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Cocktail is a kind of low volume and iced wine. It is a drink made of rum (RUM) and other spirits or wine as the base wine, together with juice, coffee, sugar and other auxiliary materials, and stirred or shaken. Cocktails can beautify your face and quench your thirst with ice. They are good for entertaining guests and relaxing drinks.

Origin of cocktail name

Cocktails In 1776, Betsy Flanagan invented the American style "cocktail". Cocktail originated in a tavern decorated with chicken tail feathers in Elmsford, New York in 1776. One day when the tavern was almost out of all kinds of drinks, some officers came in to buy drinks. A waitress named Betsy Flanagan poured all the remaining wine into a large container, and then plucked a hair from a big cock to stir up the wine and served it. The officers looked at the quality of the wine and could not find out what the taste was. They asked Betsy, who answered, "This is a cocktail!" An officer cheerfully toasted and shouted, "Long live the cocktail!" Since then, it has become known as "cocktail". This is the recognized origin in America. 2. One day, after a banquet, there were different kinds of wine left on the table. Some of them left 1/4 of the wine in the cup, and some left 1/2 of the wine in the cup. There was a waiter who cleaned the table. Three or five cups of wine were mixed together, but the taste was better than the original single wine. Then, the guys made several different combinations, and so on. After that, these mixed wines were distributed to everyone, and the results were highly praised. As a result, this method of mixed drinking became famous and spread. As for why it is called "cocktail" instead of "waiter wine", it is unknown.

Cocktail preparation method

When making cocktails, shakers, ice filters (some shakers with their own ice filters do not need a separate ice filter), bar spoons, ounce cups, and ice shovels are usually used. Then prepare the wine, accessories and decorations needed. When ready, first use an ice shovel to add 5.6 pieces of ice into the body of the shaker (the amount of ice should be determined according to the size of the cup and the shaker), then use an ounce cup to measure the excipients (such as juice, milk, etc.), pour them into the body of the shaker, followed by auxiliary wine, base wine, and put on the cup decorations. If salt and sugar are needed, wipe the rim of the cup with lemon oil before mixing wine, pour salt or sugar on a flat panel, and dip the cup in a circle (Margaret). When making rainbow cocktail, pour the wine with high density from the middle of the bullet cup into the bottom of the cup, and then drain other wine products with a bar spoon according to the order of decreasing density, leaving along the cup wall. Do not touch the lower layer of wine to avoid mixing.

Cocktail Result Characteristics

The nature of cocktail has determined that it must be a creative thing that can not be constrained and shackled. As for how many kinds of cocktails will be developed in the future, it seems that this question is only related to human imagination. Compared with the real life, which is always lack of change, this kind of beauty is naturally more precious. After more than 200 years of development, modern cocktails are no longer a simple mixture of several kinds of wine and alcohol drinks. Although there are many kinds and different formulas, they are all masterpieces elaborately designed by various bartenders. Their color, fragrance and taste are prepared as part time. Besides the taste sense of elegant, ornate, mellow and harmonious decoration, they have a sense of enjoyment and comfort by watching the color and smelling the fragrance. Even its unique cup bearing shape and simple and appropriate decoration are full of poetic charm.