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Dongbeifang Big Bone Pot
  • Franchise industry:

    Catering>Chinese food

  • Suitable for:

    Free Entrepreneurship On the job Investment Online Shop

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:

    Franchise of distribution agent

  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:

    one hundred

  • Investment amount: 200000~500000


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Dongbeifang Big Bone Pot Introduction to joining
 Joined by Dongbeifang Big Bone Pot
The main feature of Northeast Big Bone Hot Pot is the selection of main ingredients and the large size of each bone. Large pieces of meat are often more delicious after being boiled and stewed. The meat smells delicious, and the faint soy sauce smell is attractive. In addition to protein, fat and vitamins, pig bone also contains a large amount of calcium phosphate, bone collagen, bone mucin, etc.
Dongbei Big Bone Hot Pot has won the unanimous praise of customers with its unique main dish products, green and healthy disposable vegetable oil pan bottom, fashionable and elegant decoration style, and warm and considerate service. Dongbei Big Bone Hot Pot adheres to the honest and healthy business road, and advocates the green, healthy, fashionable, and environmentally friendly life philosophy, Meet the consumption trend and establish a brand image of chain enterprises with qualified image and high popularity.
Healthy hotpot is favored by consumers, and Northeast Big Bone hotpot is a good choice for consumers to have a happy meal and live a happy life. Northeast Big Bone Hot Pot, a brand with a friendly image and delicious food, has brought unforgettable hot pot food to consumers, and also provided entrepreneurs and franchisees with opportunities to become rich. Dongbeifang Big Bone Pot adopts a fashionable and happy orientation, and its decoration is full of fashion, quality and artistic sense. Hot pot is heated by one pot per person and electromagnetic oven, which more reflects the modern concept of hot pot diet. It is more suitable for the hot pot business in different seasons, so that the hot pot business is not affected by the seasons. The operation mode of Dongbeifang Big Bone Pot has been won by Ming Dongbeifang Big Bone Pot, a healthy, fashionable, delicious and nutritious hot pot, which is a delicious choice that consumers cannot miss, and also an excellent choice for franchisees to become rich easily. National chain store, quality improvement/increase, one-time bottom material! Gather strong feelings and laugh, and forget about the Shu A Xiangpo! The investment promotion project of Dongbeifang Big Bone Pot is under way. Come and join us.
Dongbeifang Big Bone Pot Franchise advantages
 Joined by Dongbeifang Big Bone Pot
Franchise advantages
1. Flexible site selection, simple operation and zero franchise
According to the size of the store area, different food sales structures are matched, and the location management is very flexible, not limited by the region and area.
2. It is suitable for both young and old. It is popular all the year round. Diners from all over the world break through the threshold
The launch of different kinds of special hotpot, no matter who can find their own favorite in any season. From the refined processing of food materials to personalized cooking, the headquarters will give you everything you can, allowing you to operate maturely and attract customers from all over the world.
3. Comprehensive training, learning and meeting free, no need to operate and no worry about opening stores
The head office has a team of skilled professors who provide professional training and store operation services for franchisees for a long time, so that entrepreneurs can look back and not worry about it.  
4. Early auxiliary advantages
Provide market research, marketing training, CI application and other comprehensive advantages to help you easily enter the industry.
5. Propaganda
The nationwide advertising plan covers all major media, such as the flat media, the Internet, and the outdoor, which is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and everywhere
6. Operation management guidance
Certificate handling, site selection and store opening, daily management, and whole process supervision enable you to do business without worry.
7. Comprehensive and systematic training
Full course training and store training, trying to make everyone professional.
8. Characteristic operation
The protection of regional radius encourages entrepreneurs to grasp the market and operate easily without worries.
Dongbeifang Big Bone Pot Franchise conditions
Conditions for joining Dongbei Fang Big Bone Pot
1. The franchisees of Dongbeifang Big Bone Pot are determined and have qualified business reputation;
2. Qualified interpersonal relationships in the local area;
3. What is Dongbeifang Big Bone Pot called? It has entrepreneurial spirit;
4. A person who has a strong desire to succeed, works hard, and contributes to the team;
5. The franchisee of Dongbeifang Big Bone Pot has management ability;
6. Ability to manage finance;
7. The franchisees of Dongbeifang Big Bone Pot are willing to devote themselves to it;
8. Willing to accept a comprehensive training plan and be familiar with operation in many aspects;
9. The information provided by the franchisee of Dongbeifang Big Bone Pot must be true.
Dongbeifang Big Bone Pot Franchise process
Joining process of Dongbeifang Big Bone Pot:
1. Early understanding
Before joining Dongbeifang Big Bone Pot, make sure you have a detailed understanding, including brand information, joining policies, etc. You can find relevant information online, or call for consultation or go directly to the headquarters for investigation.
2. Field investigation and understanding
Before joining Dongbeifang Big Bone Pot, it is necessary to have a sufficient understanding of the brand, so the franchisee should go to the franchise headquarters for field investigation.
3. Apply for joining
After confirming the intention of joining, it is necessary to apply for joining to the headquarters as soon as possible and fill in the joining application form.
4. Sign the contract
Sign a formal cooperation contract and perform its terms at the agreed time.
5. Store site selection
The franchisee shall provide the store address, and the headquarters shall evaluate the headquarters address and investigate the local market.
6. Shop decoration
The company uses a unified store image, including a unified store style. The headquarters will provide the design drawings of decoration after the confirmation of the franchisee's store.
7. Headquarters training
Before opening, a full set of store marketing management training should be carried out to improve/increase franchise stores' operation in the later period.
8. Opening preparation
Franchisees should plan the opening activities in advance, prepare the opening process, and publicize the opening discounts to create momentum for the opening.
9. Grand Opening
When officially opening, the headquarters will arrange different personnel to leave the store according to the size of the franchise level to provide guidance and support to ensure the success of the opening.

User consultation

  • Interested in doing it, hope the relevant department can give a detailed explanation

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Dongbeifang Big Bone Pot! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-27 22:49:31 From Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, China  49.72.173*
  • County level alliance,

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Dongbeifang Big Bone Pot! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-27 17:36:21 From Xi'an, Shaanxi Province  61.185.163*
  • I want to be a franchisee

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Dongbeifang Big Bone Pot! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-25 11:44:41 From Shandong Province  39.71.174*
  • Hello, what's the franchise fee of Xikou, Fenghua

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Dongbeifang Big Bone Pot! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-25 06:56:39 From Zhangjiagang, Suzhou, Jiangsu  49.78.41*
  • Understand the conditions and policies for joining

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Dongbeifang Big Bone Pot! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-13 10:12:08 From Jiangsu [Telecom]  49.94.67*
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Friendly tip: The content of this page is only for reference. In order to reduce investment risk, we suggest you to do more investigation, consultation and comparative analysis before investment. Some brands are not open for franchise, please refer to the official information of the brand.

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