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Busini men's clothing
  • Franchise industry:

    Clothing>Men's Wear

  • Suitable for:

    Free entrepreneurship

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:


  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:


  • Investment amount: 50000~100000 yuan


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Busini men's clothing Introduction to joining

 Bucini men's clothing joined    Bucini men's clothing -- from the elegant temperament of Britain

Hangzhou Bucini Garments Co., Ltd. was officially registered in 2004 and has been successfully operating in the market for 14 years. It is an authorized brand of British Bucini Garments Holdings Co., Ltd. In the market, it has an entity enterprise integrating independent research and development, production and weaving, sales, operation and management. The company has established a huge terminal operation network in the form of combining the main single store franchise chain cooperation and the company's direct network.
The company advocates the enterprise tenet of enthusiasm, dedication, creation and win-win. With the strategic thinking of fraternity, we will build a young, avant-garde and dedicated elite sales team. The company adheres to the business philosophy of "Sincerity, Sincerity, Cooperation and Win win", works conscientiously and diligently. With the design philosophy of avant-garde fashion rather than grandiose, classic leisure rather than traditional, exquisite and advanced technology, superior quality and accurate market positioning, pragmatic and pioneering spirit, it promotes the extraordinary style of "BUSINE" simple leisure fashion men's clothing.
   [Brand Culture]
Giulio Busine, the founder of BUSINE brand, is a promising young man who is low-key, luxurious but not boastful, which is just the opposite of his dazzling business empire. His design does not pay attention to the luxurious external decoration, but carefully carves the exquisite connotation, does not pursue the sensationalism vision, but uses the natural and comfortable popular elements to create the beauty of harmony between classic and fashion, characteristics and sports; They do not agree with the performance of too complicated and fancy, but pursue the beauty of internal elegance. The exclusive style of simple but not simple luxury business and simple fashion is the development mission of BUSINE brand.
The Bucini family had custom-made western-style clothes for a long time. After the First World War, they moved from the city of Putton on the south bank to the city of Loughborough in central Scotland, just over an hour's drive from the clothing capital London. Gorio Busini was born here in 1933. Gorio Busini, under the influence of his family background, has a genius like perception of dress culture. In 1954, he successfully graduated from the famous London fashion college "Saint Martin's College of Arts".
Since then, under his leadership, the family business has continued to grow.
In 1959, Busini started its own high fashion business in London, and formally established its own company, whose trademark is BUSINE.
The first batch of clothing was launched, which was favored by consumers. Busini brand clothing is very exquisite, from the whole to every detail. Excellent materials and exquisite process design, all kinds of details reflect the charm of BUSINE brand men's clothing.
   Development History
In 1977, Bucini opened a priority franchise store in the UK.
In 1990, Bucini entered Asian markets such as Japan and Malaysia.
In 2004, Bucini came to China.
With its exquisite craftsmanship and clothing culture, BUSINE men's clothing soon gained popularity among business elites. At present, it has opened more than 300 brand stores and stores in the mainland.
BUSINE's accurate brand market positioning fully interprets the fashion concept of the combination of modern urban people's work and life, business negotiation and outdoor leisure. It is a new lifestyle of clothing fashion concept that spreads culture and keeps pace with Europe.
BUSINE not only stays at the fashion level, but also is an art brand of self discovery. In addition to creating fashionable clothes, it also creates a culture and art. Through clothing<; Express the new gentleman's attitude towards life. The products not only enter their wardrobe, but also penetrate into all aspects of life. The design tension integrating the eastern and western cultures shows the unique temperament of the new gentlemen who advocate low profile and connotation. Bucini men's clothing joined
   [BUSINE brand positioning]
Brand style: simple leisure fashion (luxury leisure)
The style of luxury business casual men's clothing is the main style, supplemented by simple European fashion style.
Consumer group: psychological age: 25-45 (age range 28-55)
Business elites, urban white-collar workers and elegant gentlemen who advocate freedom and frankness.
Price range: core main price range (spring summer 299-699, autumn winter 399-1599)
Product series: shirts, T-shirts, sweaters, sweaters, single suits, jackets, windbreakers, down jackets, pants, accessories
   [Market Positioning]
Local first tier cities, second and third class core business districts! Second and third tier cities, first and second class core business districts!
Regional definition: divide agents at the county level, reject vicious competition, and ensure terminal interests.
Set up franchised stores and shopping malls with single store franchises, front stores and back factories, and chain stores.
(Street store business area: 60-120 square meters/counter business area: 45-80 square meters).
Decorate according to the company's unified image, provide accurate plan and standard size, and the company will design for free.

Busini men's clothing Franchise advantages

 Bucini men's clothing joined   0 increase/increase fund 0 franchise agency fee 0 brand management fee

Purchase cost of purchased goods: settled according to the corresponding discount of the national unified retail price
(Refusal of retail price supply fraud)
Supply support: spot supply in the current season+50% order across seasons+continuous new replenishment
Terminal sales management: Internet channel flattening+WeChat business O2O online and offline promotion
Terminal data management: ERP system software management, running through all outlets, real-time data sharing
Return and exchange of unsalable inventory: the same amount is exchanged in the current quarter and across seasons (no discount is required)

   Ready to launch, the first strong push is to support 100 stores with heavy funds

80-100 square street shops/shopping malls in the local prosperous first class business district
You can apply for reserved preferential quota! It's time to seize business opportunities!

   Three exemptions, three guarantees, three free, three reports, three pieces

Three exemptions: free franchise fee, free management fee, free brand improvement/increase
Three guarantees: packaging repair design package annual auxiliary material package opening guidance
Three free gifts: free from the store shelf, free from the opening props and free from the opening gift package
Third report: full reimbursement of basic decoration, annual store rent subsidy reimbursement, investigation travel expense reimbursement
Three: unsalable inventory exchange support terminal operation management support sales incentive support Bucini men's clothing joined
   TV media:
TV Station, Zhejiang Satellite TV
Fashion, Costume Newspaper, Costume Business Information, Costume Times
Business and Civil Aviation.
   Network media:
Baidu, Sogou, 360, Global Alliance Network, Brand Clothing Network
Clothing Network, Beauty Network, Zhejiang Clothing Network, Bucini Network
   Outdoor media: Airport Light Box, Metro Light Box, Highway Billboard
Terminal Store Advertising

Busini men's clothing Franchise conditions

Buysini Men's Clothing Joining Conditions:

1. It is required to be a natural person with full civil capacity, a franchisee with legal business qualifications, and eager to succeed.

2. Franchisees need to agree with the business strategy of Bucini men's wear brand, follow the company's rules and regulations, obey regional management, and love all Bucini men's wear products.

3. Have market development funds and turnover ability for the brand.

4. The geographical location of the store helps to smooth the intestines and facilitate the flow of people. The target consumers are clear.

5. Strictly abide by the company's rules and regulations and statutory regulations.

6. There are market development ideas and operation skills, brand marketing concepts, qualified business reputation, and loyalty to the brand.

7. Franchisees should be enthusiastic about joining businesses, not just on the spur of the moment, but seriously.

Busini men's clothing Franchise process

Bucini Men's Clothing Franchise Process:

1. Franchise consultation

Before deciding to join, the franchisee should know the basic information of the project and relevant joining policies in advance.

2. Field visit

Franchisees go to the headquarters to visit the stores and learn about them, and have business exchanges with the person in charge of the headquarters.

3. Franchise application

The franchisee can submit the letter of intent and ID card to the company after the franchisee has made clear the intention to join.

4. Sign the contract

If there is no objection between the headquarters of the company and the franchisee, they can sign a franchise contract and negotiate the franchise matters.

5. Site selection

The investment promotion specialist analyzes the local market situation and geographical location, and inspects and evaluates the market and stores.

6. Shop decoration

According to the location of the store, tailor the decoration drawing of the franchise store, and carry out the whole process support such as store construction and decoration monitoring.

7. Personnel training

The company conducts systematic and professional training for store staff before opening.

8. Opening

Communicate with the business manager about the opening time, plan the opening plan and make preliminary preparations.

9. Opening of new store

Bucini men's wear has a mature and perfect opening mode, which will help your store to gain a certain popularity and gather relevant popularity at the beginning of opening, help you to get on a regular operation this morning, and lay a solid foundation for future sustainable operation.

Busini men's clothing Related questions and answers


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  • I'm interested, want to know!

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Bucini men's wear! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-01 20:03:50 From Yunnan Province  42.243.232*
  • I want to join your company and know about your products

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Bucini men's wear! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-01 17:03:23 From Jiangsu Province  49.71.200*
  • How to join

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Bucini men's wear! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-26 23:21:04 From Yichun City, Heilongjiang Province  60.11.55*
  • How much is the franchise fee

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Bucini men's wear! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-21 00:42:34 From Lingshui, Hainan Province  59.49.193*
  • Interested in cooperation

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Bucini men's wear! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-20 20:55:30 From Baiyin City, Gansu Province [Telecom]  61.159.78*
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Friendly tip: The content of this page is only for reference. In order to reduce investment risk, we suggest you to do more investigation, consultation and comparative analysis before investment. Some brands are not open for franchise, please refer to the official information of the brand.

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