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[Chuan Shuo Seafood Barbecue] Chuan Shuo Seafood Barbecue

  • Industry Restaurant > barbecue
  • Total number of stores fifty home
  • Investment amount 50000~100000 yuan
  • Franchise region whole country
  • Origin of the brand Chaoyang District of Beijing City
  • Date of establishment 2018-02-27
  • management model Agency, franchise, cooperation, free chain, direct sale, others
  • Suitable for people Free entrepreneurship
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What are the advantages of joining a seafood grill

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  • Chuan said the advantages of joining a seafood barbecue shop:

       Seven star marketing compound income generation
    ·Unified VIS standard, free image design in the whole process, unified opening support to ensure the success of opening operation
    ·Unified product distribution, free clothing advertising support, unified sales model, and full business promotion guidance
    ·Three dimensional media bombardment, full brand promotion, unified service supply, product return and replacement without worrying about service
       8 advantages of franchise operation
    1. Reduce entrepreneurship and increase the chances of success.
    2. Franchisees can get systematic management training and business assistance.
    3. Franchisees can purchase goods in a centralized manner, reduce costs, improve/increase the supply of goods, and have the same taste.
    4. Franchisees can use unified trademarks and standardized services.
    5. Franchisees can reduce advertising expenses.
    6. Franchisees can easily obtain distribution support from the franchise headquarters.
    7. Franchisees can obtain the distribution area protection of the chain headquarters.
    8. Franchisees can obtain a wider range of information sources.
       Focusing on details and demanding intelligent dining experience
       Every dining detail is the origin of creation
    Chuan said that from the store design, to lighting, to color, all strive for perfection. Dining chairs, oven tableware, and even the packaging of a spoon have all been continuously polished.
       Ultra high requirements, only for safety and convenience
    In the selection of lunch boxes, Chuan said that the aluminum foil lunch boxes selected by more than 20 world-famous airlines were in line with the strict inspection standards of the European Union, only to make the tableware healthier and safer when customers eat.
       Intelligent restaurant makes dining more comfortable
    Chuan said that the seafood barbecue has introduced an intelligent catering system, where customers can order, place orders and settle accounts independently, eliminating the interference of service personnel and making it more convenient.