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Supermarket 7
  • Franchise industry:


  • Suitable for:

    Additional items of free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment in existing companies

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:

    Franchise of distribution agent

  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:

    one hundred and sixty-seven

  • Investment amount: 100000~200000


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Supermarket 7 Introduction to joining
 No. 7 Supermarket
  Supermarkets are a common place of life. Almost all types and brands of supermarkets are open around the community and in the shopping malls. The food and daily necessities that people need in life can be purchased in supermarkets. Supermarkets operate by retail, which can not only bring convenience to people's lives, but also bring various types of daily necessities and food to the people. Supermarket 7 is a chain brand that is very popular and recognized by consumers. The rich supply of goods and enthusiastic service in the supermarket will attract the attention of many customers.
Supermarket 7 can provide consumers with various types of daily necessities and food in a modern retail way. All the goods in the store have formal purchase channels and outstanding quality. Only the goods that have undergone multiple tests will be sold on the shelves. In order to give customers a convenient and clear shopping experience, the store will divide the area according to the type of goods. In this way, users who want to buy daily necessities or food can have a clear shopping experience and find the goods they want to buy in time.
As a chain store with high popularity, Supermarket 7 has rich experience in commodity management and store operation. Supermarkets will not only bring healthy quality daily necessities to consumers, but also entertain customers with considerate service. No matter what time period consumers buy goods, they will have a satisfactory consumption experience. Merchants who are ready to join Supermarket 7 can contact the brand and then open stores according to the formal joining process provided by the enterprise. In the process of opening a supermarket, businesses can also adjust their business plans according to the actual market operation.
In the face of employees, No. 7 Supermarket advocates the corporate culture of "people first, create brilliance together". Good ideas come from good culture. Respect is the essence of No. 7 Supermarket's corporate culture. We are willing to provide the majority of people with lofty ideals with a good working and living environment and a stage to fully display their talents, so that the talents with both ability and integrity can realize the value of life and jointly promote the greater development of No. 7 Supermarket. If you have always wanted to join this company with a qualified reputation, now the door of opportunity is open! We seek you who are good and diligent to join us.
Supermarket 7 Franchise advantages
 No. 7 Supermarket
  Scientific data analysis, providing guidance and support in ordering, sales, display, promotion, goods management, store operation, store management, etc
The overall brand promotion and publicity plan, with the exception of but not limited to TV media, print media, outdoor advertising and online promotion, regularly carry out favorable advertising in various places
You are authorized to use our brand within the franchise cooperation, and the scope of use includes but is not limited to the publicity of full set of VIP image meal signs, POP advertisements, uniforms, and tableware.
Within the scope of franchise stores, the headquarters does not open branches and implements regional support policies.
The headquarters is responsible for providing store personnel with product skills training, service process training, on duty management training, inventory management and other related training contents. Provide a full set of operation manuals to franchisees.
The headquarters is responsible for providing the marketing plan of the store; For example, all marketing schemes, such as the promotion scheme of membership card for new products of festival marketing, the product preferential combination scheme, etc., shall be well planned and copywritten by the headquarters, and the franchise stores can follow them.
In the daily operation of franchise stores, the headquarters operation supervisors will visit the stores from time to time to assist the stores to maintain the operation level, train new product production and improve sales measures, and help the franchisees to solve various problems in store operation.
Unique brand positioning and unique marketing mode and strategic concept
Strong design lineup and product development strength of the headquarters
The supply price provided by the company to franchisees and agents shall be subject to the franchise price of the company with market competitiveness
The company unifies image design and decoration and provides decoration support of different amounts
Franchisees have the right to develop direct stores or authorized stores in the chain region.
Chain stores have the right of independent operation, management and expansion in the area they represent.
The headquarters provides chain stores with systematic technical training, operation management, and marketing training in the form of centralized training and experiential training.
Get the store development award, annual sales award and other forms of incentives from the headquarters.
Full process business technical guidance.
Enjoy all commercial benefits under the brand.
The company provides technical support and major Marketing coaching materials and detailed introduction other Successful experience of regional franchisees.
Shop assistant training guidance: the company will provide long-term training for franchisees in store managers and shopping guides; Systematic training guidance for display supervision of new stores; And issue relevant series of training materials.
Opening marketing planning: plan opening ceremonies suitable for local customs according to different seasons, and launch 2-3 national large-scale promotional activities (or local traditional festival promotional activities) every year to stimulate sales.
Supermarket 7 Franchise conditions
1. Recognize the brand and corporate culture of No. 7 Supermarket;
2. Agree with the business philosophy and management mode of No. 7 Supermarket and obey the unified management of the headquarters;
3. Team organizations or individuals with independent civil liability;
4. Have certain economic strength and qualified reputation foundation;
5. Have entrepreneurial spirit, love the supermarket industry, and have the ability to communicate and lead;
6. Understand the local market in the same industry, have some business experience, and have suitable business premises;
7. Willing to join No.7 Supermarket as a business and manage it carefully;
8. Have the awareness of providing considerate services to customers, and consciously maintain the brand reputation of No. 7 Supermarket.
Supermarket 7 Franchise process
1. Read the Investment Promotion Manual and other materials in detail;
2. Visit the headquarters of No. 7 Supermarket for investigation or interview, or call for intention consultation;
3. After coming to the headquarters to investigate and understand the company's satisfaction, determine whether to cooperate according to your own actual situation;
4. If the cooperation is confirmed, the contract can be signed in person or by remittance (can be signed in person, by fax or by mail);
5. Relevant knowledge of supermarket 7 and store operation major train;
6. Select the store, determine the store location after the review and approval of the headquarters, and the headquarters will provide the shop decoration design drawings for free;
7. When the shop decoration is nearing the end, the franchisee shall notify the headquarters to deliver goods;
8. The headquarters shall deliver the goods according to the required arrival time (three days difference is allowed);
9. The technical personnel of the headquarters go to the store for installation, debugging and guidance with the store;
10. After sales service: equipment maintenance, consultation, tracking supervision, etc.

Supermarket 7 Joining dynamics


Supermarket 7 Related questions and answers


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  • If you want to ask for a piece of information, please refer to it. Thank you

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Supermarket 7! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-28 17:14:24 From Jinan, Shandong  58.243.254*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; decade.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Supermarket 7! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-26 13:12:28 From Suzhou, Jiangsu Province  49.75.198*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; 200000 to 300000 yuan.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Supermarket 7! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-20 02:14:27 From Tianhe District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province  58.63.42*
  • How much is the franchise fee, how to join, and where to train

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Supermarket 7! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-18 22:48:30 From Pingliang City, Gansu Province  42.90.157*
  • Send a profile

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Supermarket 7! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-17 11:13:32 From Beijing  60.253.232*
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Friendly tip: The content of this page is only for reference. In order to reduce investment risk, we suggest you to do more investigation, consultation and comparative analysis before investment. Some brands are not open for franchise, please refer to the official information of the brand.

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