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*Warm tip: investment is risky, 91 franchise website prompts more brand inspection!
Gluttonous Stewed Fish
  • Franchise industry:

    Hotpot>Special Hotpot

  • Suitable for:

    Free entrepreneurship

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:


  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:

    one hundred

  • Investment amount: 50000~100000 yuan


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Gluttonous Stewed Fish Introduction to joining

   Greeting Fireplace Fish A Roast Fish Conquers the World's Food
   One stove moves the taste buds of the whole city
   6 big mouthfeel N+kinds of delicious food are only addictive
   Whole process service, whole store output, one step towards life
   Eat fast until the fire is full   13 fish cooked in 5-8 minutes in patented UFO oven
   Micro franchise is easy to operate, and basic food is not needed+group purchase stores are crowded Greedy Fireplace Fish

   In the gourmet Jianghu, fish is soul! The grilled fish market is extremely hot!
Beijing Chanhuoyu Catering Management Co., Ltd. is a comprehensive diversified chain enterprise based in Beijing and radiating across the country. Mr. Zhu Jianjun, the founder of the brand, serves as the honorary chairman of the International Famous Chefs Committee for grilled fish. Once served in the catering field, and received a personal interview and group photo. As an international famous chef, after ten years of precipitation. In 2014, he founded the "Greedy Firestove Fish" grilled fish brand and personally took charge of the project. "Greedy Fireplace Fish" gathers the team, teaches technology, connects logistics and creates environment. It is a grilled fish brand that takes "Greedy" as the consumer demand. Greedy Fireplace Fish takes inheriting the Chinese food culture as its own responsibility, and based on its unique business model, develops the country together with the mainstream business circle. Chain operation forms scale effect and creates long-term brand services. The company advocates healthy food and healthy lifestyle, and strives to develop more healthy and stable franchise services in a scientific mode with good products, brand new brands, professional management, and various marketing channels, so as to become a chain catering brand of modern Chinese catering.
   Factory style grilled fish brand, patented UFO grilled fish artifact
   360 ° three-dimensional carbon burning, 300 ℃ extremely fast locking tender, long service life for copper casting manufacturing
   Give consideration to spring, summer, autumn and winter, operate in no slack season, enjoy double operation
   No emission is healthier
The dust generated by charcoal combustion is gathered in the oven cavity and passes through the oven neck Partial exhaust pipe is discharged out of the room
   13 fish in 5-8 minutes
13 golden yellow and delicious fish can be roasted in 5-8 minutes, and the processing time is very short
   Close distance super experience
The process of descending and roasting fish is moved to the front desk, and the process of roasting fish is more transparent and ornamental
   One furnace for multiple purposes
Humanized design to achieve a multi-purpose furnace, roast chicken, duck, cattle and sheep, all kinds of vegetables, seafood scallops
   The fish roasting process is in the lobby Can see See, it's so transparent!
   6 creation flavors, which can be called the new favorite in the food industry
   It is a good way to attract customers, and consumption is coming
N+popular food can be matched freely
One store is profitable, every day is full of customers, and the operation is extraordinary
        High end decoration starts from 80 square meters and rolls the whole site
   Multi decoration styles of nightclub factory style and cave style are customized  

Gluttonous Stewed Fish Franchise advantages

 Greedy Fireplace Fish   
   Flexible funds? capable
Less joining, lower cost, unified excellent process operation, no full-time chef, no salary;
   Never cooked? capable
The headquarters uniformly distributes raw materials and provides one-on-one training, with support for quality, taste and operation;
   Never opened a store? capable
From the code of conduct of shop assistants to the service management of shop managers, the company's operation team helps with management consultation and guidance;
   Haven't taken customers? capable
The company invests a large amount of money every year to advertise on various platforms, and provides various promotion programs.

   From site selection to operation, from training to after-sales, the headquarters provides 360 ° support and fully protects
   Before opening
   Site survey: Assist in the evaluation of the business district, site selection and store opening;
   Material support: Authorized use of brand image, trademark and VI;
   Shop decoration: Provide professional store decoration design scheme;
   Professional training: Standardized service and technical training.
   Opening plan: Tailor the opening marketing plan;
   sales promotion: Plan promotion programs to attract customers;
   Market supervision: Send people to go to the store irregularly to guide and solve problems;
   Operation management: Standardize and adjust restaurant operation to improve operation.
   After opening
   Technical updates: R&D and upgrading of new products to improve market competitiveness;
   Raw material distribution: The headquarters distributes raw materials uniformly to ensure product quality;
   advertising: Carry out brand promotion on websites, APP and other media;
   Area protection: Implement business circle protection to ensure that there is no competition in the business area.

   Join the Greedy Fireplace Fish, and you will get a lot of wealth!

Gluttonous Stewed Fish Franchise conditions

1. Have a strong desire to expand the cause, and highly agree with the business philosophy of "greedy stove fish".

2. Pay corresponding agency fees according to the city category specified by the headquarters.

3. Consciously accept the management of the headquarters, and do not operate across regions.

4. Have the ability of regional planning and business negotiation.

5. Have the awareness and ability to support the growth of franchised stores.

6. Have certain financial strength, qualified reputation, franchise awareness, and awareness.

Gluttonous Stewed Fish Franchise process

   Franchise process:
1. Submit the application;
2. Preliminary review of the company;
3. Invitation and negotiation;
4. Research and evaluation of new stores;
5. Sign the franchise contract;
6. Training of decoration construction opening preparation personnel;
7. Administrative license shall be handled for opening acceptance.

User consultation

  • How to join your company

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to the appetizing fire stove fish! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-02 17:20:42 From China  39.187.113*
  • How much is the current franchise fee

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to the appetizing fire stove fish! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-31 07:06:59 From China  39.187.230*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; About 250000 yuan.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to the appetizing fire stove fish! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-26 02:17:05 From Luxi County, Yunnan  42.243.145*
  • Very optimistic about this project

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to the appetizing fire stove fish! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-25 17:39:39 From Shanxi  60.223.94*
  • Good I like it

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to the appetizing fire stove fish! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-19 17:24:34 From Nantong, Jiangsu  49.67.211*
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Friendly tip: The content of this page is only for reference. In order to reduce investment risk, we suggest you to do more investigation, consultation and comparative analysis before investment. Some brands are not open for franchise, please refer to the official information of the brand.

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