
10. Official operation: the headquarters will continue to pay attention to the operation of the franchisees and give them operational guidance and assistance.
11. After sales service: The headquarters will follow up and guide you regularly after your opening.

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User consultation

  • If I am interested, please contact me; In the town, 50000 or 60000 yuan.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Deyi Furniture! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-29 07:23:40 From Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, China  49.72.126*
  • I would like to inquire whether there is a franchise store in Lanzhou, Gansu

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Deyi Furniture! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-26 06:50:44 From Zhejiang Jinhua [Telecom]  60.182.159*
  • Do you need a franchise fee

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Deyi Furniture! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-25 04:36:09 From Shaibak District, Urumqi, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region  49.118.194*
  • Where is the franchise address and how much is the franchise fee

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Deyi Furniture! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-23 22:06:54 From Jingmen City, Hubei Province  58.222.50*
  • Please call me

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Deyi Furniture! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-19 07:03:17 From Sanming City, Fujian Province  58.22.204*
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Friendly tip: The content of this page is only for reference. In order to reduce investment risk, we suggest you to do more investigation, consultation and comparative analysis before investment. Some brands are not open for franchise, please refer to the official information of the brand.

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