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Functional drinks

Functional drinks refer to those drinks that adjust the composition and content ratio of nutrients in the drinks to regulate human functions to a certain extent. Energy drinks can not replace water. Generally, energy drinks add vitamins, glucose, minerals, etc. to water. Energy drink is a kind of healthy drink popular in Europe, America and Japan since 2000. It contains potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium and other electrolytes. Its composition is similar to human body fluid. After drinking, it can be quickly absorbed by the body. It can timely supplement the water and electrolyte (salt) lost by the human body due to sweating due to a lot of exercise, so that the body fluid can reach a balanced state. When drinking functional drinks becomes a fashion, the industry also prospers. Barry Natanson, editor of Beverage Series, an industry publication, said that the industrial value of functional drinks has reached $1.5 billion, with more than 150 product types. However, nutritionists remind consumers to think twice before drinking functional drinks.

Main categories of functional drinks

Functional drinks are divided into nutrient drinks, sports drinks and other special purpose drinks. Common ones are as follows:

Polysaccharide beverage

Most of them refer to drinks containing dietary fiber, which can regulate the intestines and stomach. It is usually drunk before or after meals to help digestion and eliminate toxins in the body. People with constipation can slowly regulate their intestines and relieve constipation after drinking for a long time.

Vitamin beverage

It can supplement various nutrients needed by the body. In addition to supplementing the vitamins needed by the human body, vitamin drinks can also help to clean up the garbage in the body. This kind of drink is suitable for everyone. However, most vitamin drinks are high in sugar and are not recommended for people with diabetes. For example, Red Bull is a representative of canned functional drinks, which can start to supplement vitamins and caffeine but is not suitable for minors to drink. Bottled INFO power drinks do not contain caffeine, but they are also not recommended for minors to drink.

Mineral beverage

Similar to vitamin drinks, it is used to supplement iron, zinc, calcium and other mineral elements needed by the human body, enhance the immune function and physical fitness of the human body, help promote bone health and alleviate fatigue. Suitable for adults who are prone to fatigue, not for children.

Sports drinks

Sports drinks are soft drinks whose nutrient composition and content can meet the sports physiological characteristics and special nutritional needs of athletes or people participating in physical exercises. Sports drinks belong to functional special drinks with specific functions, which can enable athletes or sports personnel to quickly supplement water and a variety of nutrients after drinking. It can reduce consumption and restore vitality. Most of them contain a large amount of protein, polypeptide and amino acid beneficial to human body, which can timely supplement the water and electrolyte (salt) lost by human body due to a large amount of exercise, labor and sweating, and make the body fluid reach a balanced state. It is suitable for all kinds of people after physical exertion, not for children, and should be used with caution for patients with high blood pressure.

Probiotic beverage

It can promote the growth of beneficial bacteria in human intestines and stomach, improve intestinal function, help digestion and maintain skin, especially for the elderly and indigestion.

Immune beverage

Immune functional drinks, such as those added with cordyceps polysaccharide, lentinan, amino acids and peptides. Most cordyceps polysaccharide components are composed of mannose, galactose, glucose, etc. A large number of pharmacological experiments have shown that cordyceps polysaccharide has the functions of anti malady, enhancing the phagocytosis of mononuclear macrophages, increasing the content of=8>in mouse serum, promoting in vitro lymphocyte transformation and anti radiation. Lentinan has the functions of helping to strengthen immunity, anti malady, anti infection, enhancing the ability of detoxification, reducing blood fat, and anti-virus.

Low energy beverage

The caloric content, fat content and sugar content are lower than those of other functional drinks, especially those that supplement physical strength, which are suitable for obese people. Low energy drinks are very suitable for Chinese people to drink, because the proportion of Chinese people's sub-health is relatively serious, and the total proportion of the world's sub-health population has reached 75% in 2012. One of the reasons for sub-health is that we always eat high energy food because of our usual eating habits. In particular, many special people (such as the elderly, children, patients or people with high physical consumption) eat more in order to take in nutrition, leading to obesity and other sub-health problems. Drinking low-energy functional drinks can supplement the nutrition needed by our body, and can drink solid functional drinks of aminobutyric acid from Ankang. Amino acids are the basic component of protein, It can help the human body to provide nutrition. Drinking the amino acid beverage of Ankang source will not cause sub-health problems, but can supplement the nutrition needed by the human body and enhance the resistance.

Tips for functional drinks

Functional drinks cannot replace water nutritionists believe that functional drinks generally add vitamins, glucose, minerals, electrolytes, lysine, and some caffeine, taurine and other ingredients to water. These ingredients can relieve fatigue and supplement calcium, potassium, minerals and electrolytes in a proper amount, which is more suitable for specific people and adults with high physical exertion.

Functional drinks are not suitable for everyone

However, children are in the stage of development and have little exercise. If these ingredients are added excessively, the burden of self-regulation will be increased. Excessive drinking will also exceed the endurance of children's digestive system, kidneys, liver and nervous system. Pure fruit juice is rich in vitamins, especially vitamin C, which can be drunk moderately by children. However, the sugar content in fruit juice is high, and excessive consumption will cause obesity, diarrhea, nutritional imbalance, etc. Functional drinks and fruit juice cannot replace porridge, fruits and vegetables, nor can they replace water.

Energy drinks cannot replace water

Water is an important nutrient for human body to maintain normal physiological activities. In addition to its own nutrients, it also plays a role in dissolving and absorbing various nutrients, discharging various metabolic wastes from the body, participating in temperature regulation, and reducing fatigue (lactic acid) accumulated in muscles. Primary and middle school students should drink 1.5 to 2 liters of water every day, of which warm boiled water is good. At the same time, children should develop a good eating habit of eating porridge, fruits and vegetables to help their healthy growth.

Functional beverage market research

While the Chinese functional beverage market is developing at a high speed, there are also some problems, such as the lack of innovation of enterprises, the serious market following, which leads to the convergence of products, and the lack of specific standards in the Chinese functional beverage industry, the difficulty of market entry, and the disordered competition in the industry. Therefore, China should speed up the introduction of functional beverage industry standards, strengthen the supervision and management of the industry, and beverage manufacturers should correctly position their products in the market, actively innovate technology and marketing, and find differentiated selling points.

In recent years, the decline of the world's environmental quality and the increase of people's life pressure have made the number of people in a sub-health state increasing. At the same time, with the continuous improvement of living standards, people are also paying more and more attention to personal health issues. With the enhancement of people's health awareness, people gradually begin to choose healthy food and drinks. This demand has led to a continuous decline in the market share of carbonated drinks. Tea drinks, fruit juice drinks and functional drinks have become popular. Compared with the developed countries in the world, the per capita consumption of functional drinks in China is only 0.5 kg per year, which is still far from the per capita consumption of 7 kg in the world. Therefore, the market potential of functional drinks in China is huge.

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