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Aiying Japanese Beauty
  • Franchise industry:

    Beauty>Skin Management

  • Suitable for:

    Free entrepreneurship

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:


  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:


  • Investment amount: 100000~200000


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Aiying Japanese Beauty Introduction to joining

 Aiying Japanese Beauty Franchise

Aiying Japanese Beauty is a beauty chain in Shanghai. Now, after years of deep cultivation, it has developed many chain stores, and has strong brand strength. Aiying Japanese Beauty is a Japanese beauty agency. The company mainly provides Japanese beauty for children aged 20 to 60. The company will also have imported equipment and luxury products. If you join this project, the conditions required are not high. You need to recognize the business philosophy of Aiying Japanese style beauty, have some experience in beauty care, and continue to promote the brand, which can improve the brand's influence.
In Japan, compared with the pain caused by equipment, Japan pays more attention to the gentle and non stimulating techniques to help solve problems. Japan has always been full of ingenuity, so their Aiying Japanese style skin care management must be subject to strict quality control and certification by relevant departments. In addition, one of Japan's major characteristics is to serve people, It is not unreasonable for Japan to be called a more service oriented shop. The smiling service and friendly attitude of all the staff in the skin management shop in Japan make you feel comfortable when you walk in. It can be said that they really did a great job.
Aiying Japanese Beauty is jointly sponsored by Japanese doctors and excellent beauty schools. We combine Japanese basic beauty care, beauty and body balance health, and provide an all-in-one beauty care system course from inside to outside. Aiying Japanese style beauty brand, combined with imported equipment from Japan, Denmark, South Korea and other countries, develops a public trust skin care treatment course for consumers, and creates a unique beauty program at home and abroad. The diversification of its projects has been widely concerned by consumers. Among them, the introduction of ultrasound to replenish water, facial calming moisturizing film, half line pupil lines, and naked eye eyebrow lines are relatively popular beauty projects in the market, It is also a popular trend in the beauty industry today.

Aiying Japanese Beauty Franchise advantages

 Aiying Japanese Beauty Franchise

1. Brand advantages
After joining, you can obtain the authorization of the brand Yingwei Japanese style skin management. The powerful brand influence of Aiying Japanese style beauty will bring you more consumers and make your franchise store more competitive.
2. Product advantages
Aiying Japanese style beauty products are not fashionable and well selected, and the quality of the products is of high quality, which can provide consumers with a healthy and comfortable experience.
3. Technical advantages
The headquarters continuously imparts technology and new sales methods free of charge to different regions and markets to help partners obtain services and gain more competitiveness in regional markets. Business continues to be hot.
4. Training advantages
The headquarters has rich experience in franchise, can share practical knowledge and skills with franchisees, provide free training for franchisees in all aspects, and improve the overall strength of franchisees.
5. Service advantages
After joining Yingwei Japanese skin management, the headquarters will provide all aspects of joining support, from the preparation of joining to the opening of the store to the later operation, the headquarters will help you take every step of the joining journey.

Aiying Japanese Beauty Franchise conditions
1. At least 18 years old, in good health.
2. Follow all rules and regulations of the company, obey regional management, and love all products of Sakura Japanese skin management.
3. Have the financial ability to meet the joining requirements.
4. Self purchase or rental of places that meet the requirements of opening stores.
5. Be able to strictly implement all policies formulated by us.
Aiying Japanese Beauty Franchise process
1. Preliminary understanding
Learn about the operation mode of Aiying Japanese style beauty salon and the local market situation. Ask the headquarters for the investment promotion and franchise manual by phone, filling in forms online or email to understand the industry situation and the headquarters' franchise policy.
2. Project investigation
Investigate the operation status of the headquarters' direct stores and franchise stores, and negotiate with the headquarters about the intention of joining after being satisfied.
3. Franchise application
If you have no problem with your working capital and business strength, you can submit a franchise application to our headquarters, and the headquarters can sign a franchise contract after reviewing your situation.
4. Sign franchise contract
The franchisee can formally sign the franchise contract after confirming the final cooperation intention and communicating with the headquarters without dispute.
5. Franchise site selection
Site selection training and store location evaluation for franchisees.
6. Decoration design
Preliminary design, detail review and finalization, decoration budget determination, personnel construction.
7. Headquarters training
The headquarters arranges technical training for entrepreneurs, and issues authorized bronze medals after passing the training.
8. Opening
Communicate with the business manager about the opening time, plan the opening plan and make preliminary preparations.

Aiying Japanese Beauty Joining dynamics


Aiying Japanese Beauty Related questions and answers


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  • If you want to know something, please feel free to contact

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Aiying Japanese Beauty! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-15 23:30:14 From Fuxin City, Liaoning Province  59.47.19*
  • I want an agent

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Aiying Japanese Beauty! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-14 02:15:18 From Liaoning Province  42.249.25*
  • The brand has a good reputation. I want to join

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Aiying Japanese Beauty! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-13 20:26:00 From Liaoning Province  42.52.57*
  • Consultation on specific joining matters

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Aiying Japanese Beauty! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-10 08:30:25 From Nanjing, Jiangsu Province  58.212.122*
  • Interested, please contact me as soon as possible, thank you

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Aiying Japanese Beauty! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-02 23:52:18 From Gansu Province  42.90.93*
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