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Egg 23 Noodles
  • Franchise industry:

    Catering>Chongqing Noodles

  • Suitable for:

    Additional items of free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment in existing companies

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:

    Franchise of distribution agent

  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:

    two hundred

  • Investment amount: 200000~500000


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Egg 23 Noodles Introduction to joining

 Egg 23 Small Noodles

Dan er san noodles evolved from Sichuan Dandan noodles. It is said that it has a history. As a famous snack in Sichuan cuisine, it is famous for its flavor. After the reform and opening up, the quality and taste of the small noodles of Egg 2 and Egg 3 have been greatly improved, among which the supply in the alleys is particularly distinctive: a pot, a liquefied gas tank, several tables, and several chairs. The condiments are complete, and there are tools in each condiment. The noodle soup in the pot is boiling and steaming. The shouts in the alley and the fragrance wafting from here cause those passers-by to stop and can't help saying that they are delicious! Egg 2 and 3 noodles in the morning are the main varieties of Chongqing breakfast. They are no inferior to western fast food in terms of convenience, taste and price.
For Chongqing people and outsiders who have lived in Chongqing, the small side of the egg is an important symbol in the life of the city, and also an important part of Chongqing complex. Dan er san noodles is a snack with a history of more than ten years and distinctive Chongqing characteristics. The company's egg two three noodles are both economical and delicious, so they are very suitable for the consumption of people with a fast pace of life, and also an ideal choice for migrant people to eat out.
Our company makes all kinds of authentic Chongqing noodles with various kinds of eggs, rice noodles, hot and sour noodles and Laoma Wonton noodles. The company's egg noodles have the flavor characteristics of spicy, spicy, fresh, color, fragrance and taste, which make people unforgettable and never tire of eating them for a long time. The Company's Egg Two Three Noodles is a Han style snack originated in the mountain city of Chongqing. It has its own technology and strong local characteristics, which can meet people's multiple needs, get rid of the catering situation of single dishes, and has more income generating advantages. The company has a wide range of small noodle brand products to meet the needs of different groups. The company has joined in with two or three small noodles. The experience is not important, there is no need for a chef, the selection of materials is easy, the operation is flexible, and three meals a day can generate income.
The company has always been committed to joining the specialty catering business, providing diners with more nutritious, healthier, more economical, more appetizing and modern delicious food. Extend cooking technology, research and develop classic and creative food, sort out and declare products, operate the personal network advantages of their own full-time skilled talents, and carry out kitchen contract management. With a strong team of chefs, full-time service personnel and experienced kitchen managers as the core team, the small side of Dan 23 strives to build an outstanding catering center and provide opening planning for cooperative stores. Egg 2 and 3 noodles break through the fixed pattern of traditional fast food with single dishes and old-fashioned service, introduce egg 2 and 3 noodles with rich dishes and balanced nutrition, and advocate special nutrition and healthy catering. We are looking forward to your joining!
Egg 23 Noodles Franchise advantages

 Egg 23 Small Noodles

1. Save money
More stable operation. The unified process operation of the second and third noodles of eggs eliminates the need for full-time chefs, high wages and a large number of chefs.
2. Save manpower
In terms of personnel, this project does not need to consume too much human resources. Egg 23 small fabric bag standardization, quantitative operation. Less kitchens, less cooks.
3. Save time
The cooking time of delicious food is shorter, so customers don't have to wait for a long time, so they are naturally more willing to patronize. All ingredients of Egg 2 and 3 noodles are prepared according to standardization, which saves queuing time, makes meals quick and turns tables quickly.
4. Saving process
The headquarters provides complete material support, so that operators can save a lot of time. The headquarters of Dan 23 noodles uniformly distributes the raw materials without going out to purchase every day. Only with support for quality and taste can business be supported.
5. Very popular
It is precisely because it can meet the pursuit of health and delicacy of the majority of diners that it has brought good popularity. The ingredients are universal, the turnover rate is high, the circulation is fast, the food is fresh and the food is healthy.
6. Strive to win public praise
After certain development, this brand has formed a qualified reputation in the market, which is nutritious and healthy. The small noodles of Egg 2 and Egg 3 cater to today's dietary fashion and fully meet people's needs for health and wellness.
7. Strength support
Our strength is stronger, and the project of operating eggs, small noodles and small noodles is more profitable. It is suitable for all seasons and profitable for all seasons. There is no off-season for nutritious food, so we can make full use of the space and make money in a short time.
Egg 23 Noodles Franchise conditions
1. Have the ability to independently bear civil liability, good conduct, and no criminal record.
2. Operators can accept the business model of franchising, and recognize and accept the brand concept and mission of "Dan Er San".
3. According to the franchise mode, it has certain project funds.
4. The location of some shops and qualified local social relations.
5. Willing to participate in the training of the headquarters and accept the management of the headquarters.
6. In the region where you are, having good contacts can expand your career well.
7. Have the management mind and awareness of brand supremacy and reputation, have the ability to adapt to the market and compete, have good execution ability and strong brand awareness.
Egg 23 Noodles Franchise process
1. Preliminary understanding
The operator can leave your contact information to have a preliminary understanding of the project.
2. Field investigation and understanding
In front of the second and third tier franchisees, they need to have a sufficient understanding of the brand, so franchisees should go to the franchise headquarters for field investigation.
3. Apply for joining
After recognizing the strength of Dan 23, the operators who decide to join can apply to the headquarters of Dan 23 to show their willingness to join.
4. Sign the contract
The franchisee who meets the headquarters' franchise qualification can sign a franchise contract.
5. Store location
Franchise applicants must have their own or rental stores in the local prosperous business district, and the stores need to be evaluated by the headquarters.
6. Shop decoration
According to the decoration scheme designed by the headquarters, the franchise stores will be decorated to increase the uniformity of franchise stores across the country.
7. Training
The headquarters provides strict and standardized systematic training for franchisees to increase the operation of franchise stores.
8. Opening preparation
Handle the business license and other relevant certificates, and then carry out the opening planning and early publicity preparation.
9. Grand opening
After all the preparations for opening, the grand opening will be held. After the official opening, the headquarters will follow up and guide the operation of the franchise stores in the whole process, and provide long-term operational support such as product upgrading, management optimization and technical training.

Egg 23 Noodles Joining dynamics


Egg 23 Noodles Related questions and answers


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  • WeChat is better

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the small side of the egg! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-24 02:52:08 From China  39.186.73*
  • Franchise standards and fees of county-level cities

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the small side of the egg! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-22 00:09:14 From Jiangsu Province  49.77.154*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; About 40000 to 70000 yuan.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the small side of the egg! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-19 13:16:58 From Henan Province  42.232.207*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; More than 2000 square meters.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the small side of the egg! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-13 06:07:49 From Baoding City, Hebei Province  59.109.152*
  • I want to join, please contact me as soon as possible

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the small side of the egg! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-13 04:05:35 From Zhanjiang City, Guangdong Province  42.85.83*
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