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Armani dry cleaner
  • Franchise industry:

    Service>Dry Cleaning

  • Suitable for:

    Free entrepreneurship

  • Origin of the brand:

    Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province

  • Business model:

    Franchise cooperation of distribution agency

  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:

    one hundred

  • Investment amount: 100000~200000


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Armani dry cleaner Introduction to joining

Armani laundry, originated in Europe major Standard clothing washing and care system, with many ten year old stores and franchisees with annual performance of over one million. It has always been committed to providing a series of services such as perfect laundry, shoe washing, bag washing, luxury goods, home product washing and care, taking "win-win as the foundation, service oriented" as the enterprise spirit China It is our responsibility to upgrade the washing and care industry, classify and adapt various washing and care methods for different fabrics and brands, and use Internet tools to provide convenient major Care services. A whole store output mode integrating training, sales, service, R&D, technology and planning.

Armani Laundry relies on and integrates the transparent operation of its front store and back factory laundry, convenient laundry outlet, unattended self-service wardrobe, thoughtful door-to-door delivery, WeChat official account, small programs and various O2O platforms that support online services, forming an omni channel operation model that brings more convenience to customers.

With its strict requirements for quality and service, Armani is loved by many consumers in the market.

We will continue to move forward to provide more comprehensive franchise support for franchise stores; Bring consumers a more reassuring and efficient laundry experience.

Six core advantages of Armani

The authorized value of the brand Armani has already exceeded the assets of an ordinary dry cleaner.

Equipment K-one intelligent fine cleaning machine, luxury dry cleaning machine and other equipment.

Taking charge of Armani, a pioneer in luxury care.

Service opening, many to one team will serve you all the way and solve all your worries.

After sales nanny service, lifelong major Service training and equipment maintenance.

From the comprehensive sowing and blooming in 2013, to the comprehensive and in-depth promotion of Internet laundry in the key year, and then to the year of tackling difficulties, the columns and beams, and the torrent;

With the help of a transparent front store and back factory laundry, a convenient laundry store, unattended self-service wardrobe, thoughtful door-to-door pick-up and delivery, as well as WeChat public accounts, small programs and various O2O platforms that support online services, they rely on and integrate each other to form an omni channel operation model that brings more convenience to customers.

Armani dry cleaner Franchise advantages

  ★ Laundry technology training

Generally, operators do not need to go through major Laundry technical training, and major Our technical training is not frozen in a day, and with the increasing complexity and diversification of clothing fabrics, it is more difficult to quickly learn and flexibly master comprehensive laundry techniques.

However, it doesn't matter, because usually a dry cleaner will invite an experienced teacher to take charge, so the problem can be solved, and the training in chain stores will become simple, just learn some basic washing and sorting operations.

★ Operation management training

The daily care of dry cleaning stores needs to be operated with wisdom. How to make the dry cleaning stores famous through marketing and promotion, and how to manage the dry cleaning stores efficiently and let the internal staff work together efficiently are all the contents that operators need to receive training.

★ Service training

As a part of the modern service industry, the dry cleaning industry must establish the concept of service as the king. How the service is determined by the reputation, and how the reputation determines the benefit. Whether the operator can adhere to the service attitude required by the headquarters and operate the dry cleaning shop in principle is also the premise of whether the dry cleaning shop can create long-term repeat customers. It can not only bring benefits, but also solve many problems. Armani Laundry Group Headquarters advocates building competitive dry cleaners with services.

Armani dry cleaner Franchise conditions

Natural person or enterprise legal person with independent capacity to bear civil liability;

Have a certain amount of startup funds, and get the consent and support of family members;

Recognize the brand management concept and brand culture good Upward entrepreneurial attempts;

Accept the supervision and supervision of the company, abide by the brand operation specifications, and consciously maintain the brand reputation of Armani dry cleaning.

Focus on thinking, be able to set goals, adopt Work hard and persist in realizing lofty ideals and ambitions.

I don't want to make a small sum of money, but have entrepreneurial enthusiasm and confidence in the laundry industry.

Focus on resource integration;

Understand the consumption habits of the new generation.

With a rational attitude, there is no expectation of profiteering.

Armani dry cleaner Franchise process

Armani dry cleaner Joining dynamics


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    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Armani Dry Cleaning Shop! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-11 05:39:55 From Asia Pacific  43.250.201*
  • I'm interested. Please contact my WeChat account and send information

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Armani Dry Cleaning Shop! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-11 01:57:51 From Linfen City, Shanxi Province  60.221.113*
  • What are the conditions for joining

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Armani Dry Cleaning Shop! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-09 11:24:50 From Xuzhou, Jiangsu  49.81.195*
  • Please give me some information

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Armani Dry Cleaning Shop! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-02 17:16:24 From Heilongjiang Province  42.102.208*
  • About how much money should be invested in the early stage

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Armani Dry Cleaning Shop! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-31 11:24:09 From Anyang City, Henan Province  61.53.80*
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