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Chuangxuan Robot
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  • Investment amount: 200000~500000


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Chuangxuan Robot Introduction to joining

Chuangxuan 08eR347v01x people -- let happy growth stimulate personality

  Achieve others, realize oneself, and create a beautiful life belonging to oneself

 Joined in by Chuangxuan 08eR347v01x  

  Five teaching modes, let children enjoy themselves and learn well

   1. Review

Reviewing the past and learning the new can be a teacher. Review the above and strengthen the connection so as to learn new knowledge better.

   2. Brainstorming

The amazing flow chart guidance mode promotes children's positive association while expanding their knowledge, so that they can easily handle any problem.

   3. Construction

Use teaching aids to build a world in your heart, and compare, analyze, optimize, and collaborate to gain successful experience.

   4. Team spirit

If people are united, Mount Tai will move. With directional guidance, challenging tasks and competitive grouping, you can enjoy it and learn from it.

   5. Show

Successful experience gets blowout like explosion at the moment of sharing. Build confidence, improve ability, show your style and show your true self!


  Chuangxuan 08eR347v01x Course Age Profile and Course Package Introduction

   2.5 years before childhood: Children of two and a half years old just have preliminary language expression ability. They use more body language to express their own ideas. The placement, arrangement and combination of super large granular building blocks at this age can exercise children's judgment, comparison and preliminary measurement ability, so that they can deepen their understanding of things around them, so as to make all kinds of comprehensive development and lay a solid foundation for the next stage.

   A Explore the world: Exploring the World: Put and build Lego bricks, understand the characteristics of Lego bricks, and learn to use them. Exercise the children's development of big sports and fine movements in the form of games and role plays, try to use Lego bricks to spell out the world they know, know their own lives, understand their bodies, and know basic life knowledge.

   B Animal partner: "Animal Companion" is to explore the animal world, understand various animals, and understand their living environment characteristics and habits, understand the relationship between man and nature, know the importance of animal partners in life to human beings, preliminarily understand the biological chain, know the meaning of natural enemies, camouflage and other words, and stimulate the exploration and love of life and nature by recognizing animals.


   3 years old before childhood+: Children around three years old have just acquired the initial language ability and expression ability. They can use their own language to express their simple cognition of things and their own needs. According to their age characteristics and physiological development characteristics, they focus on cultivating their abilities of eye hand brain heart coordination, language expression, spatial perception, experience life, and stimulate emotion. They stimulate creativity in the process of independent construction, respect children's ideas, stimulate curiosity and curiosity, so that children's nature can be fully developed and enjoy the joy of learning in construction. Give me the building blocks, and I can create a world.

   A My world: My World allows children to go out of their homes and know the world around them. In this process, they interact with different virtual characters, give full play to their cognitive and imaginative abilities, and let children find the beauty of life through fun, inspiring and cultivating children's good qualities of honesty, kindness and courage.

   B Wonderful fairyland: Wonderful Fantasy describes a fairy tale world for children to travel in, build and let them understand the story and learn to retell, explore the difference between the imaginary world and the real world in the game, enrich vocabulary, develop oral ability, learn performance, enhance self-confidence, and improve interpersonal skills.

   C Dream pipeline: The Dream Pipeline is to understand and master the simple scientific knowledge of the pipeline, learn some input and output models during the construction, understand the knowledge of the direction and direction, open the creativity, build the pipeline reasonably, build the abstract objects into real objects, and cultivate the children's ability to cooperate with each other.

   D Magic Travel: "Magic Travel" uses building blocks to create and build, and initially learns structural analysis. It applies the basic building methods learned to practical creation, and cultivates children's aesthetic outlook and creation ability.


   4+: As children grow up from the age of three to four, their various abilities are initially acquired. Bone development promotes their strength to become stronger and stronger. Their exploration ability and curiosity develop rapidly. They are no longer limited to plane and three-dimensional construction. They begin to consciously explore various wonderful objects, explore the internal rationality, and create and build with ideas while imitating. They will explore the meaning of what they see and think, and combine it with the fairy tale world to think independently and reproduce the life scene in a way that simulates, replaces, restores and changes. Children in this period are very sensitive to colors, numbers, shapes and rules, and can express them in an orderly way. It is a critical period for knowledge enlightenment.

   A City tour: "City Tour" is to show the life scenes of the city, including clothing, food, housing, transportation, and building blocks, to help children understand and describe their role in urban community life, understand the city and love life.

   B City beautician: The Urban Beautician is to understand the combination of screwdrivers and special blocks, build common things in life, improve children's understanding of the use of engineering combination blocks, exercise their ability to cooperate with their hands, and stimulate children's curiosity.

   C Qiqu Life: Curious Life uses Lego's special building blocks and screwdrivers to create works with complex structures, including insects, vehicles, etc., on the basis of understanding them, so as to cultivate children's patience and ability to find and solve problems.

   The secret of D number: The Mystery of Numbers is a Lego building block that understands simple mathematical concepts, such as length, width, height, perimeter, area, volume, probability, etc., explores the laws of nature and the world, and measures, compares, and analyzes the correspondence between quantity and space.


   5+: The brain structure of five year old children has been quite mature, and their psychological and physiological development has gradually improved. They are no longer limited to what they see and hear. More importantly, they will explore and delve into what they are confused or interested in after thinking, and can use various tools to try. Common tools and electrical models in the course guide children to pay attention to common scientific knowledge in life, use some principles to guide children to carry out simple applications, and build by hand to strengthen the accumulation and application of knowledge and experience in life knowledge, so that their quietly budding scientific research heart can thrive on fertile soil.

   A Colorful Paradise: Amusement Park allows children to explore various interesting amusement facilities, observe their working forms, discover the mysteries and principles of the amusement facilities on the premise of understanding their play methods, and combine simple mechanical principles under the guidance of the classroom to create and restore interesting amusement projects.

   B Beautiful home: Beautiful Home enables children to understand the simple results and mechanical devices, restore the construction, and solve the problems in the construction process on the premise of understanding the appearance of things around them, and then come to a certain understanding of mechanical concepts, and develop the basic ability and mentality to solve problems.

  C Scientific exploration: "Science Exploration" is to let children contact more common technologies in life so that they can learn more about mechanical knowledge and common sense, further find, find and solve problems in the process of restoration and construction, and improve the overall logical problem-solving ability.

   D Competitive time: "Competitive Moment" has a better understanding of various sports events, deeper cognition and understanding of their internal physical principles, finding and solving problems, reasonably creating, well building, and naturally learning the basic concepts of physics, mathematics and science.


   6+: Children around the age of six have been learning in kindergarten for nearly three years, and various basic abilities have been developed. They can systematically analyze the world in their eyes and try to find the process of similarities and differences between things. In the process of exploring natural things and using mathematics to solve real life problems, children not only gain rich perceptual experience and fully develop image thinking, but also initially try to summarize, sort, judge, reason and gradually develop logical thinking ability, laying the foundation for in-depth learning in other fields. In the course, teachers guide students to observe, compare, operate, experiment and other methods, find and solve problems, and then form a reference, research and scientific learning ability.

   A Super engineer: Super Engineer observes different living objects, various models and functional vehicles, deepens the understanding of professional terms such as gear, acceleration and lever, understands their structure and working principle, and improves children's ability to analyze, judge and restore.

   B Dazzling era: After having a deeper understanding of gear series, the Founding Times added turbine device and rubber belt pulley drive to learn to compare, analyze, optimize and conceive, so as to improve the creativity and optimization ability.

   C Explore the ocean: Exploring the Ocean is a background story of exploring the ocean, which guides students to gradually understand all kinds of knowledge related to navigation. At the same time, a wide range of special building blocks stimulate children's imagination, so as to build unique and creative things related to navigation.

  D Around the world: Traveling around the World initially contacted small building blocks, laying a good foundation for 7+. The restoration and optimization of the construction of famous buildings and scenic spots around the world make the world smaller in children's eyes, so that they have more room to expand their imagination.


   7 years after school+: Seven year old children have not only entered another watershed of life in terms of age and physiological characteristics, but more importantly, the environment has changed, and the environment determines life. After entering the primary school stage, under the influence of the new environment and new rules, students have more concentration, stronger learning and imitation ability, richer imagination, and can accept more abstract knowledge than children. As a result, children at school age can complete more elaborate and complex construction on the basis of mastering these knowledge, and later use these knowledge to make more exquisite works. They can not only observe, analyze, imitate, obtain doubts and solve problems by themselves, but more importantly, they can carry out more reasonable mutual assistance and cooperation.

    A Structure: On the basis of preliminary understanding and use of small particle building blocks, the "Structure Exploration" allows children to add mechanics and early structure, understand the internal composition of specific buildings, observe and analyze, reasonably select teaching aids, restore and build, and learn scientific knowledge according to the characteristics and shapes of things.

   B Low carbon life: Low Carbon Life mainly studies electric energy, wind energy, hydro energy and solar energy. Through continuous activities, children can explore power and energy, understand the role of energy and its significance for human beings, and what kind of ways we will carry out energy conversion.

   C Mechanical mystery: The Mystery of Machinery guides children into advanced mechanical courses to learn how to make 08eR347v01x move, how to select transmission modes, and how to adjust speed changes, so that they can continue to explore in the process of building, find and solve problems one by one.

   D Mechanical principle: On the basis of Mechanical Mystery I, Principles of Machinery contacts more complex and cumbersome construction, deeply explores its internal principle, grasps scientific principles such as gear connection and synchronization, and measures distance, adjusts, optimizes, tries out and remembers to make the construction more accurate.


   8 years after school+: Eight year old children have their own way of observation, thinking and analysis. They no longer passively accept knowledge. On the basis of solving problems, they have a step-by-step and progressive way of thinking and solving problems, and gradually form their own exclusive routines. Children's vision is getting bigger and bigger, and the world in front of them is more colorful. In order to meet their curiosity and exploration, they write new machines to help children have enough ability to understand the world, change the world, and master more abilities. They will use different cooperation methods with different partners to create their own achievements and gain more brilliant success experience.

   A Survival challenge: "Survival Challenge" combines small stories one by one to constantly set up difficulties, find problems and design solutions rationally, so that children can continuously improve their awareness, design their own solutions reasonably and experience the happiness of successful activities in the process of learning and building.

  B Aerodynamics: Aerodynamics The conversion of power components opens a new door for students and gives them more space. There are more fantastic ideas to build a successful aerodynamic device. It makes them feel that science is not so profound and can be easily completed by themselves.

  C Compound machinery:《 Compound machinery After understanding the principles of gears, pulleys, vehicles, levers, etc., knowledge needs to be integrated and sorted out. Therefore, in this link, children will use the knowledge they have learned to carry out full creation, restoration and construction, and design, discuss, try to build and optimize the whole process.

    D Program enlightenment: After the program enlightenment has a relatively systematic foundation and Lego basic structure, children should learn simple programming in the program enlightenment, so that the works they build are no longer controlled by switches, and they can connect computers to control the works in their own ways, so as to achieve quality improvement.

   9 years after school+: Children aged nine and above, supported by a strong knowledge system, have formed a strong desire to learn and create, and are not satisfied with the knowledge brought by the school environment. While their behavior habits, learning habits, knowledge and skills and other indicators are growing rapidly and steadily, in order to meet the needs of high-tech, intelligent, 08eR347v01x people in the information age, students understand the development and application of 08eR347v01x people, understand the concept and working methods of 08eR347v01x people, To lay a qualified foundation for future 08eR347v01x people's technology learning is an important link for students to improve their scientific literacy, as well as an important skill to enhance their personal and even the overall competitiveness. They will display their style by virtue of various good and advanced technology platforms.

   A08eR347v01x human foundation I: 08eR347v01x Human Foundation I found a new game mode together and used new teaching aids. It has all the characteristics of a human being. It's amazing that he can hear, read and write, sing and dance, and follow your ideas. 08eR347v01x Human Foundation gives students a new space to solve problems accurately and complete tasks.

   B08eR347v01x Human Foundation II: 08eR347v01x Human Foundation II designed and built 08eR347v01x people to experience the application of high-tech knowledge such as primary physics, mathematics, machinery, etc., graphical programming, intuitive image, and easier understanding. Learn three-dimensional learning, program construction ideas, self acquire knowledge, and solve problems creatively.

   C08eR347v01x people Advanced I: The 08eR347v01x People Advanced I builds a full function 08eR347v01x people for games and competitions, experiences different functions of 08eR347v01x people in groups, and designs 08eR347v01x people with special functions, so that every child can find their own challenges and get successful experiences.

   D08eR347v01x Advanced II: 08eR347v01x Advanced II lays the foundation for preliminary participation in various competitions, systematizes and sets the task, gives students different teaching aids and problems, chooses different ways and builds, completes the same task, finds suitable teammates, optimizes the building ideas, and makes themselves qualified for the competition.

Chuangxuan Robot Franchise advantages

 Joined by Chuangxuan Robot

   Four major joining support, so that you can join without worry
   1. Preparation support: Market survey assessment, site selection analysis, decoration guidance, license handling, financial accounting, human recruitment;
   2. Opening support: Full post training, material purchase, promotion scheme, opening plan, and store guidance;
   3. Operation support: CRM management system, online training system, franchisee operation meeting, teaching supervision;
   4. Later support: National brand promotion, characteristic theme activity planning, headquarters assignment support, teaching plans, teaching aids and derivative product updates.

     Diversified training, one-to-one education, five major supports and comprehensive assistance
   1. Brand support: Brand new Chuangxuan Research Institute, training camp, strategic cooperation and promotion (51job, Global Alliance Network, Toutiao Today, Baidu, Academy of Juvenile Sciences, Maritime Museum), brand upgrading;
   2. Operation support: Equipped with professional education management practice team, developed standardized and standardized operation mode, and regularly planned market activities;
   3. Course system: Based on the "smooth flow theory", the diversified intelligent curriculum design aims to induce, support and strengthen children's potential and creativity;
  4. Teaching research and development: It has a professional teaching and research team, providing professional, systematic and perfect curriculum system for 2-12 years old;
   5. Training support: Provide diversified and multifaceted professional knowledge and operation management training;
   6. Visual recognition system: Unified brand visual image;
   7. Marketing support: National brand image promotion, marketing strategy, public welfare activities;
   8. Personality support: One to one education.

Chuangxuan Robot Franchise conditions
  Franchise conditions:
1. Recognize Chuangxuan's educational management philosophy and management model;
2. Love children and preschool education;
3. Have certain joining strength and qualified joining mentality;
4. Have business management experience and marketing ability.
Chuangxuan Robot Franchise process
   Franchise process:
1. Project consultation: asking for project information, intention negotiation and headquarters investigation;
2. Cooperation application: submit the letter of intent to join, provide personal and financial background information, and the headquarters will review it;
3. Contract signing: both parties determine the cooperation intention and sign the cooperation contract;
4. Campus preparation: the headquarters assists in site selection research, determines the decoration scheme, unifies the decoration standard, and handles the industrial and commercial tax certificate;
5. Opening guidance: participate in the headquarters' creative training camp (marketing, sales, teaching, educational administration, management), support the headquarters' operation supervisor to the store, warm up the trial operation publicity, and officially open the business;
6. Regular operation: unified CRM management system, online training system, regular updating of teaching and research, regular shop tour guidance.

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