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Meridian Massage

Meridian massage is a kind of massage medicine that is strictly based on the principles of traditional Chinese medicine meridians. The doctor makes a diagnosis based on the syndrome differentiation of the meridians and collaterals, and then massages the meridians and collaterals, and then transfers the massage methods of Ren Du's second pulse (called Xiao Zhou Tian in ancient times) and the twelve meridians (called Da Zhou Tian in ancient times). In nature, meridian massage belongs to the category of external treatment of traditional Chinese medicine. From the attribute of massage, meridian massage belongs to the original mainstream of Chinese massage medicine.

Historical Source of Meridian Massage

Meridian massage originates from the Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic. In the form of monograph, the book "On Different Methods and Prescriptions" in Plain Questions explains the origin of various therapeutic methods of traditional Chinese medicine from the broad perspective of medical geography. Among them, massage comes out from the center. Massage therapy came into being in the Central Plains because: "The central place is the place where people recognize the dampness on the horizon, and there are many things born in heaven and earth, and people eat miscellaneous food without fatigue, so its diseases are often fistulas, syncope, cold, and heat, and its treatment should be guided by pressing the stick." He said: "Great heat spreads all over the body. He is crazy and sees, hears and talks in vain. He takes it according to the foot Yang Ming and the great collaterals. If he is weak, he will fill it. If he is strong, he will drain it. Because he lies down in front of his head, he will press the carotid artery with two hands and four fingers, hold it for a long time, roll it, cut it, and push it down to the empty basin. When it comes back, it will stop as before, and when it gets hot, it will stop. This is also called pushing and dispersing." This paper expounds the meridian massage to alleviate the body's malaise, introduces the operation methods, and discusses both the techniques of pinching, pressing, rolling, cutting and the principle of "pushing and dispersing".

Clinical application of meridian massage

1. Head massage

It has the function of reviving the brain, relieving headache, preventing Alzheimer's disease and increasing the activity of brain cells.

(1) Push the palms of the thumbs and other four fingers of both hands to the air hole of the pillow by pressing from the front hairline. Usually, you can comb your hair in the same direction several times with a comb.

(2) Press and knead the acupoints on the pillow with both hands and thumbs, and knead the Fengchi and Fengfu acupoints on both sides until there is a sense of acid swelling.

(3) Pinch the neck with the index finger, middle finger and ring finger in conjunction with the palm to pinch the neck, and pinch down to the shoulder.

2. Eye and face massage

For people who have worked closely for a long time, it can remove or reduce eye fatigue, and prevent eye vision loss and eye bags.

(1) The eye socket massages the eyebrows with the index finger or middle finger of both hands, pushing from the Cunzhu point at the head of the eyebrow to the Sizhu hole at the tail of the eyebrow. Then press and rub the Jingming point in the eye socket with the thumb, index finger and middle finger of both hands, then push it along the upper and lower eye sockets to the Pupil bone point in the tail, and repeat it up and down for several times until the whole eye socket feels sour.

(2) Press the temples and Yingxiang point beside the nose, rub the palms of both hands together, press the palms against the forehead, and rub them down to the chin with a little force. If you have nose disease, cold, runny nose or nasal congestion, you can rub the middle finger from Yingxiang point up to the nasal root, repeatedly for about 10 times.

(3) Put the tongue against the lower teeth of the upper jaw and knock upward for 20 consecutive times.

3. Ear massage

The acupoints of the ear are closely related to the internal organs of our body. Massaging the ear can not only strengthen the functions of the internal organs, but also prevent hearing loss and tinnitus. Rub your ears. After bending your thumbs and index fingers, rub your ears up and down until your ears are red and hot.

4. Limbs health massage

Strengthen the metabolism of hands and feet, relieve pain, and prevent elbow and knee degradation.

(1) From the shoulder to the arm, press and knead the three li, quchi, quze and other acupoints.

(2) Twist the fingers of both hands, and warm the palms and backs of the hands until they are hot.

(3) Press and knead the thigh, knee joint and calf muscle. Press Zusanli, Yanglingquan, Sanyinjiao and other acupoints until you feel sour.

(4) Grab the ankle with one hand and the toe with the other, and rotate the ankle joint for 20-30 times.

(5) Pushing Yongquan: quickly and forcefully wipe the soles of feet, which can strengthen the kidney function and prevent the soles of feet from being cold.

5. Waist health massage

Make fists with both hands, rotate and press hard at the waist with the joint of thumb and palm, and then rub up and down with the palm until the waist is hot. And you can bend and rotate your waist to exercise your waist muscles.

6. Strengthen gastrointestinal function

(1) Rub the palms of both hands to warm the abdomen, and then stick the palms of one hand to the navel. With the navel as the center, gently rub the abdomen clockwise for 2-5 minutes.

(2) Wipe the abdomen with both hands from the lower edge of the ribs to the lower abdomen, and the abdomen is suitable for fever.

7. Opening blocking function

Apply the finger rib surface on the face or a part of the limb or a acupoint, and gradually press down with force. The direction of pressing should be vertical, and the force should be stable and continuous from light to heavy, so that the stimulation can fully penetrate into the deep part of the subcutaneous tissue. This method has a strong irritant and often cooperates with kneading method, which is called press kneading method. The pressing method has obvious opening and blocking effect, which can expand blood vessels to improve blood supply of tissues, enhance oxidation in the body, remove stasis in lymphatic vessels, increase nutrition of tissues and remove edema.

Precautions for Meridian Massage

When massaging, the following points must be noted:

1. Make a clear diagnosis, select acupoints, and determine the technique, so as to know well, consider comprehensively, and focus on the center.

2. Appropriate massage positions shall be adopted according to the different parts of the body and massage. This position should make the patient comfortable, easy to relieve, and conducive to various manipulations. Whether it is self massage or massage by others, pay attention to it.

3. The operation procedure, intensity and time of massage should be adjusted at any time according to the patient's systemic and local reactions and the changes after remission. And we should grasp the principle of treating "standard" in case of urgency and "root" in case of slowness.

4. Do a good job in the patient's explanation, tell the patient not to be nervous, relax his muscles, breathe naturally, and undress. When massaging the back and lower abdomen, the urine and urine should be emptied first. The patient is not suitable for massage after being hungry, full or drunk, and it is generally better to massage 2 hours after meals.

Be patient, serious, kind and responsible to the patient, so that the patient can trust the doctor and cooperate with him. Pay attention to relaxation and time arrangement when massaging yourself.

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