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Home Experience Hall

The home experience pavilion refers to a venue where some popular brands obtain more than 300 square meters of shops by renting, etc., and display the decoration effect according to the actual decoration effect of families. This kind of experience hall is often dominated by brand products. The purpose is to let customers feel the effect of this brand's products in their own homes before buying, and stimulate customers to purchase more.

Comprehensive family decoration, the museum has a variety of sample rooms for reference. It has its own brand, such as ceramic tile brand, wood floor brand, carpet brand, brand wall paint, wallpaper and mural, indoor door, overall kitchen, electrical appliances, integrated ceiling, lamps and electrical materials, decorative materials, etc., which are indispensable. At the same time, the Home Experience Pavilion is also a popular app in the Apple app store for most iPad users with decoration needs.

Introduction to Home Experience Hall

Home experience pavilion is the future development trend; The market competition intensifies, and enterprises reflect their individual needs in the competition; The demand of the young generation to highlight their individuality after their income level continues to improve has jointly created the emergence of the experience economy.

Most of the citizens who have experienced decoration have this feeling. At the beginning, they are enthusiastic and confident. The decoration is getting closer and closer to the end, and they are exhausted. The original passion and impulse are gone. Who makes decoration a complex and trivial project. No matter whether it is full package, half package or clear package, everything from design, material purchase, construction to selection of furniture accessories should be run around and carefully calculated. Even so, it is inevitable that there will be no problems after completion. Is there a way of decoration that can save people's worry and effort, and consumers can move in after taking the key? Home experience pavilion is ready to come out.

In the past, consumers dealt with home decoration companies or building materials manufacturers, either listening to explanations or looking at renderings; Or choose from the building materials stacked in the window. The establishment of this "experience hall" has made consumers say goodbye to the embarrassment of staying in the shop window in the past. In the future, in the experience hall, customers can step on the floor, try out beds and sofas, and see the matching and texture of different styles of tiles, bathroom, closet and cloakroom. Some experience halls can also match the building materials and furniture that customers like on the spot to produce decoration effects for customers on the spot, so as to prevent customers from buying blindly.

"Experience Pavilion" is a kind of visual marketing, which creates a specific atmosphere. Customers will not worry about the inconsistency between the furniture they buy back and the room decoration style. It's like asking models to show their effects on the spot instead of piling up on the counter when selling clothes. The experience hall is designed by professional designers according to the home mode, which shows the application effect of various brand materials in the living room in a panoramic way, and presents the home scene, creating an experiential home purchase and consumption environment for customers. The experience hall liberates people from the misunderstanding of patching up individual products (cabinets, beds, tables and chairs, suspended ceilings, background walls, etc.) and enters a new stage of integrating products by style. The designer team's overall grasp of the home environment avoids the incongruity between the early decoration style and the later furniture accessories. The integrated kitchen, interior door, cloakroom, integrated bathroom, home accessories, floor textile, furniture lighting and other home products are integrated into a truly integrated home. The material, color, style and coordination between them become important conditions for creating a post minimalist style. A new model saves the middle link, makes home service one-stop, and helps customers solve many problems such as decoration design, material selection, accessories, etc. In combination with the real needs of customers, the experience hall implements the one-stop decoration mode, and the design, construction, material selection and accessories are all handed over to the experience hall for unified completion, so as to provide consumers with the whole process service of saving money and worry. The service mode provided by the "one-stop" home furnishing museum will be an innovation, and will also promote the improvement and development of the entire home furnishing industry.

Online embodiment of home experience museum

The decoration is as fierce as a tiger, which is a real experience for everyone who has experienced this stage. The arduous process of fighting wits and fighting bravely with the decoration guerrillas will not be mentioned for the time being. Just the purchase and matching of each piece of furniture in the "three rooms and two halls" will be enough to make you and me as owners feel like fighting. A "Long March" of exhausted stores is inevitable. In order to love their homes, owners have to go around the furniture stores in the city, choosing styles on the left and comparing prices on the right, so as to make people haggard for "home". In order to benefit the owners and enable them to better understand the house type and purchase decoration materials, Tuba Rabbit jointly launched a home experience hall (virtual home) for each house type and style.

Virtual home solves various problems in decoration:

1. A set of sofa, tea table, TV cabinet, wardrobe, bookstand and other furniture products in the home exhibition hall look beautiful, but how can they be properly matched and placed in their own homes?

2. The size and specification of the home space may not correspond to the area of the sample room.

3. It is always possible to be "similar" to other people's homes, and the embarrassment of "matching clothes" is enough to send the self advertised personality to the clouds.

Features and advantages of virtual home:

Let the owner get a fitting room like a clothing store. Owners with higher taste can also request customization after selecting the basic style. It's as easy as shopping in a clothing store to stroll around the furniture city, and as easy as buying a suit of clothes to buy the furniture of the whole house.

Smart home iPad application

Home is a warm and happy place in the world. No matter how big or small, it always gives people a happy feeling. How to decorate a home? How to make your home unique? How to make full use of space? These are the issues that must be considered when building a comfortable home. A warm and beautiful home needs to be designed with heart and decorated with love.

The Home Experience Pavilion is a product about home decoration guidance, which aims to provide some references for friends when they decorate their loved homes, so as to make the home more diversified.

This product mainly includes the experience of color application and free collocation of space furniture, so that you can feel the happiness of decoration.

On the home page, you can check the style (European, simple, pastoral, etc.) according to the classification: space (bedroom, living room, etc.), and quickly find the style that suits you. In each experience hall, you can change the furniture, building materials and colors at will according to your own needs and interests. Really feel like a designer.

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