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Bei Xiaomei Stir fried Yogurt
  • Franchise industry:

    Catering>Special Desserts

  • Suitable for:

    Additional items of free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment in existing companies

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:

    Franchise of distribution agent

  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:

    one hundred

  • Investment amount: 50000~100000 yuan


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Bei Xiaomei Stir fried Yogurt Introduction to joining
 Bei Xiaomei Joins in Fried Yogurt
  Guangzhou Beixiaomei Youchao Yogurt is an independent international catering management company registered and approved by industry and commerce, tax, food, health, quality inspection and other departments. Adhere to catering management services as the foundation, market-oriented operation as the guide, advance with a steady pace, develop and grow, constantly pursue creation, and rely on its own brand advantages and major Our service has become a leader in the catering industry. The company is located in the central area of Science City, Huangpu District, Guangzhou, which is a strategic place for the development of commerce and trade in Guangzhou. With a total office area of more than 12000 square meters and more than 1000 employees, the company takes catering chain operation as its core business, and is a complete operation system integrating technology research and development, product production, brand promotion, and operation management, realizing seamless connection of mainland business, Regional coverage of targets without blind areas.
Bei Xiaomei also stir fried yogurt, which is full of flavor and interest. It is handmade with Italian style, and another delicious one. Bei Xiaomei also stir fried yogurt, 35 series, 182 pieces, a collection of 100 kinds of ice products, 100 delicious and attractive. To start a business, choose Bei Xiaomei and stir fry yogurt. With compound operation, it is easy to start a business with an area of 10 ㎡. The operation is simple and easy to learn. The market is promising and the product consumers are satisfied. Multi flavor can bring happiness and happiness!
Bei Xiaomei also controls the source of stir fried yogurt to make healthy ice products. Milk source *, every drop comes from Organic pasture; Seasonal fruit, fresh and directly supplied by the base, and water extracted from raw materials without external water intrusion. In addition, Bei Xiaomei also fried yogurt to pursue a healthy diet. Using yogurt and fat busters, she no longer worried about getting fat after eating ice cream, and achieved delicious security , nutrition and health.
For young women, the individualization of ice cream products makes them pay more attention, while for the elderly, the nutrition of ice cream products is a point they never forget. And Bei Xiaomei's stir fried yogurt can fully meet their needs. Such an unusual ice cream brand naturally sells well in the market. Bei Xiaomei also stir fried yogurt, which is flexible in opening stores and creating various store types for entrepreneurs, with lower difficulty and more choices.
Bei Xiaomei joined in with the stir fried yogurt, and the headquarters gave full support and one-stop service. The supporting projects include a series of contents such as site selection and store building, decoration design, marketing training, and store management, covering the early, middle and late stages of opening, so that franchisees can start businesses with ease and effort. Bei Xiaomei is willing to work with franchisees to carry forward the brand and achieve a win-win situation!
Bei Xiaomei Stir fried Yogurt Franchise advantages
 Bei Xiaomei Joins in Fried Yogurt
  1. Brand advantages
Bei Xiaomei is also frying yoghurt, with unique corporate culture and constant brand value.
2. Product advantages
The diversification of Beixiaomei's fried yogurt brand will quickly eliminate the old products, so the new products will naturally lead to the end of the trend of drinks. Beixiaomei's fried yogurt brand has major The development team will continue to develop new products for you, so that your store can lead the industry.
3. Technical advantages
The technology of Bei Xiaomei's stir fried yogurt brand has been comprehensively upgraded, and the research and development of new products has helped you to open a store continuously.
4. Training advantages
The brand of Beixiaomei Stir fried Yogurt held some activities irregularly to further improve the brand image of Beixiaomei Stir fried Yogurt.
5. Service advantages
After the franchisee of Beixiaomei Youchao Yogurt brand has determined the franchise region, the increase/increase of Beixiaomei Youchao Yogurt headquarters will not develop in this region other The joining of Beixiaomei and stir fried yoghurt franchisees will be protected regionally, and the interests of Beixiaomei and stir fried yoghurt franchisees will be improved/increased.
6. Franchise advantages
Joining Bei Xiaomei and frying yogurt brand, there is no competition in the market, which is a blue ocean business opportunity and monopoly business.
Bei Xiaomei Stir fried Yogurt Franchise conditions
1. At least 18 years old, capable of independently undertaking entrepreneurship and civil liability.
2. We highly agree with Bei Xiaomei's yogurt brand and business philosophy.
3. Entrepreneurs need to have certain entrepreneurial ability and entrepreneurial awareness.
4. It is suitable for the operation of Beixiaomei and stir fried yogurt.
5. Obey the unified brand management of the Investment Promotion Headquarters and actively maintain the company image.
6. There are market development ideas and operation skills, brand marketing concepts, qualified business reputation, and loyalty to the brand.
7. Be honest and trustworthy, and have qualified personal qualities.
Bei Xiaomei Stir fried Yogurt Franchise process
1. Cognition brand
Browse the joining information of Bei Xiaomei Youchao Yogurt on the Internet or call the headquarters of Bei Xiaomei Youchao Yogurt to have a corresponding understanding of the brand strength and joining policy.
2. Customer inspection
The customer made an appointment with the company for a detailed inspection.
3. Franchise application
To have a preliminary understanding of the project, the franchisee can apply for joining, and the headquarters will review the entrepreneurs. Confirm the cooperation qualification of entrepreneurs.
4. Sign the contract
Sign the franchise contract and authorize the relevant certificates of the franchisee.
5. Store site selection
Consumption analysis, traffic environment analysis, competitor analysis, passenger flow analysis.
6. Unified decoration
Bei Xiaomei also fried yoghurt to provide the franchise store with an overall design and decoration plan, and the franchise store will carry out decoration.
7. Headquarters training
The training department provides comprehensive and systematic training for franchise stores.
8. Opening planning
The opening manager formulates the opening plan, guides the opening work in the whole process, and ensure Preparation and delivery of opening materials.
9. Opening operation
Dispatch operation supervisors to conduct on-site opening guidance, conduct coaching operations, track opening operations and provide advice.

Bei Xiaomei Stir fried Yogurt Joining dynamics


Bei Xiaomei Stir fried Yogurt Related questions and answers


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  • consultation. Joining

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Bei Xiaomei's stir fried yogurt! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-25 16:08:01 From Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province, China  59.33.111*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; About 200000 yuan.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Bei Xiaomei's stir fried yogurt! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-18 22:26:35 From Shache County, Kashi Prefecture, Xinjiang  43.224.52*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; Within 15.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Bei Xiaomei's stir fried yogurt! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-16 14:16:00 From Shanxi Yuncheng [Unicom]  60.222.108*
  • Where is the franchise address and how much is the franchise fee

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Bei Xiaomei's stir fried yogurt! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-12 14:51:07 From Jiangsu Suqian [Telecom]  49.89.14*
  • Send information about the franchise fees.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Bei Xiaomei's stir fried yogurt! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-12 08:05:45 From Xuzhou City, Jiangsu Province  58.218.6*
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