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Boren glasses
  • Franchise industry:

    Health>Vision Care

  • Suitable for:

    Free entrepreneurship

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:

    Distribution agent

  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:

    five hundred

  • Investment amount: 100000~200000


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Boren glasses Introduction to joining
 Boren Glasses joined
Boren Glasses always adheres to the business philosophy of "high standard, standardization and zero error", takes customer satisfaction as the starting point and foothold of our service, and provides customers with optometry and lens matching technology and good services. Its main products include myopia glasses, sunglasses, reading glasses, contact lenses and astigmatic glasses.
In view of children's vision health problems, Boren Glasses adopts the "physiological potential training method", combining visual training and vision habit development, to provide natural, and healthy solutions for children's vision, which is suitable for vision care of children aged 5 to 16 years. At the same time, according to the characteristics of children's vision, the phased therapeutic training mode is adopted to achieve recovery , improved and consolidated results.
Since the launch of Boren glasses, tens of thousands of children have obtained vision recovery The comprehensive rate has increased to over 98%, which has been recognized by children's parents and schools. The characteristics and reputation of nature, quality and quality make Boren Glasses a good brand that has attracted market attention and been recommended by consumers.
As the industry of children's vision health, Boren Glasses has the ability of head technology research and development and product design. Medical research shows that the human body has the physiological potential of "original stability", that is, to achieve dynamic balance through internal self-regulation, so that the body can be naturally recovery improve.
According to the anatomical structure and physiological function of the eye, use Boren glasses patent The training instrument uses targeted visual training to promote the ciliary muscles to continue to actively adjust, thus recovery The elasticity of the lens enables its thickness to be adjusted recovery When reaching the normal range, improve the diopter to keep the focus of retinal imaging clear, so as to alleviate or remove visual impairment. Its scientific value lies in the use of human physiological visual potential rather than physical methods to achieve physiological recovery
"Sincere dedication to users and dedicated service to users" is the consistent principle of Boren Glasses. We are very grateful for the support of old customers, and warmly welcome new customers to visit us. Boren Glasses will, as always, provide customers with satisfactory services with "excellent quality, excellent service and excellent reputation".
Boren Glasses strives to achieve its goals with the business philosophy of "service based and quality based". The research and development strength of elegant glasses is strong, the product is updated quickly, and the development prospect is good. The huge cashier of Boren Glasses has made your fortune.
Boren glasses Franchise advantages
 Boren Glasses joined
1. Brand image support
The company will make unified requirements for the decoration image of terminal stores, use a unified brand image and brand logo, and uniform dress design will be carried out for terminal operators and wear corresponding work cards and brand identity cards, so as to promote the combination of people and things, and the image of franchise stores and brand image will be highly unified.
2. Whole store output support
Management team, specialized The franchisee operation support center was established. From store location selection, decoration design, store operation and management, the whole process tracking, everything is to meet the needs of the first task, and each is equipped with a dedicated marketing steward, easy escort.
3. Free training support
Regularly carry out training for store service personnel, business personnel and management personnel at all levels, and irregularly launch management education courses to improve management level.
4. Logistics distribution support
Powerful e-commerce platform, efficient e-commerce ordering system, fast and convenient logistics distribution provide convenience for goods turnover.
5. Media advertising support
Relying on its rich marketing experience and strong marketing planning ability, the headquarters will carry out unified promotional activities across the country in a planned way every quarter.
6. Market operation support
The company will assist franchisees in planning opening publicity, promotion plans and other activities. And supervise and guide the positioning, display, staff training, service level and other aspects of goods, assist in improving store management and improve performance.
7. Tracking service support
After the opening of the franchise store, the marketing personnel will make regular visits to Boyi Glasses franchisees, give guiding opinions or suggestions on the problems in marketing operation, goods display, sales strategy, personnel management and other aspects, and assist the franchisees to improve the terminal management of their resumes.
8. Site selection and decoration support
The headquarter assists the franchisee in completing market investigation and site selection evaluation, and according to the brand image of Boyi glasses, the designer designated by the headquarter of the company will design and provide major Decoration design scheme.
9. Regional protection support
The headquarters provides a very strict regional management system, so that the franchisee will not have more than one franchise store of the same brand in a certain region, protecting the rights and interests of the franchisee.
Boren glasses Franchise conditions
1. A natural person who has the capacity to independently bear civil liability or an enterprise legal person who independently bears civil liability.
2. Recognize the company's business and development philosophy.
3. Have certain financial strength and awareness.
4. Business premises with independent portals.
5. Franchisees should have a sense of obedience and consciously cooperate with various national preferential activities launched by the headquarters.
6. It has good reputation and credit level, and has certain management ability and social resources.
7. Good sense of service, friendly, warm and sincere.
Boren glasses Franchise process
1. Consultation
Franchisees can learn some basic information from the message and analyze whether it is suitable for them to join.
2. Field visit
We will send staff to give you an introduction to the market overview of the project, the cost of the project, including your site selection, etc.
3. Franchise application
The proposed franchisee shall fill in the Franchise Application Form according to the company's specifications, fill in his own basic information, attach relevant copies, fax or submit to the company's headquarters.
4. Sign a contract
After the review of franchise qualification, both parties formally sign the franchise contract.
5. Site selection and store construction
Market supervision guides the selection of stores.
6. Shop decoration
Franchisees can independently decorate according to the decoration design drawings given by the headquarters.
7. Personnel training
Theoretical course training, data familiarity, production process understanding, technician teaching, teacher assessment by.
8. Preparation before opening
Store decoration design, preliminary construction preparation, pre opening training guidance, personnel recruitment, opening marketing activity planning, etc.
9. Official opening
According to the established process, the opening ceremony was held and the franchise store officially opened.

Boren glasses Joining dynamics


Boren glasses Related questions and answers


User consultation

  • The person on duty installed one in the store, but didn't know how to contact

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Boren Glasses! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-16 03:25:36 From Haishu District, Zhejiang Province  39.186.67*
  • Cooperation and benefits

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Boren Glasses! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-10 17:17:03 From Kunming, Yunnan [Telecom]  42.243.58*
  • I want to contract Xiqing District, Tianjin, but I don't know if there are any spare outlets

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Boren Glasses! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-07 01:15:33 From Qingdao, Shandong Province  61.156.237*
  • About how much to join

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Boren Glasses! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-06 17:03:22 From Shangqiu City, Henan Province  42.231.69*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; About 10000 to 50000 yuan.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Boren Glasses! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-05 09:49:22 From Putian City, Fujian Province  59.58.137*
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