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Dazhuang bamboo floor
  • Franchise industry:

    Building materials>flooring

  • Suitable for:

    Free Entrepreneurship On the job Investment Online Shop

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:

    Agency franchise cooperation

  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:

    five hundred and sixty-three

  • Investment amount: 200000~500000


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Dazhuang bamboo floor Introduction to joining
 Dazhuang Bamboo Flooring
Dazhuang Bamboo and Wood Flooring is affiliated to the company, integrating bamboo interior decoration application/bamboo architecture and landscape application/bamboo overall engineering solution/bamboo technology application, major A brand engaged in the research, development and utilization of bamboo resources. The company is the domestic operation platform of Dazhuang brand.
The company was founded by Lin Hai, the chairman of the board of directors, in 1993. It has 1100 hectares of high-yield bamboo forest bases in the mainland, and has set up six branches in various places, including rough processing and deep processing of bamboo materials. The company is located in Xinhe Village, Linpu Town, Xiaoshan District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province. Main business: production and sales of bamboo products such as flooring.
Dazhuang brand, founded in 1993, is an early high-tech brand engaged in the research, development and utilization of bamboo resources. It has provided integrated bamboo application solutions, products and services to more than 40 countries and regions around the world. A large number of practice cases have accumulated the experience of providing various high-quality products and services under different climatic environments and different consumption needs.
Dazhuang flooring has always been established with the development concept of green, science and technology, and environmental protection. Dazhuang flooring is made of bamboo, which has been treated with high temperature and anti-corrosion treatment to make it comparable to solid wood flooring. Dazhuang's product line includes bamboo flooring, bamboo wood composite flooring, bamboo lines, bamboo furniture boards, bamboo curtains and bamboo decorative materials. With the continuous updating of design concept, bamboo decoration is more and more popular.
Dazhuang integrates R&D, production and sales in four major fields, namely, bamboo interior decoration application, bamboo architecture and landscape application, bamboo overall engineering solutions, and bamboo science and technology application. The purpose and function of bamboo will be developed from simple indoor use to fireproof bamboo, anti-corrosion outdoor bamboo and high-strength mechanical materials. It has been successfully used in more than 1000 famous projects, such as Nanjing Youth Olympic Park, Wuxi Grand Theater, Shandong Grand Theater, Shenzhen Vanke Headquarters Building, Madrid International Airport in Spain, BMW car interior, wind turbine blades and domestic and foreign commercial and leisure places.
The enterprise cooperates with domestic and foreign design companies, real estate enterprises and other powerful enterprises, and designs with domestic and foreign designers master One to one service, driven by technology creation and supported by high-quality products of international standard, has been continuously established and practiced in outdoor, fire prevention, acoustics, static electricity and other scientific and technological fields, and has won unanimous praise and many honors from designers and consumers.
The enterprise has always adhered to the principle of "providing the world with green environmental protection and health" quality The concept of "bamboo products" takes the combination of science and technology and sustainable economic development as the company's business foundation. Making full use of the abundant bamboo resources, science and technology were created to expand new areas of bamboo utilization, which promoted the sustainable development of the bamboo industry, protected and saved wood, improved the shortage of wood resources, and dedicated to seeking a balance between economic development and environmental protection.
Corporate culture of Dazhuang flooring:
Establish an enterprise culture of pursuit, faithfulness and people-oriented, and become the concept of the whole company's employees, educate and cultivate people, and create better development opportunities for employees; Make contributions to the development of local society, culture and economy.
Dazhuang bamboo floor Franchise advantages
 Dazhuang Bamboo Flooring
  1。 The preferential policies enable dealers to obtain rich cash, fully support the interests of franchisees, support their efforts, and give incentives and rewards according to the number of targets exceeded. National chain store brand effect, regional targeted advertising support. major CIS image design and exclusive store design provide free services such as display design, image design, display design, construction drawing, budget, on-site construction guidance disclosure, acceptance, etc. for franchisees, as well as daily display adjustment design, provide corresponding store decoration subsidies, and charge 50% of the sample fee according to the store area, The display samples listed in the display of the franchised store must be operated for more than one year to reach the sales target;
  2。 Regular marketing personnel of franchisee major Training: free on-site training and guidance before opening, regular training of operating skills, salesperson reception skills, products major Knowledge, store display layout, market forecast development, management process, financial management, etc., and improve/increase relevant personnel to carry out adaptive training and daily training before opening in standard stores. The headquarters unifies the logistics distribution center, improves/increases the rapid commodity distribution, and meets the distribution needs of the first tier market. major Marketing guides dealers to carry out marketing, constantly provides diagnosis for dealers, timely adjusts products and marketing strategies, and improves/increases the benign operation of franchisees. Provide uniform clothing, product samples and product display shelves, as well as exclusive brands and certificates for employees of national stores. The company plans opening publicity, holds national large-scale activities every year to improve brand reputation, and provides necessary corporate publicity materials and promotional materials when opening stores or holding major events. Information sharing support, the company shares product and company information with all dealers on the website.
Dazhuang bamboo floor Franchise conditions
1. Abide by the relevant provisions of laws and regulations, and have independent legal personality or natural person over the age of 18.
2. Recognize the brand management concept, and aspire to jointly develop the sushi king business.
3. Have certain economic strength and ability.
4. It has legal business premises and complies with various laws and regulations.
5. Comply with the price unification policy of the headquarters, and other Management specifications.
6. Good reputation, cheerful and positive personality, and affinity.
7. With long-term development vision and organizational management ability, with a fighting spirit and a strong desire for success.
Dazhuang bamboo floor Franchise process
1. Customer consulting company and brand related information, preliminary understanding.
2. Regional managers visit customers and introduce companies and products.
3. Customers visit the company to deeply understand and discuss the joining matters.
4. The customer shall fill in the application form for joining, submit copies of ID card, business license and store lease contract, and submit them to the company for review.
5. Company review adopt Franchise application.
6. Sign the franchise contract, the franchisee will pay to the company, and the account of the franchisee will be opened.
7. Franchisees submit shop drawings, and the company is responsible for designing decoration construction drawings and budget.
8. Both parties confirm the design drawings and budget, start decoration, and the regional manager will supervise.
9. Franchisees deliver goods, and the regional manager assists in preparation for opening, and conducts opening training and coaching.
10. The company supports the opening of dealers.

Dazhuang bamboo floor Joining dynamics


Dazhuang bamboo floor Related questions and answers


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  • If you are interested in joining, please call back to discuss in detail

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    Dear, thank you for your attention to Dazhuang bamboo flooring! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-15 21:43:48 From China  39.167.181*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; About forty or fifty thousand yuan.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Dazhuang bamboo flooring! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-13 18:47:02 From Sichuan Province  60.255.230*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; Twenty thirty.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Dazhuang bamboo flooring! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-13 18:31:45 From Jiangsu Province  49.86.82*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; About 10 million.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Dazhuang bamboo flooring! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-12 18:05:17 From Guizhou Tongren  60.162.128*
  • Please provide the telephone number of the service provider

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Dazhuang bamboo flooring! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-08 16:50:42 From Gansu Province  42.91.9*
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