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Fashionable products
  • Franchise industry:

    Home>Household Products

  • Suitable for:

    Free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment

  • Origin of the brand:


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  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:

    three hundred and thirty-two

  • Investment amount: 100000~200000


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Fashionable products Introduction to joining

 Chaoshang premium products join

Introduction to Chaoshang premium brands

Guangzhou Qibocai International Trade Co., Ltd. has formed a strategic partnership with Chaoshang Life International Enterprise Group in South Korea to take over its business in an all-round way, marking the beginning of market expansion of Chaoshang Premium. Guangzhou Qibocai International Trade has demonstrated the deep integration and deep balance of brand, marketing, market, procurement, consumption and other business elements to perfection. The company has built a new fashion eiPof8vu3ox platform with era competitiveness based on Internet thinking, opened up and established the O2O architecture of online and offline integration, focused on brand building, and paid more attention to corporate brand building while focusing on corporate development. Extensive brand publicity has been carried out in CCTV and various satellite TV stations, which has gained a certain popularity among consumers. In the follow-up development, the perfect brand strategy of Chaoshang Premium Leisure Department Store will continue to follow up and build a leisure department store brand.

Chaoshang Youpin provides kitchen, daily necessities, bathroom, stationery, toys, childcare, decoration, beauty, cosmetics, household, computer supplies, mountaineering, sports, electrical lighting, automotive supplies, etc., with more than 30000 products. Chaoshang Premium Leisure Department Store builds a fashionable eiPof8vu3ox platform with era competitiveness based on Internet thinking, and opens up and establishes an O2O architecture integrating online and offline. The trinity of e-commerce online shopping mall, mobile Internet WeChat platform and physical stores has attracted many friends to inquire about the joining fee of Chaoshang premium products by virtue of the "ten in one", "three in one" model and good supply channels. Chaoshang Premium provides operators with opening guidance, and implements pre opening store manager training, management training, self owned process plan training, promotion training, etc. to improve their ability. Chaoshang Premium Headquarters strictly implements the regional protection policy, reduces vicious competition, and improves/increases the benign development between stores and regional markets. It is a rare good project.


Is it reliable to join in trendy products

Every material, every line, every function, every color, and every product of Chaoshang premium products are striving for perfection and perfection. The humanized design takes into account the harmony and unity of vision, hearing, touch and function, so the fashionable and high-quality goods are practical, simple, elegant, green and low-carbon. Price positioning between a few yuan and a hundred yuan, firmly grasp the 18-35 year-old petty bourgeoisie, white-collar consumers!

How about joining Chaoshang premium products

Chaoshang premium products can open a franchise store, and the whole store output mode can save effort and effort to start a business. It can also act as an agent for one area, without rent and business, and collect franchise fees. Fashionable high-quality products, fast fashion life cast, for people to bring simple, beautiful life. In the home of Chaoshang high-quality products, there are excellent R&D personnel, management personnel, service personnel, as well as domestic product marketers, designers, engineers, which are the inexhaustible power for the growth and development of the enterprise. Now choosing Chaoshang Premium is more about choosing a quality of life. The whole process of nanny support makes entrepreneurship inexhaustible. Entrepreneurship starts from Chaoshang Premium.

How much is the franchise fee for Chaoshang premium products

Because the headquarters has set up its own production base, now the market of brands is expanding faster. Chaoshang Premium Headquarters also wants to better develop the franchise stores. The current franchise costs 100000 yuan, mainly including the purchase cost of goods. During the period, the support for market operation and store preparation is given by the headquarters to the franchise stores. In addition, Chaoshang Premium is also very convenient for the development of stores. In addition, before the opening of the store, the headquarters will give away many shelves for the franchise stores, and the system already in operation will be used.

Fashionable products Franchise advantages

 Chaoshang premium products join

Advantages of Chaoshang premium products

1. Chaoshang Premium 10000 pieces

The designer carefully designs and integrates the current popular quality life micro department store elements, involving ten categories and ten thousand pieces. One stop shopping, famous products will be bought in the city!

2. Fashionable products, new styles

Fast fashion is the main trend, and new styles are introduced every week. Customers go shopping every day and every time. Bring trendy goods to the market and enjoy lifestyle.

3. Quality control of Chaoshang high-quality products

The famous product city cooperates with large domestic manufacturers. Although it is a ten yuan commodity, it still checks at all levels and can enter the market only after it is confirmed to be qualified.

4. Fashionable high-quality products with low price and high quality

Small department stores are worth 10 yuan each. Seeing is believing. They have become the trusted choice of consumers. Several goods are worth less than 100 yuan. Of course, customers always come to visit.

Fashionable products Franchise conditions

Conditions for joining Chaoshang premium products

1. An enterprise legal person or natural person has sufficient interest in operating the industry.

2. Recognize everything about the brand, including brand culture and business philosophy.

3. Corresponding financial strength that meets the needs of franchise.

4. Having a fixed place of business.

5. Actively implement and cooperate with the company's requirements and relevant policies.

6. Have certain business management ability and qualified business reputation.

Fashionable products Franchise process

 Chaoshang premium products join

How to join Chaoshang premium products

1、 Franchise consultation

Those who want to join can come to our center for tasting and investigation by mail, telephone, website or in person.

2、 Franchise application

You can submit the application for joining to our center if you have the appropriate joining ability, business ability and proper business appearance.

3、 Identify the Franchise Contract

The franchise contract is the cooperation rules that define the rights and obligations of both parties based on the principle of mutual benefit and common development. After the application is submitted by the franchisee and approved by our center, the franchisee shall sign the franchise contract, and the applicant shall pay the corresponding franchise fee (brand franchise usage fee, technology transfer fee) to our center at one time according to the appearance level.

4、 Uniform facade decoration

After the signing of the franchise contract, the sub center entered into a tense stage of facade decoration. For the renderings and detailed construction drawings provided by our center free of charge, the franchisees actively organize the decoration construction within the specified time. Our center's engineering planning and design department can send personnel to the site according to the requirements of the franchisees to carefully assist in the implementation.

5、 Opening preparation

Make preparations before opening. The opening date is selected on holidays. It is recommended to choose Friday instead of Monday when opening. You can invite local leaders, celebrities, relatives and friends to attend the opening ceremony, or apply to our center to send personnel to attend the opening marketing activities. After the normal opening, you can provide long-term free new technology and new product upgrading services, so that you can operate safely.

6、 Follow up services

Our center provides long-term follow-up business guidance and consultation for all franchisees, and provides free printed documents and POP posters, business authorization, qualification certificates, etc. required for opening. After a period of trial operation, the center officially opens.

Fashionable products Joining dynamics


Fashionable products Related questions and answers


User consultation

  • Want to know about this brand

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Chaoshang premium products! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-17 07:59:54 From Shandong Province  39.73.167*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; About two or three watts.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Chaoshang premium products! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-16 15:00:49 From Fushun, Liaoning  42.248.62*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; 60000 to 70000.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Chaoshang premium products! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-15 03:55:48 From Jiujiang, Jiangxi [Mobile]  39.168.138*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; 3-5 million.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Chaoshang premium products! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-13 01:48:52 From Guangzhou, Guangdong Province  59.41.147*
  • How much is the franchise fee

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Chaoshang premium products! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-06 12:18:39 From Baiyin District, Baiyin City, Gansu Province  42.90.69*
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Friendly tip: The content of this page is only for reference. In order to reduce investment risk, we suggest you to do more investigation, consultation and comparative analysis before investment. Some brands are not open for franchise, please refer to the official information of the brand.

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