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The Yellow Emperor's Canon of Internal Medicine holds that the five cereals are "japonica rice, millet, wheat, soybeans, and millet", while the Meng Ziteng Wengong called the five cereals "rice, millet, millet, wheat, and beans", and also called the five cereals "barley, wheat, rice, millet, and flax" during Buddhist sacrifices. Later, the Compendium of Materia Medica recorded 33 kinds of cereals and 14 kinds of beans, There are 47 kinds in total. Now commonly referred to as grains and miscellaneous grains, they refer to rice, wheat, sorghum, soybeans, and corn, while grains other than rice and flour are customarily referred to as miscellaneous grains, so grains and miscellaneous grains also generally refer to grain crops.

Origin of the name of cereals

Five cereals means five kinds of cereals. In books older than The Analects of Confucius, such as The Book of Songs and The Book of Books, there are only "hundreds of grains", not "five grains". Has the variety of grain crops decreased from hundred grains to five grains? no, it isn't. At the beginning, people often named several different varieties of a crop one by one, so it would be more. Moreover, the word "hundred" here is only used to mean many, and there are not really 100 kinds. The appearance of the term "grain" indicates that people have a clear concept of classification, and reflects that there were five major food crops at that time. An earlier record of the term "grain" can be found in the Analects of Confucius. According to the records in The Analects of Confucius, more than 2400 years ago, Confucius took his students on a long journey. Zi Lu fell behind and met an old farmer carrying a bamboo basket with a stick. He asked him, "Do you see the teacher?" The old farmer said, "If you don't work on all fours, you can't tell the grain. Who is the teacher?"

Historical origin of cereals

Although the concept of "five grains" has existed for more than 2000 years since its formation, the position of these food crops in the national food supply varies from time to time. The millet, millet and other crops in the grain, because of their drought tolerance, barren tolerance, short growth period and other characteristics, play a particularly important role in the original cultivation of dry land in the north. By the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, the characteristic of "easy to do" of Shu was discovered, and Shu, together with millet, became an indispensable food for people at that time. At the same time, people found that the winter wheat (winter wheat) can be planted in the late autumn and early spring growing seasons, and can play a role in solving the problem of shortage. In addition, the stone round mill was invented at this time, and the eating of wheat developed from grain food to pasta food, greatly improving the palatability, which made wheat widely valued by people, and thus developed into one of the main food crops, And compare with millet. In the Confucian classic Spring and Autumn Annals, it is not written about grain, but about grain and wheat.

Nutritional function of cereals

Red bean: Red bean is rich in starch, so it is also called "rice bean". It has the functions of "promoting fluid, urinating, relieving swelling, and stopping vomiting", and is called "Valley of Heart". Chiadzuki bean is an indispensable high nutrition, multi-functional grain in people's life. Soybean: known as the "star of beans", it is called "plant meat" and "green dairy", with rich nutritional value. Dry soybeans contain about 40% of high-quality protein, ranking first among other grains. White kidney bean: The kidney bean protein contained in white kidney bean is a natural amylase inhibitor, and its effect is better than that extracted from wheat and other crops. It is mainly used to alleviate obesity, diabetes, spleen and kidney. Mung beans: Mung beans are nutritious. Grain contains 20-24% protein, 0.5-1.5% fat, 55-654% carbohydrate and various minerals and vitamins. Protein contains various essential amino acids for human body. Mung bean is a sunstroke prevention drink, which can be made into a variety of cakes, vermicelli, flour, and fermented into mung bean daqu and shaojiu.