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Barreled water

Barreled water refers to the product of pure water or mineral water, which is produced by tap water or groundwater extraction and treated by modern industrial technology (reverse osmosis, electrodialysis, distillation, resin softening, etc.), and filled into PVC barrels from the filling production line. There are many kinds of barreled water on the market, including pure water, mountain spring water, mineral water, mineralized water, activated water, ionic water, etc. Due to different water sources and production processes, the types and contents of trace elements in different types of barreled water are also very different.

Barreled water market

The main types of drinking water in China are tap water, barreled water, water supply by quality and automatic water vending machine. According to the survey in Tianjin, Beijing and Shanghai, 28% of the citizens still kept drinking tap water in their daily drinking water supply in 2005, and 10% and 4% of the citizens chose separate water supply and automatic water vending machines, respectively, firmly occupying the leading position in the drinking water market.

Forty percent of consumers drink pure water (such as Wahaha and Yibao), and thirty percent of consumers drink natural spring water - mountain spring water (such as Dinghu Mountain Spring and Yufei Spring), mineral water (such as Nestle, Xishi, Yili, Jingtian), lake water (such as Nongfu Mountain Spring), etc.

The common types of barreled water in the market are pure water, natural mountain spring water, mineral water, snow melt water, etc. Among the consumers interviewed, 41% of the barreled water that families often drink is pure water, a slightly increase of 1 percentage point over the same period; 35% of households often drink mountain spring water and mineral water. When asked about the type of barreled water that families want to drink, 38% of consumers believe that natural mountain spring water is easy to be absorbed by the human body because it contains rich and balanced beneficial mineral ingredients that can maintain the natural state of mind and body, and has strong solubility and permeability. It is especially suitable for the elderly, pregnant women, and children to drink, promote metabolism, naturally moisturize, and take care of their body and mind, It is a kind of healthy drinking water especially suitable for long-term drinking and is highly praised; Natural mineral water is preferred by more consumers because of its rich mineral content and sweet taste. 32% of consumers want to drink it; The second is pure water. 23% of consumers said they would like to drink it, and 7% of households would like to drink distilled water and others.

Basic elements of barreled water

Prevent counterfeiting

In the future, consumers can easily find out whether the bottled water they bought is a fake product. The barreled water produced by Beijing enterprises has an electronic "ID card", and consumers can check the authenticity of the barreled water by calling the phone or surfing the Internet. It is reported that all bottled water produced in Beijing will have such an "ID card".

Some time ago, small water stores in the Beijing market cheated consumers by passing off brand bottled water. Some brand bottled water signs were passed off, and there was a case of fake bottled water with genuine brand. The Beijing Municipal Bureau of Quality Supervision disclosed that in the event of counterfeit brand products, the production enterprises and small water stores were shifting the blame. The law enforcement departments were not able to identify who produced the bottled water. At the same time, due to the blocked complaint channels of consumers, the legitimate rights and interests of consumers could not be protected.

The introduction of electronic ID card can strengthen supervision on the quality of barreled water. The electronic ID card of barreled water is the "supervision code", which is composed of a set of variable bar codes and a set of variable numbers. Each barreled water has a separate one.

Many famous brand barreled drinking water enterprises in Beijing, such as Yanjing, Weizhen, Zhidao, Robust, Wahaha, Huiyuan, Watsons, Jiulongshan, Tiancizhuang, have used the supervision code.

Before March 15, 2008, all barreled water production enterprises in Beijing that have obtained food production licenses will use the "supervision code" marked with the "China Product Quality Electronic Supervision Network". At that time, consumers in Beijing can query the product information by the "supervision code" on each bucket of water, and the government supervision department can also supervise the products of enterprises according to the "supervision code".

Distinguish between true and false

According to the Municipal Bureau of Quality Supervision, it is better to buy barreled water from formal large manufacturers, and you should first check whether the buckets are crystal clear. The barrel (bottle) with good quality shall be made of PC material, which has high transparency and smooth and bright surface. The barrel made of recycled waste plastics, commonly known as "black barrel", is black and dark in color and poor in transparency. The bucket cover shall be bright and clean with high hardness.

The President of Bottled (Filled) Drinking Water Association of Chongqing Food Industry Association also reminded consumers that they must buy bottled water of well-known brands. The equipment and technology of well-known brands of water are advanced, and the quality management is standardized, so it is not easy to produce counterfeit products.

Query validation

Scrape off the cover layer of the supervision code sign with "China Product Quality Electronic Supervision Network" pasted on the barreled water outlet, and you can see the supervision code of the barreled water. Or send the supervision code to 95001111 for query (0.2 yuan each), or log on the website for free query.

If the query result shows that "the regulatory code you queried does not exist" or the query result is inconsistent with the product information, it is likely to be counterfeit or counterfeit products, and consumers can complain to the relevant departments.


The Beijing Times said that more than half of the bottled water in Beijing was faked, and the sales of fake water amounted to hundreds of millions of barrels, with a market of 1 billion. The report caused a strong response from Chongqing citizens. What is the barreled water market in Chongqing? Is there such fake barreled water?

"Forgery of barreled water is inevitable everywhere, but it is certain that the scale of fraud in Chongqing is not as large as that in Beijing. After all, the cost of fraud should also be taken into account." The person in charge of Chongqing freezing water told reporters, "Take freezing water as an example, the barrel of freezing water is a unique tulip flavor, and the company has applied for patent appearance protection. If the counterfeiter wants to fake, he must make a set of moulds for producing barrels separately, and the cost of such a set of moulds is at least 300000 yuan. The totally closed thermoplastic film used for freezing water cannot be copied locally, and the trademark on the special bucket lid for freezing water also increases the difficulty of counterfeiting. "

Penalty for fraud

It is reported that the serious fraud in the bottled water market in Beijing has a lot to do with the general sales agent model commonly adopted by bottled water manufacturers in Beijing. The counterfeiters are often agents of various manufacturers. The barreled water enterprises in Chongqing generally adopt the direct sales mode: that is, each barreled water enterprise opens a direct sales water delivery station on the market for direct sales, which reduces the intermediate links.

As long as the manufacturer strengthens the management of the water delivery station, regular visits and careful inspection can reduce the possibility of fraud by agents. In addition, there are strict punishment measures within barreled water enterprises. Take freezing water as an example, if the water delivery station is found to be false, it will be fined more than 2000 preferential policies.

Pass rate

In September 2012, the Bureau of Quality Supervision focused on the large daily consumption of ordinary people, high safety and holiday hot selling food, and organized the supervision and random inspection of 19 kinds of food such as rice noodles, and the supervision and random inspection of 8 kinds of food scale enterprises such as soy sauce. A total of 2132 batches of products were sampled from 19 kinds of food such as rice noodles, with a qualification rate of 88.32%, including dairy products, beverages, candy, etc The qualified rate of pastries and meat products was less than 90%, and the qualified rate of bottled drinking water was only 76.44%.

Scientific application of barreled water

Barreled water is also facing a common problem of "secondary pollution". The climate, environment, personnel quality, etc. in the water delivery process are the key factors leading to "secondary pollution". However, after excluding these factors, barreled water is much safer than tap water and self-service drinking fountains in the community. Barreled water refers to the product of pure water or mineral water, which is produced by tap water or groundwater extraction and treated by modern industrial technology (reverse osmosis, electrodialysis, distillation, resin softening, etc.), and filled into PVC barrels from the filling production line. It is divided into purified water, mineral water and mineral water (made by adding minerals into purified water manually).

Is it safe to put it in a bucket?

Many people will get used to repeatedly heating the barreled water, pointing out that this practice is not advisable because the repeatedly heated water will produce concentrated liquid of harmful substances such as heavy metals and arsenides. In addition, the water dispenser should also be cleaned regularly. Although it is not necessary to clean it every time the bucket is changed, cleaning once a month is a reflection of good hygiene habits. It should be noted that the detergent for cleaning the water dispenser is a chemical agent after all, so it must be rinsed before drinking. In addition, bottled water should be drunk within 10 days as far as possible.

What's the difference between different kinds of water?

The common varieties of barreled water are pure water, mineral water and distilled water. It is easy to understand that pure water is tap water that has been treated clean and can be directly drunk, mineral water is natural mineral water containing certain minerals and trace elements, and distilled water is drinking water obtained by high-temperature distillation.

When drinking the above types of barreled water, we need to pay attention to the relevant issues: pure water does not contain any trace elements, and even the life ions that nourish the human body do not exist. The more body fluids we drink, the more acidic they will be, which may lead to the decline of human immunity and the possibility of physical injury. Distilled water has the same principle as pure water. Many minerals beneficial to human body have also been removed, so it is not suitable for single drinking water.

Barreled water should not be drunk directly

Food will deteriorate after being kept for a long time, and water will deteriorate after being kept for a long time, so people are usually used to eating fresh food and drinking fresh water, but barreled water is not suitable for drinking while fresh. The barreled water sold on the market, whether distilled water, reverse osmosis water, mineral water or other purified water, has been filtered and disinfected for many times during the production process, but it is generally sterilized with ozone before being barreled, so the newly filled barreled water will contain ozone of high concentration. Although ozone has a strong disinfection effect, its strong oxidation has a great harm to human health. After ozone is inhaled into the body, it will destroy vitamin E in the skin, causing wrinkles and black spots on the skin. In serious cases, it will also destroy the immune function of the human body, and induce the lymphocyte body to be ill.

So if you drink the bottled water while it is "fresh", you will undoubtedly ingest the poison together. A good way is to put fresh barreled water for 1-2 days, and drink it after the ozone dissipates. In addition, barreled water is not healthy water that can be safely drunk, especially the barreled water shared with the water dispenser. The faucet, water inlet, sewage outlet, etc. are easy to let microorganisms and floating layers in the air into the bucket, causing secondary pollution to the water in the bucket. In order to prevent drinking water that has been polluted twice, a good way is to heat the water before drinking. In order to prevent the repeated heating of water from producing a large amount of nitrite harmful to human health, citizens should try to buy boiling water dispensers when purchasing water dispensers. Such water dispensers are controlled by microcomputer, which can separate cold and hot water, maintain accurate and stable water temperature, and make drinking water clean and healthy.