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*Warm tip: investment is risky, 91 franchise website prompts more brand inspection!
Ai Ai Tu Soothing Essence
  • Franchise industry:

    Beauty>Skin Care Products

  • Suitable for:

    Additional items of free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment in existing companies

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:

    Franchise of distribution agent

  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:

    two hundred and thirty-three

  • Investment amount: 100000~200000


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Ai Ai Tu Soothing Essence Introduction to joining
 Ai Ai Tu Soothing Essence joined
Ai Ai Tu Soothing Essence does not contain chemical emulsifiers. Its products conquer the market with their health, environmental protection, purity, and good skin texture. Ai Ai Tu Soothing Essence from pure plant essence to fresh and pleasant packaging, as far as possible, environmental protection, adopted the extraction. Let the purity of products reappear in front of consumers in a natural way.
Brand Introduction
Aiaitu Soothing Essence has joined in. Aiaitu Soothing Essence rate belongs to Guangzhou Qixin Commerce and Trade Co., Ltd. Now, it has developed into a large group integrating processing, vocational training, traditional culture and education, and is a national quality and integrity enterprise in the cosmetics industry of Zhongrong.
The R&D center of Ai'ai Tu Soothing Essence has strong R&D technology strength. It has an excellent R&D team composed of Han Rong Scientific Research, medical professors, doctors and masters, etc., which aims at common problems in the beauty industry.
After years of clinical research and practice, we have developed unique and efficient care products in the beauty field of "reproductive health, whitening, acne and acne recovery, essential oil care, repair, traditional Chinese medicine elderly care, eye care", which has realized the comprehensive expansion of Chinese herbal medicine in the beauty field.
Ai Ai Tu Soothing Essence has joined the headquarters in traditional culture education since 2011. Two traditional culture learning classes are held every year. The students are social workers. They sign up independently, eat and live freely, and teach for free. At the same time, they also pay attention to social practice activities. They often organize various social activities to send warmth to students in remote areas, Send care activities to the elderly, and do our modest efforts to realize the inheritance of traditional culture.
Franchise analysis
The headquarters provides unified distribution, and the technical training provided is free of charge. After the store is opened, there will be secondary training, so that the franchisee can continue to learn the way of operation and make more profits. The franchise can reach more than 50%, with a monthly turnover of, stable and easy operation.
The brand promotes regional protection support, agrees not to develop a second store in the region, and protects the interests of franchisees. As long as you join us, you will be successful and have a broad market prospect. Choosing this brand will make your own career easier.
As the leader of the industry, the brand has unlimited prospects for future development. The brand is strong and trustworthy, and the customer satisfaction with the project here is also high. I believe you can get the answer after reading this article.
Ai Ai Tu Soothing Essence Franchise advantages
 Ai Ai Tu Soothing Essence joined
1. Brand image support
By adding Ai Ai Tu Soothing Essence, you can obtain unified commercial brands, unified image design documents inside and outside the store, unified promotional materials, promotional items, equipment, staff clothing and other items needed for business.
2. Whole store output support
Ai Ai Tu Soothing Essence has rich experience in sales chain. After joining, you can get support from the whole store, which can not only reduce your entrepreneurial pressure, but also improve entrepreneurship.
3. Free training support
Aiaitu Soothing Essence will also continue to offer corresponding training courses to franchisees, hold consensus meetings irregularly, strengthen communication with franchisees, and assist in publicity and promotion.
4. Media advertising support
The franchisees can enjoy the advertising effect of the headquarters by rolling TV, magazines and newspapers, and online advertising throughout the year.
5. Market operation support
The headquarters regularly provides various market guidance and on-site support.
6. Tracking service support
After the opening of the chain store, the headquarters will irregularly provide new product research and development and business guidance services.
7. Site selection and decoration support
In terms of site selection, the headquarters will also arrange marketing specialists to have a preliminary understanding of the local market, assist franchisees to analyze the market, select favorable store sites and store decoration styles suitable for local aesthetic needs.
Ai Ai Tu Soothing Essence Franchise conditions
1. Individuals or legal organizations with certain financial strength and law-abiding operation.
2. Able to actively manage, operate and maintain the brand image of Ai Ai Tu Soothing Essence.
3. Be able to bear all expenses independently and undertake certain operation.
4. The business premises provided and the legal business qualifications.
5. Willing to accept the training and guidance of Ai'aitou Soothing Essence to join the headquarters, and implementing the unified price of the headquarters.
6. Have the ability to independently bear civil liability, good conduct, and no criminal record.
7. Full of sense of responsibility and pioneering spirit.
Ai Ai Tu Soothing Essence Franchise process
Project consultation
Project investigation: conduct field investigation in the headquarters and fully communicate with the business manager of the headquarters where Aiaitu Soothing Essence is joined to confirm the intention
Franchise application: fill in the application form after the intention is clear
Qualification review: AITO Soothing Essence Franchise Headquarters will review various materials provided by people to confirm their qualifications
Signing the contract: after clarifying the rights and obligations of both parties, sign the contract
Relevant training: after paying relevant fees, carry out technical, management and other related training, and issue relevant certificates after assessment
Opening preparation: purchase relevant equipment and raw materials, recruit relevant personnel, decorate the store, and open the store on a certain day in combination with the training content
After sales service: establish files and implement remote guidance. Irregular follow-up inspection, understanding of business conditions, formulating business strategies, solving business problems,

Ai Ai Tu Soothing Essence Joining dynamics


Ai Ai Tu Soothing Essence Related questions and answers


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  • Can I deliver free of charge in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam?

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Ai Ai Tu Soothing Essence! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-12 10:01:17 From Xinjiang  49.118.141*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; 200000 to 500000 yuan. handshake;

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Ai Ai Tu Soothing Essence! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-11 10:11:38 From Zibo City, Shandong Province  60.215.92*
  • I am interested in this project, please contact me as soon as possible

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Ai Ai Tu Soothing Essence! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-09 09:19:41 From Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province [Telecom]  49.84.237*
  • How much is the franchise fee? How much is it for a store

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Ai Ai Tu Soothing Essence! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-06 21:05:29 From Jiangsu Province  49.69.98*
  • I want to join in this industry

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Ai Ai Tu Soothing Essence! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-06 04:50:24 From Hengyang City, Hunan Province  61.187.164*
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Friendly tip: The content of this page is only for reference. In order to reduce investment risk, we suggest you to do more investigation, consultation and comparative analysis before investment. Some brands are not open for franchise, please refer to the official information of the brand.

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