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[Header Bunching] Leader Bunching is sincerely invited to join

  • Industry Restaurant > snack
  • Total number of stores five hundred home
  • Investment amount 50000~100000 yuan
  • Franchise region whole country
  • Origin of the brand Wuhan
  • Date of establishment 2018-05-10
  • management model Franchised cooperation of distribution agency, free chain and direct sale of others
  • Suitable for people Free entrepreneurship
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What are the advantages of joining the team of leaders

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  • Advantages of the head chain:

    1. Powerful brand support: free of charge, we provide the right to use the brand logo of the franchise brand, a full set of brand image, store design, in store promotional supplies, marketing management programs, etc.
    2. Support for store establishment and location selection: the team with many years of market operation experience will be built by Toutou to open up a multi-faceted operation platform for entrepreneurs in detail, strictly standardize the process of site selection, store establishment and opening, and improve/increase the standardization and consistency of franchise store operation.
    3. Technical training support: The headquarters has a special training base to provide entrepreneurs with free technology of various flavors of food series, which is taught hand by hand by professional teachers. Entrepreneurs (or students) operate and practice repeatedly on their own until the dishes produced are the same as those produced by the headquarters teachers.
    4. Cuisine process support: the production process and self owned process of the head string cooking are developed by the professional teachers from the head office in collaboration with industry professors. The taste is outstanding. More than ten kinds of side dishes are changed every day, and all of them are popular in the north and south.
    5. Operation and management support: the leader has a strict and standardized management system of the franchise headquarters, and strives to ensure that every detail is perfect. The company has a professional operation team to help timely carry out management consultation and guidance suggestions, from the code of conduct of shop assistants, the standard of job responsibilities, marketing objectives, incentive mechanism to store manager management, service management, kitchen management, logistics management, etc, For those with serious problems, they can carry out business at home, so that entrepreneurs can operate stably and make quick profits.
    6. Marketing guidance and support: The company provides technical training on the operation of the delivery platform to help you open the delivery market, which is no longer restricted by the business circle and location.

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