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Caiye Golden Shredded Beef Cake
  • Franchise industry:


  • Suitable for:

    Additional items of free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment in existing companies

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:

    Franchise of distribution agent

  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:


  • Investment amount: 50000~100000 yuan


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Caiye Golden Shredded Beef Cake Introduction to joining
 Caiye Golden Shredded Beef Cake
  Caiye Golden Shredded Beef Cake is a good snack bar in Hangzhou, and it is sought after by consumers with its outstanding taste. The dough of Caiye golden shredded beef cake is kneaded by hand, which improves the taste of the cake. The serving rate of Caiye golden shredded beef pie is relatively high. It only takes a few minutes from mixing noodles, filling, rolling, and then entering the oven to send steaming beef pie to you. Now, in order to achieve faster development of the brand, Caiye Jinsi Beef Cake has officially opened its franchise. We welcome people with lofty ideals to join us and create a better future. The beef patty looks ordinary and even gives people a greasy feeling, but actually it doesn't taste like it. Its outer skin is as thin as a piece of paper, its taste is crisp, its interior is soft and delicate, its layers are rich, oil is not greasy, and its fragrance is unique. It is really "as thin as a knife in autumn, its shape is like a full moon, and its falling beads are scattered with jade pieces, and its taste is endless"!
The "heart" of Caiye Golden Shredded Beef Pie: the filling is the core "heart" part of the pie. The good filling comes from the strict selection standards, but also from the constant creation of taste experience. The research and development personnel of Caiye Golden Shredded Beef Pie have gathered inspiration from all over the country. When they arrive at each place, they will wantonly enjoy the local special food, keep the taste in mind, devote themselves to research, and eventually ingeniously integrate the exotic delicacies with the traditional pie. According to different tastes, they will select the filling base materials, add unique sauces, and use different production processes such as roasting, baking, frying, etc, Create the beauty of taste. It is the "shape" of the golden beef pie: every pie subverting the taste in the "heart" is rich with layers of heart and mind, and each new style is matched with each new style. The unique processing technology enables diners to satisfy their taste buds, and at the same time, their vision is fully satisfied and curious!
Honesty is the concept of "Caiye golden beef cake", and advanced quality is the basic purpose of "Caiye golden beef cake". We look forward to working with you to set sail and create a broader cause, and do our best to make your cooperation obtain greater expansion opportunities. If you shine, we can also share a light!
Caiye Golden Shredded Beef Cake Franchise advantages
 Caiye Golden Shredded Beef Cake
  1. Brand advantages
The strong brand reputation of the headquarters and the nationwide advertising support have established an extraordinary corporate image, so franchisees can obtain strong brand backing.
2. Product advantages
Caiye golden shredded beef patties have been highly recognized by countless consumers and have a good reputation, Caiye golden shredded beef cake The market prospect is very promising.
3. Technical advantages
A strong R&D team can keep the competitiveness of Caiye Golden Shredded Beef Cake for a long time, and introduce new products irregularly, providing new consumption hotspots for franchise stores.
4. Training advantages
   Caiye Jinsi Beef Pie Headquarters Regular training activities are supported, and different promotion schemes are formulated monthly according to the season and cultural system.
5. Service advantages
In order to improve the overall efficiency of the store and maintain the brand image, Caiye Golden Shredded Beef Cake The headquarters will help to solve the problems encountered by the franchisees of Caiye Jinsi Beef Pie.
6. Franchise advantages
According to different franchise capabilities and regions, Caiye Golden Shredded Beef Cake has designed a demand management model that covers different consumer groups.
Caiye Golden Shredded Beef Cake Franchise conditions
1. Franchisees must have the ability to operate independently and be formally registered;
2. Recognize the corporate culture and business system, and pay attention to corporate goodwill;
3. Have the operating capital strength that is compatible with the planned market operation scale;
4. Business area with convenient transportation;
5. Reliable service and after-sales service based on honesty and provided to consumers according to service standards.
Caiye Golden Shredded Beef Cake Franchise process
First step, apply for cooperation: learn about joining information through browsing website messages, telephone consultation or sending materials.
The second step is to determine the partnership: the staff of the franchise headquarters will contact you, compare, review, select, and determine the partnership.
Step three, investigation and demonstration: within one week after the cooperation relationship is determined, the franchisee shall submit the copies of business license, contact person ID card and company profile required for application, visit, investigate and negotiate at the headquarters, and understand the specific matters of project cooperation.
Step 4: sign an agreement: after reaching a consensus, formally determine the cooperation intention, sign a contract, pay relevant fees in time, input personal or enterprise information, and join the headquarters for unified filing and filing, ready to start preparations for operation.
The fifth step is grand opening: the opening plan that the franchise headquarters can guide and plan on site.

User consultation

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    Dear, thank you for your attention to Cheyenne's golden shredded beef pie! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-27 17:13:02 From Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province, China  39.168.129*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; WeChat contact, it is not convenient to answer the phone at work.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Cheyenne's golden shredded beef pie! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-22 20:56:10 From China  39.159.157*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; Add me WeChat

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Cheyenne's golden shredded beef pie! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-21 02:55:49 From Ningbo, Zhejiang Province  60.178.38*
  • I think it can be solved a little

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Cheyenne's golden shredded beef pie! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-18 18:16:10 From Tianjin  60.27.106*
  • Add WeChat and send information about the project.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Cheyenne's golden shredded beef pie! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-16 14:10:52 From Guangzhou, Guangdong Province  59.42.128*
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Friendly tip: The content of this page is only for reference. In order to reduce investment risk, we suggest you to do more investigation, consultation and comparative analysis before investment. Some brands are not open for franchise, please refer to the official information of the brand.

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