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Aile Chain Kindergarten
  • Franchise industry:


  • Suitable for:

    Additional items of free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment in existing companies

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:

    Franchise of distribution agent

  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:

    one hundred

  • Investment amount: 500000~1000000


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Aile Chain Kindergarten Introduction to joining
 Aile chain kindergarten joined
Aile Chain Kindergarten holds the Franchise Filing License issued by the Ministry of Commerce and is a high-tech enterprise. It is an international oriented Internet education company headquartered in Guangzhou and its wholly-owned subsidiary in Hong Kong. Aile Group focuses on preschool education for 1-6 years old, mainly engaged in kindergarten chain joining, kindergarten management, kindergarten online curriculum output, kindergarten design, kindergarten brand design, kindergarten management training, curriculum development, kindergarten head training, kindergarten multimedia design, children's brand extension, international academic exchange, primary school cooperation and other businesses. It has three brands: "Aile International Chain Kindergarten", "Meitang Smart Bilingual Kindergarten" and "Aiyou Baby Growth Garden". The MBA program that the company cooperates with international business schools has a certain reputation in the industry. Aile Kindergarten is an intelligent kindergarten with Internet thinking. In line with the growth concept of "home education", Aile Chain Kindergarten [1] builds an intelligent kindergarten service system from five aspects: "home communication", "smart wear", "smart service", "WeChat business and WeChat payment", and "smart home".
In terms of educational philosophy, Aile International Chain Kindergarten integrates the essence of Chinese and Western education, advocates the educational philosophy of "giving children a happy childhood", creates an educational ecological environment of "democracy, equality, openness and freedom", advocates "paying attention to individuals, respecting differences, and cultivating personality", and is committed to achieving the three characteristics of Aile Baby: health, happiness Creative and international vision.
The logo uses the first letter "F" and "L" as the design for integration, and the round frame and ears of wheat symbolize vitality and harvest; The following books reflect the literary atmosphere and highlight that they are educational institutions, which better reflect the industry characteristics of early childhood education.
The color is green, vigorous, and pure white. Green contains the energy that breeds life, revealing the beauty of life, lively but elegant; And white represents that our children are so innocent and lovely, growing up happily in a warm environment.
The predecessor of Aile International Education Group is mainly engaged in kindergarten design, kindergarten brand design, kindergarten agency management, kindergarten brand management, kindergarten operation training, kindergarten head training, curriculum development, kindergarten multimedia design, children's toy development and export, children's brand extension, international academic exchanges, etc. Hong Kong Aile International Chain Kindergarten affiliated to Aile Company has more than 300 Aile chain kindergartens so far. Its Aiyou Parent Child Education Activity Center has increased to thousands of community stores nationwide in 2016, providing Internet education, picture book reading and audio story services for more than 1 million families. Aile Education is committed to providing kindergarten with one-stop brand management, kindergarten design, kindergarten operation and multi-channel service output services, and its products and services have certain characteristics, which can implement the educational concept of smart kindergarten. The concept of Internet smart kindergarten we put forward has promoted the development of early childhood education, At the same time, more and more Internet products provide various Internet education services for kindergartens and children.
We cultivate small citizens with an international perspective
Complete people, complete growth and comprehensive development "are the internal needs of children. Life with only cognition is impossible to exist and unimaginable. A complete person must include: physical, emotional, sensory, cognitive, psychological, spiritual, spiritual... What he pursues is a complete person and a complete growth experience. The joining project of Aile Kindergarten is in the process of global investment promotion. People with lofty ideals are welcome to call and inquire about the project.
Aile Chain Kindergarten Franchise advantages
 Aile chain kindergarten joined
1. High brand reputation
A good chain brand of kindergartens can win more trust from parents, obtain qualified survival in the fierce market environment, and improve the development space of kindergartens. The chain brand will not only support the kindergarten to have enough students, but also provide teacher training for the kindergarten, and provide unified management mode, perfect teaching plan and qualified follow-up services.
2. Complete operation system and joint progress with entrepreneurs
After years of accumulation, Aile Kindergarten Education has a complete set of standard operation system, which provides every detail guidance to the franchisees at all stages of the kindergarten's opening, and helps the kindergarten's operation quickly get on the right track. At the same time, Aile Education also provides a series of training courses to improve/increase the teaching team's mastery of advanced scientific and international education and teaching methods, provide nanny like operation assistance for the operation of the kindergarten, and work together with entrepreneurs to make progress and create an era of preschool education.
3. Advanced education concept focuses on children's growth
From the needs of children's growth essence, Aile International Kindergarten creates an educational ecological environment of "democracy, equality, openness and freedom", advocates "paying attention to individuals, respecting differences, and cultivating personality", and is committed to cultivating small citizens in the world. Taking scientific multiple intelligence as the leading factor, we should start from focusing on life and carry out education in pursuit of natural growth of life. The educational concept of Aile Education is deeply recognized by modern parents and the society, so it is highly concerned by franchisees.
4. Internet management system
Aile has its own Internet management system to realize networking and standardization of management and improve management efficiency and service quality. At the same time, franchisees can learn about the situation of Aile franchise parks nationwide, and can learn from the advantages of each Aile branch park without leaving home. The Aiyuan co education platform created by Aile Education mainly provides single person and multiple person online chat, which can facilitate the communication between kindergarten, teachers and parents.
5. After joining the kindergarten, teachers are supported
After joining the kindergarten, the headquarters of Aile Kindergarten will have a set of teacher training system, which can improve the basic skills and teaching level of teachers, train and improve the skills of teachers, get familiar with the job as soon as possible, and quickly grow into a qualified and good preschool teacher.
Aile International Chain Kindergarten has a systematic circular training mechanism, including: ① Aile cultural training; ② Pre job training for teachers; ③ Teacher skills training; ④ Professional ethics training for teachers; ⑤ Kindergarten team management training; ⑥ Kindergarten enrollment strategies and skills; ⑦ Characteristic teaching project training; ⑧ On site tour and technical training guidance of the kindergarten every semester; wait. In terms of teacher training, Aile spared no effort to create a scientific training mechanism, which can improve the management level and professional level of the kindergarten.
6. Service support
The franchise headquarters of Aile Kindergarten will regularly provide high-quality services to the franchise parks, including kindergarten planning and design, director and teacher training, post opening supervision and supervision, etc., so as to promote the continuous growth of kindergarten teachers, improve parents' satisfaction, and establish the strength and influence of kindergarten in the local preschool education industry.
Aile Chain Kindergarten Franchise conditions
Partners of Aile Chain Kindergarten:
1. Have a qualified educational mentality;
2. Agree with the concept of Elor International Education
3. A natural or legal person who has reached the age of 18 and has full civil capacity;
Cooperation requirements of Aile chain kindergarten:
1. Aspiring to become a model kindergarten of local brand
2. Conform to the standard of park management
3. Located in administrative regions above county level (including county level)
4. The indoor area is 1200 square meters, and the outdoor area is more than 300 square meters
5. Have the capital strength corresponding to the scale of the park
Cooperation mode of Aile chain kindergarten: 1. Join the chain; 2. Joint investment; 3. Kindergarten management
Aile Chain Kindergarten Franchise process
1、 Investigation and application stage
1. Preliminary consultation
2. Fill in the intention form
3. Qualification evaluation
4. Confirmation of intention
5. Submit cooperation application
6. Comprehensive evaluation
7. Determine cooperation and sign agreements
2、 Preparation and launch stage of Aile chain kindergarten
1. Preparation for training
2. Kindergarten site selection
3. Kindergarten preparation
4. Distribution data
5. Start operation and educational administration training
6. Promotion and preparation before opening
7. Operation guidance after park opening
3、 Operation stage of Aile chain kindergarten
1. Provide brand and market support
2. Provide national shared management and operation platform support
3. Continuous operation and educational guidance and support

Aile Chain Kindergarten Joining dynamics


Aile Chain Kindergarten Related questions and answers


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    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Aile Chain Kindergarten! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-03 23:28:49 From China  39.189.21*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; Number WeChat same number

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Aile Chain Kindergarten! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-01 10:37:27 From Pudong New Area, Shanghai  61.171.3*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; About 50000 yuan.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Aile Chain Kindergarten! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-23 00:38:40 From Shanghai Jiading  58.39.212*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; 50000 to 80000 yuan.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Aile Chain Kindergarten! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-23 00:37:47 From Shandong Province  39.81.153*
  • Franchise process

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Aile Chain Kindergarten! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-21 13:34:39 From Hebei Chengde Paddock  49.4.211*
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