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Hundred meter Posthouse
  • Franchise industry:

    Service>Logistics Express

  • Suitable for:

    Free Entrepreneurship On the job Investment Online Shop

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:

    Agency franchise cooperation

  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:

    two hundred and three

  • Investment amount: 100000~200000


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Hundred meter Posthouse Introduction to joining
 Joined in the 100m post station
Baimi Posthouse is an Internet company committed to transforming the express industry with new technologies. Hundred meter Posthouse adopt Build and operate an Internet based express service platform, and the 100 meter post station helps express front-line service outlets reduce operating costs and improve management efficiency; The 100 meter post station provides a good service experience for express users. The goal of the 100 meter post station is to become a good platform for people to use express services and operate express business, and the long-term goal is to become a trading platform and marketing platform for the express industry.
Strong brand strength
The founder of Baimi Posthouse has successful experience in Internet entrepreneurship. The investors are famous people in e-commerce and express industry. The core management team comes from Microsoft, Ctrip, Shentong and other companies. The 100 meter relay station successfully completed a round of financing, which provided solid support for subsequent development. At the same time, the company reached an in-depth cooperation agreement with a famous enterprise in the express industry, and the business development is ready to start.
Strong technical team
As a third-party platform at the end of express delivery, the 100 meter post station is committed to community, business circle, campus and other life scenarios. The 100 meter post station provides users with services such as package collection, private customized delivery, convenience and so on, and improves the efficiency of express terminal operation. At the same time, the 100 meter post station has signed long-term technical cooperation agreements with many express companies, such as Stone and One Da, and has received joint investment from Shentong and Zhongtong. At present, with a strong technical team, a good after-sales service system and a good hardware and software configuration, the 100 meter post station has more than 3000 post stations and outlets nationwide. In the future, we will work together to create an open, shared and win-win express terminal ecological platform.
Complete variety and wide coverage
The 100 meter post station focuses on the express logistics industry. At present, its products include: courier APP, micro express mailbox, micro shopkeeper APP, 100 meter post station, etc. Long term cooperative logistics enterprises include Shentong Express, Zhongtong Express, Yunda Express, Shunfeng Express, Post and other logistics brands. One hundred meter post station is one of the five strategic directions, adopt Cooperate with partners in the construction of a 100 meter post station in colleges and universities adopt Entrepreneurial students, chain stores adopt The whole family, etc, adopt Socialization and coordination form an end public service network covering major cities in China. In terms of terminal distribution network construction, in the city, more than 40000 100 meter post stations form the urban terminal network of the network, providing terminal integrated logistics life services. In the future, this will be a logistics express network covering the next one kilometer across the country.
Hundred meter Posthouse Franchise advantages
 Joined in the 100m post station
1. Rich market experience, accuracy Brand positioning:
Years of domestic market operation experience, in-depth understanding of shopping psychology and consumer demand, continuous design optimization, and truly meet domestic cognition and demand;
2. Years of market details, direct sales counter linkage:
A number of direct sales counters are distributed in cities at all levels throughout the country. Domestic department stores have priority in terms of share and sales, and have a large number of brand loyal customers in China;
3. Brand regional franchise, long-term development support:
Priority brand management right in designated areas, agency rights after steady growth, super value brand effect and long-term development support, mutual benefit and win-win;
4. Unify the visual image, major Storefront design:
The unified VI image of the whole country will create a qualified brand awareness; The company provides store decoration design free of charge, and the team with years of experience in decoration carries out store decoration to support the quality of decoration;
5. Improve the supply system and standardize the market order:
The perfect supply system greatly reduces costs, unifies the price policy nationwide, supports the market order and standardization, and shares the scale benefits nationwide;
6. Multiple policy support, long-term stable benefits:
Low supply discounts in the industry, multiple market policy support, support partners with large cashier space and market operation space, and quickly start the market;
Hundred meter Posthouse Franchise conditions
1. Good brand management ability, agree with our business philosophy.
2. Have long-term brand experience awareness.
3. Have sufficient funds and confidence, ensure Complete the basic sales tasks set by the company.
4. Create an image that meets our standards, and have a basically mature distributor network foundation.
5. Have certain enterprise management ability and team building experience.
6. Good after-sales service management and control ability.
7. Have experience in regional marketing of products in the industry and sales experience of similar products.
8. With certain major Market and operation management experience, familiarity with relevant markets and advantages of having relevant materials.
9. Have good business reputation, professionalism and personal reputation.
Hundred meter Posthouse Franchise process
1. Investigation items: learn about the project, learn about the project and store construction from the relevant personnel of the licensor, learn about the project development status from the licensor and evaluate the project.
2. Experience project: determine to choose the store operated by the authorized store, experience and evaluate various service projects, predict the results of the market, discuss the acceptance level, and determine the project selection.
3. Understand the details: discuss the matters in detail to understand the franchise terms of the project from the relevant personnel of the licensor, consult the relevant doubts, clarify all the unclear and incomprehensible issues, and achieve a clear alliance.
4. Signing an agreement: pay fees, read the terms of each agreement and contract in detail, sign and seal if it is acceptable after confirming the understanding of the terms, and then pay the authorization fees specified in the agreement to the authorizer.
5. Authorization: after receiving the certificate, signing the agreement and paying the fee, you can receive the authorization statement, authorization plate, certificate, etc. of the authorizer. The authorization plate and certificate mark the official start of the franchise business of both parties.

Hundred meter Posthouse Joining dynamics


Hundred meter Posthouse Related questions and answers


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  • How to act as an agent

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the 100 meter post station! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-31 20:02:00 From Zhoushan, Zhejiang  39.188.91*
  • Since it is not convenient for me to answer the phone in other places, I suggest adding WeChat, which is the same as WeChat.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the 100 meter post station! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-31 03:48:31 From Benxi City, Liaoning Province  60.19.76*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; Buy machines.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the 100 meter post station! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-21 01:38:41 From Liaoning Province  42.248.40*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; 1.2 million.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the 100 meter post station! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-20 04:12:18 From Jiangsu Province  49.78.39*
  • I would like to inquire if you can reply as soon as possible

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the 100 meter post station! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-20 04:06:41 From Anyang, Henan [Unicom]  61.54.225*
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