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Deyi Electric Appliance
  • Franchise industry:

    Home>Kitchen Appliances

  • Suitable for:

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:

    Franchise of distribution agent

  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:

    one hundred and fifty

  • Investment amount: Less than 10000


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Deyi Electric Appliance Introduction to joining

Deyi Kitchenware Co., Ltd

The extraordinary road, the persistence of founding and thinking

Since its establishment in 1992, Deyi Electric has never stopped its professional cultivation, deeply rooted in the established industry, and forged ahead. It has grown into one of the large and modern kitchen and bathroom electric appliance enterprises with core competitiveness. Faced with the market situation and the crisscross business lines, Deyi has always relied on its founding ability to achieve steady and rapid development, and won the market with differentiated and high-value products, Create a new pattern of kitchen and bathroom appliances with an insight into the overall situation and a steady and pragmatic action. The whole series of products include: medium grade oil absorbers, household stoves, disinfection cupboards, embedded microwave ovens, embedded ovens, gas water heaters, electric water heaters and other kitchen and bathroom appliances

Extraordinary quality, witness of numerous praises

Focusing on the field of high-end kitchen appliances, after hard work and development, Deyi Group has become an advanced position in the high-end kitchen appliances industry. Now it has a headquarters, 55 sales companies, and a huge marketing network of more than 6000 sales terminals. Its products are popular throughout the country and become the trusted choice of thousands of families. At the same time, with its extraordinary product quality, Deyi Group has been exported to America, Europe The Middle East and Southeast Asia and other dozens of regions

Deyi Electric has been rated as "AAA" credit unit for 11 consecutive years, and has won many high standard provincial honors such as "", "brand products", "top ten brands with cultural value", "IF Design Award", "top ten brands in Zhongju industry", and "energy-saving certification products"

Brand upgrade, design opens the future

As always, Deyi Appliance confidently and joyfully embraced the new era and new opportunities, launched brand upgrading in 2011, focused on consumers, and changed for consumers. It is not only the creator of extraordinary products, but also the pioneer of a happy lifestyle, and also the leader of the creation and development of the industry. With the new strategy of "design opens the future", it is clear that "design creation is the internal drive of the brand", and it is in [breaking] Seeking extraordinary [standing] in the challenge of. Walking on the road of building a famous high-end strong brand of kitchen and bathroom appliances, Deyi is determined to forge ahead:

[High end] means the ability of high performance, high quality and high premium

[Priority] means that consumers are very good

[Strong] means that market discourse power and being followed

It is a goal, a value standard, a promise and a glory. Deyi brings consumers an extraordinary and joyful life experience

Looking back, Deyi has forged ahead and embarked on a brilliant development road, which has also created a brand that is bright and brilliant. Looking far ahead, Deyi stands at a higher and farther stronghold, making due contributions to the brilliant future, social development and industrial progress

Deyi Electric Appliance Franchise advantages

Agency policies with strong competitiveness in the industry

In order to ensure the interests of the franchisees and help the franchisees' business operations to quickly enter the track, Deyi Electric Appliance takes the competitive agency policy in the industry as the support to share the concerns of the franchisees and bring considerable benefits

a) Regional agent model;

b) National unified policy;

c) Attractive cashier space in first-line brands;

d) Product repurchase when both parties terminate cooperation;

e) Strong support for booth production budget

City agent investment attraction network

The scope of investment promotion is: except for the first and second tier cities, the third and fourth tier markets are mainly prefecture level cities and rich county-level cities

The headquarters gives great help and does not worry about joining

a. International movie star Daniel Wu joined as the brand image spokesperson;

b. In 2012, CCTV and several major satellite TV stations launched huge amount of advertisements in prime time; c. The company regularly holds practical training aimed at improving the urban agency business every year; d. Each branch is responsible for the resident support of the business supervisor of the city agent; e. Product development;

f. 360 sincere service with competitive advantages in the industry

Deyi Electric Appliance Franchise conditions

★ Joining qualification and win-win strength

one City agents should identify with the company's brand positioning and business philosophy, actively maintain the qualified image of Deyi brand, actively cooperate with the company's sales policies, and take Deyi agency business as their separate or priority development project.

two City agents shall have legal and independent legal person qualification and general taxpayer qualification. City agents shall issue invoices and settle accounts with their subordinate customers on their own, and the head office shall not issue invoices and settle accounts for their customers on behalf of city agents.

three Agents in this city should have strong financial strength, no less than fifty Ten thousand yuan of working capital.

four It has strong network coverage ability, development ability and business operation ability.

five City agents should have the qualification and ability of after-sales service for kitchen and bathroom appliances, have a qualified after-sales service team, and be able to provide excellent after-sales service.

Deyi Electric Appliance Franchise process

★ Joining process and cooperation

Youyibu, Franchise Consultation

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Step 2: Store location

The local sales unit shall assist the franchisee to jointly select and determine the location according to the requirements of the franchise store location, and then submit an application to the headquarters.

Step 4: Application evaluation

Application form for establishment, store size and photos from all angles, business license and tax registration certificate.

Step 5: Reply from the headquarters

Monopoly Promotion Department -- Superior department leaders

Step 6: headquarters design

It shall be issued according to the original size (plane layout, top layout, elevation, door head construction drawing, panoramic renderings).

Step 7: Local construction

The sales unit assists the franchisee to carry out the basic decoration (roof, floor and wall) according to the drawings provided by the headquarters.

Step 8: Opening preparation

During the decoration period, the franchisee completes the first batch of orders, the company's goods department organizes and sends the source of goods, the training department carries out professional training for the shop staff, and the planning department designs the opening promotion activities

Step 9: Decoration inspection

The terminal image specialist evaluates the actual effect of decoration and puts forward suggestions for modification

Step 10: on-site guidance and opening support of company personnel

The company's goods specialists, planning specialists and training specialists provide on-site guidance on terminal display, activity implementation, on-site sales guidance, etc

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User consultation

  • This project is good, please contact me as soon as possible

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Deyi Electric! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-01 10:07:18 From Yueqing, Wenzhou, Zhejiang  60.180.181*
  • Want to know about the franchise expenses and training matters of the headquarters

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Deyi Electric! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-30 09:27:31 From Shandong Province  39.68.149*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; 4 to 5.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Deyi Electric! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-29 20:05:43 From Liaoning Province  42.249.29*
  • Can you join us here in Zhuhai, Guangdong? How much is the charge?

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Deyi Electric! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-25 07:57:25 From Changge City, Xuchang, Henan Province  61.158.148*
  • Learn about the project

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Deyi Electric! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-23 07:20:54 From Gansu  42.92.87*
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