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Aifeier Postnatal Recovery Center
  • Franchise industry:

    Beauty>Postpartum Recovery

  • Suitable for:

    Additional items of free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment in existing companies

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:

    Franchise of distribution agent

  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:

    nine hundred and sixty-eight

  • Investment amount: 100000~200000


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Aifeier Postnatal Recovery Center Introduction to joining
 Aifeier postpartum recovery center joined
Guided by the green concept of pursuing simplicity and paying attention to the health of the body before and after pregnancy, the Aifeier Postnatal Recovery Center uses all raw materials from planting and supercritical extraction, and uses a full set of proprietary postpartum beauty and health care technologies and equipment that are global leaders. It can ingredients, stimulate its ability to detoxify and repair, and provide better More environmentally friendly health care concept.
Today's consumers are interested in green and natural post natal recovery products. All products of Aifeier Post natal Recovery Center are from pollution-free planting and advanced plant extraction technology, which fully participate in the natural success of products. At the same time, it also combines advanced post natal beauty technology and equipment, which can better stimulate the cellular activity Stimulate self detoxification, and provide more environmentally friendly and healthy care for female friends before and during pregnancy and postpartum. The Aifeier Postnatal Recovery Center provides consumers with a wide range of care items, including full moon sweating, lactation, breast beauty, facial care and female reproductive system care, so that new mothers can get more exclusive care.
The strength of the headquarters of Aifeier Postnatal Recovery Center is very strong. The R&D department of the headquarters will continue to develop and bring forth the new, and has successively developed many new products that conform to the human body science. Since entering the market, it has won the recognition of many consumers with its novel styles and good use results. The equipment mainly operated by Aifeier Postnatal Recovery Center, such as Aifeier Postnatal Recovery Center instruments, has a good influence in the domestic market. In particular, it is helpful for lactation, stretch marks repair and private tightening lighting equipment. The products are not only very popular in China, but also exported to Southeast Asia, Europe, America and many other regions.
Aifeier Postnatal Recovery Center Franchise advantages
 Aifeier postpartum recovery center joined
1. Brand image support: provide franchisees with unified brand image, unified store style, unified core seasoning distribution, unified publicity planning, unified clothing and other overall service support, without fighting alone.
2. Brand franchise support: it is maintained under the unified brand, and it can compete against the huge market competitiveness with strong influence.
3. Training support: The post natal recovery center of Aifeier will provide regular training, such as store operation skills, promotion skills, financial management, etc.
4. Media advertising support: the headquarters will provide corresponding promotional materials for franchisees according to the actual situation in different regions.
5. Market operation support: The post natal recovery center of Aifeier will check the operation strategy to help you reduce the operation.
6. Return and replacement support: The post natal recovery center of Aifeier provides free replacement.
7. Regional protection support: Aifeier Post natal Recovery Center brand franchise stores will join in strictly according to the grade ratio quota, and will not develop a second franchise store within the scope of business circle protection of this level franchise store, strictly implement the regional protection policy, and standardize the market order.
8. Follow up service support: The headquarters will send store opening personnel to guide customers in marketing diagnosis.
9. Experience sharing support: share the operation experience of the headquarters, avoid detours and save costs.
Aifeier Postnatal Recovery Center Franchise conditions
1. She is enthusiastic about the cause of Aifeier's postpartum recovery center, has a strong sense of career, success and leadership, and is willing to actively participate in the cause of Aifeier's postpartum recovery center.
2. It has certain franchise ability, market development ability and management ability, a certain economic foundation, and good capital credit, which can meet the start-up capital requirements of the franchise store of Aifeier Post natal Recovery Center.
3. With brand first, credibility of the business mind and awareness.
4. It has the market adaptability and competitiveness, the execution ability and brand awareness, and consciously maintains the brand image of Aifeier postpartum recovery center.
5. Abide by the operation and management philosophy of Aifeier Postnatal Recovery Center, identify with the company's corporate culture and management model, obey the headquarters' management, actively cooperate with the headquarters' market operation, abide by laws and regulations, and standardize the operation.
Aifeier Postnatal Recovery Center Franchise process
1. Receiving telephone consultation, the company staff introduced the basic situation and relevant policies of joining in the post natal recovery center of Aifeier;
2. At the same time of telephone consultation, the company's personnel should make a preliminary assessment of potential franchisees;
3. Invite potential franchisees to conduct field visits.
4. The company's personnel require the potential franchisees to provide basic information such as the analysis of the local business district.
5. Interview with potential franchisees to understand the situation of both parties in detail;
6. Fill in the Franchise Application Form;
7. Visit the headquarters of the company and make on-the-spot investigation;
8. Discuss local business problems together according to the local market analysis brought by potential franchisees;
9. After negotiation, both parties reached an agreement of intent, signed the Agreement of Franchise Intent, and paid the deposit.

Aifeier Postnatal Recovery Center Joining dynamics


Aifeier Postnatal Recovery Center Related questions and answers


User consultation

  • If you are interested in joining and have sufficient funds, please contact us as soon as possible

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the post natal recovery center of Aifeier! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-01 05:44:03 From Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, China  61.140.196*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; The rent for decoration and initial expenses totaled 800000 yuan.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the post natal recovery center of Aifeier! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-28 02:37:58 From Jiangsu Province  49.90.20*
  • I want to know about joining

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the post natal recovery center of Aifeier! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-19 10:42:32 From Wuhan, Hubei [Dr. Peng/SciDev. Net]  49.211.46*
  • I am very interested in this project, please contact me

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the post natal recovery center of Aifeier! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-19 09:33:48 From Zhongmou County, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province  42.236.234*
  • Please send me relevant information, thank you!

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the post natal recovery center of Aifeier! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-18 15:24:11 From Lu'an City, Anhui Province  60.173.183*
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