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Yuncheng He Family Steamed Bun
  • Franchise industry:


  • Suitable for:

    Additional items of free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment in existing companies

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:

    Franchise of distribution agent

  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:

    one hundred

  • Investment amount: 50000~100000 yuan


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Yuncheng He Family Steamed Bun Introduction to joining
 Yuncheng He Jia Zhuang Mo Joins
According to legend, when Emperor Qianlong passed Liangshan on his southern tour, he asked the He family what they had to eat, and the government recommended the "Water Margin Dazhuang steamed bun". At that time, Dazhuang steamed bun was only made of layers of oil, and the chef of the He family added some meat to the steamed bun for the sake of dignity and dignity. After being praised by Qianlong, Dazhuang steamed bun was transformed magnificently. Over the next few hundred years, the technology of He Jia Zhuang steamed buns in Yuncheng has not changed much. "At that time, Zhuang steamed buns were all fried with mutton oil, and there was less meat." The technology of Zhuang steamed buns has been greatly improved in the past 20 years, and the frying has become deep fried, and the amount of beef and mutton seasoning is also increasing.
As the first family of He Jia Zhuang Mo in Yuncheng, He Jia Zhuang Mo in Yuncheng has witnessed the fate change of Zhuang Mo for more than 100 years. The stove of the He Family has supported five generations and a family, and the steamed buns of the He Family in Yuncheng have become the flavor of home in the memory of every He Family member. Yuncheng He Jia Zhuang steamed buns are crescent shaped, about 30cm in diameter, and have four layers of skin. The meat and flour fillings are mainly fresh beef, but some are vegetable fillings, such as leeks, eggs, etc., which are mixed with onions, ginger, vegetables, sesame oil and other kinds of pass on ingredients. The skin is the powder originally produced in southwest Shandong. After the panel surface and filling are packaged, it is fried in an iron pan. The temperature and time should be controlled properly. It can be eaten after several turns. The process of making Yuncheng He Jia Zhuang steamed buns includes mixing noodles, pressing skin, smearing meat, rolling balls, pressing evenly, and frying. Each process is completed by a specially assigned person. One of the techniques should not be underestimated. When the noodle temperature rises to 30 degrees, no hot water will be used, otherwise the taste will be affected; The quality of the roll affects the quality of the whole steamed bun; The control of oil temperature is the key to production. All the techniques are just right. The meat dumps of the steamed buns are arranged from the inside to the side, with clear layers, crisp outside and crisp inside.
Yuncheng He Family Steamed Bun is a delicacy that almost everyone in He Family cares about. What they taste is not only delicious food, but also profound nostalgia. Ordinary food materials have a smacking taste. The smell of steamed buns swirling in the mouth conveys the taste of home to those who are far away from home.
Yuncheng He Family Steamed Bun Franchise advantages
 Yuncheng He Jia Zhuang Mo Joins
Now the catering industry has a good development, and has great potential. Waiting for your participation, there are only steamed buns in Yuncheng He Family, and there are many kinds of steamed buns. It is a secret magic weapon to make delicious steamed buns. These ingredients must be added to steamed buns and heated for a period of time before they can be steamed into a pot of delicious steamed buns, At the same time, the staff of its operation department can make regular telephone return visits to its franchise stores to understand their sales situation and operating problems. After special discussion, solutions are drawn up. Joining is a good support.
We all love to eat steamed buns. Almost every family can eat steamed buns. It's also good to run a steamed bun shop. This famous steamed bun brand of He Jia Zhuang steamed bun in Yuncheng has created in the continuous development, independently developed and launched a proprietary formula, which has brought people different delicious enjoyment. At the same time, it caters to people's demands for food culture. Its products are fresh, fragrant, sweet and salty. The brand has also developed a set of standardized and perfect service system, giving targeted guidance and training to franchise stores.
In addition to the main steamed buns, Yuncheng He Jia Zhuang steamed bun store also added porridge products and snacks that are popular with young consumers, so that the sweet, salty, fresh and sweet taste can be matched together to complement each other. The marketing department of his brand uniformly upgrades the core system of each store, Moreover, the Corporate Planning Department regularly introduces the derivative projects of the brand core services for its franchisees. Because of the use of local production processes and raw materials, it has been recognized by consumers since its opening, and has a great influence in the local area.
Yuncheng He Jia Zhuang steamed buns search for classic steamed bun making techniques in various places, and then show the steamed buns to the public by steaming, boiling, kneading, and other methods. The products are not sullen, and retain the essence of food. Because the dishes are not disturbed by air, they are fresh as before, delicious and refreshing, and fully achieve the integration of sweet and sweet, the usefulness of fresh, soft and tender, high nutrition and small fat, And it also has a convenient business platform and efficient logistics distribution system, so that all raw materials can quickly reach the franchise stores of this brand, so it is favored by people.
Yuncheng He Family Steamed Bun Franchise conditions
Conditions for joining Yuncheng He Jia Zhuang Mo:
1. Having legal person status or legal business qualification.
2. Have a strong sense of career, and can deal with the problem of joining normally.
3. They can identify with the culture, management and operation of the headquarters and are willing to devote themselves to the industry of He Jia Zhuang Mo in Yuncheng.
4. To join, you need to have certain economic strength and meet the requirements of capital joining before and after.
5. Have certain operation and management ability.
6. Able to accept the unified management mode of the headquarters and actively participate in the technical upgrading training of the headquarters.
Yuncheng He Family Steamed Bun Franchise process
Yuncheng He Jia Zhuang Mo's joining process:
1. Project consultation: have a general and comprehensive understanding of the project in various ways or channels.
2. Field visit: visit the headquarters to have in-depth communication with the receptionists and understand the company's operation. If you have certain financial strength and want to join the Yuncheng He Jia Zhuang Mo project, you can submit your personal basic information to the headquarters. After the company's review, you can sign a franchise agreement.
3. Franchise application: if the franchisee has no doubt about the company's project, it can provide the headquarters with basic information.
4. Sign a contract: Franchisee who meets the headquarters' franchise qualification can sign a franchise contract.
5. Confirm the business district and store address: the headquarters assists the partners to confirm the business district and site selection, so as to improve/increase the later operation of the franchise store.
6. Shop decoration: provide shop layout design drawings, provide shop image design specifications, and send relevant personnel to inspect and accept the shop decoration on site.
7. Headquarters training: the headquarters organizes franchisees to train relevant skills and learn necessary business management skills and marketing skills.
8. Opening preparation: the guidance of the Marketing Department on goods distribution and pre opening preparations. The headquarter assists the franchisee in opening, and gives operation guidance and assistance. After the official operation, the headquarter provides technical support and guidance such as store opening skills and promotion plans.

Yuncheng He Family Steamed Bun Joining dynamics


Yuncheng He Family Steamed Bun Related questions and answers


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  • Looking forward to the development of this platform

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to He Jia Zhuang Mo in Yuncheng! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-13 03:04:05 From China  39.186.77*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; 80000 to 100000.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to He Jia Zhuang Mo in Yuncheng! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-09 21:58:45 From Shandong Province  39.64.206*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; 20 to 40W.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to He Jia Zhuang Mo in Yuncheng! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-07 13:46:24 From Liaoning Province  42.84.161*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; 100000 yuan.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to He Jia Zhuang Mo in Yuncheng! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-06 03:05:10 From Jiangsu Huai'an [Telecom]  49.87.92*
  • How much is the machinery and equipment? How about the profit

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to He Jia Zhuang Mo in Yuncheng! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-05 01:44:20 From Henan Province  42.224.14*
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