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Baby swimming

Infant swimming refers to a specific phased infant early health care activity in water, which is carried out by a newborn (newborn from the day of birth to 28 days) or an infant within 2 years of age under the care of professional nurses or trained infant parents, using professional infant swimming equipment. It is divided into two parts: orderly, localized and skilled passive swimming exercises and autonomous swimming.

Basic Introduction to Infant Swimming

Hundreds of thousands of 0-1 year old infants in most central cities in China are trained to swim in hospital swimming centers, infant swimming pools, and families. The good physical, mental, and intellectual effects of infant swimming make young parents praise infant swimming.

With the progress of society, more and more babies will enjoy the fun and health brought by baby swimming, and baby swimming is developing well. In order to develop infant swimming, many government agencies and academic groups actively advocate infant swimming and encourage more infants to participate in swimming training in various ways. In order to improve the overall quality of Chinese children in the future, the Children's Health Education Working Committee of China Eugenics Science Association has set up the Infant Swimming Project Department of the Early Development Project of Infant Potential. Under the guidance of the China Infant Swimming Committee, the scientific and standardized promotion of 0-1 year old infants' swimming.

(1) Serious situation:

In China, due to the influence of traditional concepts for thousands of years, many infants, especially newborn infants, are generally in a state of limb constraint or semi constraint for a long time. The activities that can be done with a large amount of exercise are crying and breast feeding. The free movement of limbs is usually restricted, which is popularly known as "candle package". This approach has long been strongly opposed by the World Health Organization (WHO). Because it seriously hinders the development of infants' movement and intelligence.

(2) Free posture of infants when swimming:

When a baby swims, with the help of the buoyancy of water, his limbs can move freely even if he is a newborn. At the same time, his limbs will not be injured by bearing the body weight in advance, so the movement development is greatly advanced. Moreover, the baby's body is basically upright in the water when swimming. Compared with lying on the bed, the baby's vision is greatly expanded.

(3) Benefits of lifetime benefits:

If infants swim every day or regularly, their limbs can have complete free movement for a period of time. Compared with children who do not participate in infant swimming training, their movement development is much earlier, and they can complete coordinated and delicate movements very early. When an infant swims, the infant's visual field is greatly expanded. The expansion of visual field can greatly improve the reception of acoustic and color signals, and is also very helpful to the coordination and combination of acoustic and color signals. This can directly catalyze the rapid development of the infant's nervous system and is extremely beneficial to improving the infant's intelligence. Being able to take the lead in both sports and intelligence within one year of age is undoubtedly very beneficial to children's life, especially in a highly competitive society. For parents who want their children to become useful quickly, infant swimming is undoubtedly an excellent method.

(4) Market feedback:

For infants under one year old, because they can't walk independently, swimming in water is a sport that babies like, are natural, and are safe. For infants who insist on swimming for a period of time, parents generally report that they eat more, sleep better, grow faster, grow higher, and have strong immunity. They are easy to take and feed, and there is no problem of reversing day and night, It is easy to avoid colds and other diseases.

Advantages and disadvantages of baby swimming

The benefits of baby swimming include:

1. Frequent swimming can improve the function of the respiratory system;

2. Baby swimming can consume too much fat, and make use of the muscles of all parts of the body to make the body symmetrical and healthy;

3. The process of baby swimming will also improve the function of the brain, so that the baby's brain can respond to the external environment quickly and develop intelligence well;

4. Frequent swimming can make the heart muscle developed, the metabolism vigorous, and the heartbeat slower and stronger than that of infants of the same age, which prepares the conditions for bearing greater physical load;

5. Swimming can also improve the baby's immunity to cold and disease.

The disadvantages of baby swimming

1. There are many dangers in swimming with neck rings

Why it is unsafe to swim with a collar: 1. The baby's neck is very soft, and the collar is easy to hurt the baby's tender cervical spine. 2. The neck ring is plastic. In clinical practice, babies are allergic to the neck ring or the neck ring is excessively rubbed, leading to dermatitis. 3. The neck ring is easy to compress the trachea. 4. Dangerously, we have a carotid sinus on our neck. If we are accidentally pressed, we may have a baroreceptor reflex, which will slow down the heart rate and reduce blood pressure, and even shock in serious cases! The neck ring is in danger!

2. Swimming is not more conducive to baby development than lying on the stomach

Can infants be allowed to swim? Babies of any age can swim. Swimming is just an ordinary sport, which is not more conducive to the development of infants' motor function than lying on the stomach. When lying on the stomach, the baby can adjust the range of movement according to its own situation, and can also rest and sleep, while swimming only forces the baby to keep moving. Use the collar to assist swimming; Diving stimulates the development of coordination ability, which should be a gimmick. Adults can hold and hold the baby to swim.

3. It is easy to cause damage to the cervical spine

The baby's head can't move back and forth after wearing the neck ring, but the body below the neck is moving in disorder. At this time, the range of motion of the neck and the lower part of the body is particularly large, which is easy to cause damage to the neck.

Baby swimming preparation

Umbilical waterproof

For newborns whose umbilical cord stump has not fallen off, the umbilical cord waterproof treatment should be routinely carried out before the baby swims. The treatment method can be simple and economical, that is, ordinary 3L medical adhesive can be used to cover the umbilical cord stump. In the previous study, more than 100 infants with untreated umbilical cord stumps who swam in Taimeishi live water were observed. After swimming, they were disinfected and dehydrated with chromium iodide. None of them found omphalitis. However, in principle, for newborns born within 5 days, umbilical cord waterproofing should be carried out before swimming.

Reasonable diet

Before breast-feeding, the stomach and intestines are empty and the physical strength is insufficient, and the baby's swimming physical energy consumption is high, which is easy to cause collapse, so do not train the baby to swim when the baby is hungry; Swimming immediately after breast-feeding will cause insufficient blood supply to the intestines, stomach and viscera, which is not conducive to food digestion, and even cause gastrointestinal discomfort, nausea and vomiting. Therefore, it is not suitable for babies to swim after they are full, but it is good that they are half an hour after they are full.

Pay attention to thermal insulation

Whether at home or in the natatorium, the water temperature of infants swimming should be kept constant as far as possible. The natatorium chooses to go to a constant temperature swimming pool. At home, it is necessary to constantly inject hot water into the gradually cooling water to achieve constant temperature effect, or turn on the indoor heating.

Which babies are not suitable for swimming

1. Newborn with Apgar<8

2. Infants with neonatal complications or who need special relief.

3. For premature infants whose gestational age is less than 32 weeks, or newborns whose birth weight is less than 2000g, it is appropriate to swim after full term (37-40 weeks, depending on the health and development of the infants) or when the weight is more than 5000g.

4. Damaged or infected skin.

5. Infections, colds, fever, diarrhea, foot cramps, physical abnormalities, immune system problems, respiratory tract infections (infectious).

6. Bathing or swimming can be carried out at least 24 hours after vaccination.

7. If eczema has local infection or is very serious, it is not suitable for swimming.