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77 Fun Life Hall
  • Franchise industry:


  • Suitable for:

    Free entrepreneurship

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:

    Distribution agent

  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:

    one thousand

  • Investment amount: 10000~50000


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77 Fun Life Hall Introduction to joining

   77 Fun Life Hall brings you a fun life
   Loving and loving

 77 Joined in the fun life hall

   Professional technology, R&D strength, quality, product quality and credibility

77 Fun Life Center is a brand owned by Hangzhou Hangji Technology Co., Ltd. 77 Fun Life Center is committed to the research and development of adult products 08eR347v01x, providing early technical support and product research and development, and assisting store operation and after-sales service in the later stage to join the eiPof8vu3ox service. The predecessor of the company has focused on software development for decades, and has made outstanding achievements in scientific and technological research and development. As early as the beginning of the 21st century, 77 discovered the combination of vending machines and adult products with a keen vision, developed vending machines specialized in selling adult products using intelligent systems and cloud technology, and created a new retail model for sex toys.
   77 Interesting Life Hall has a broad market prospect, breaking the traditional blue ocean cake of rich categories, and invites you to share
   100 Billion Market Attractive Cake
More than 90% of adults have accepted sex toys. Among middle-aged men, 83% of them have bought adult toys. The annual sales of sex toys are up to 100 billion yuan, and the market is still growing at an annual rate of 63.3%. It can be seen that the market of sex toys has unlimited development potential.
   Breaking the tradition of no one selling
Traditional erotic shops need to contact the salesperson face to face, and erotic products have a certain degree of privacy. Most buyers, especially female buyers, will feel embarrassed and have a bad sense. The new model of self-service makes it easy and convenient for customers to shop all the way by themselves.

 77 Fun Life Hall Full of Business Opportunities

77 How about joining the Fun Life Pavilion

   High quality and unique

The public's demand for the quality of sexual life is also getting higher and higher, especially the openness of sexual concepts after the 1980s, 1990s and 2000s. The company has joined hands with several international professional adult products brands to adhere to the principle of "high quality improvement/increase, civilian price consumption", so that adult products become a regular spare part in life, and a happy life does not have to wait.
   More than 1000 categories make money
For more than 77 years of technical research and development, we have established long-term cooperative relations with many international powerful brands. Now we have more than 4000 categories and more than 1000 brands, providing consumers with high-quality, diversified sex products, making entrepreneurs hot in many seasons, no off-season business, and quickly realizing a large scale.
   Powerful support from headquarters
The headquarters has a professional operation team, a mature management system, and provides one-stop services such as store location, 08eR347v01x installation, professional knowledge training, and marketing means. The whole store output mode allows franchisees to open stores with zero experience, O2O marketing services, and online and offline attacks, so as to avoid the worry of opening stores.

77 How much is the joining fee of the fun life hall

77 The amount of joining in the fun life hall: 100000 to 400000 (for reference only)

77 Fun Life Hall Franchise advantages

 77 Joined in the fun life hall

   77 Emotional Life Hall joined the seven elite teams of the headquarters to assist in many aspects without worry

   Entrepreneurship consulting team
Be familiar with the market situation in the industry. From the early market research to the later marketing plan, entrepreneurial consultants will answer all the questions for you.
   Elite planning team
Fully understand and investigate the market, fully understand the consumer needs, change the marketing plan with the times, and seize the market hot spots.
   Strong R&D team
According to the market demand, the technology is constantly upgraded and the products are constantly updated, which well covers all consumer needs.
   Professional material team
The headquarters provides comprehensive material support, unified distribution, timely delivery, and standardized operation in the store, making success easy.
   Elite training team
Teach store opening technology hand by hand, provide unified professional training from early decoration to later operation, and make it easy.
   Comprehensive operation team
The headquarters provides brand related operation guidance, mature O2O operation system, online and offline dual attacks, and does not worry about entrepreneurship.

 77 Joined in the fun life hall

   77 Fun Life Hall joined the intimate after-sales team

No matter how troublesome the after-sales problems are, they are all different. The professional after-sales team provides considerate service to avoid your worries.
   Low investment, good online and offline promotion, no worries
   No embarrassment without guards
77 Unmanned vending machine, multi-channel payment No need to face the clerk face to face. Youjia privacy, timeliness and rapidity are popular all year round.
   Strength backed nanny support
The headquarters provides one-stop service from early training to later store opening, and the whole store output mode enables franchisees to open stores with zero experience, saving time and effort for entrepreneurship.
   More than a thousand products are attacking at the same time
More than 4000 categories and more than 1000 brands, covering the whole line of fun products, O2O marketing services, online and offline dual attacks, new media multi-channel promotion, quickly enhance brand awareness, and eliminate worries after opening stores.
   Spend less all day
It only needs a few vending machines, no labor cost, 10000 yuan to start, 24-hour non-stop mode. The site selection is flexible and flexible, with zero burden operation, realizing the dream of low investment and micro innovation.

77 Fun Life Hall Franchise conditions

1. Have certain business background and distribution experience, and be familiar with the local market.

2. It has certain economic entity, franchise strength and reputation.

3. Have the ability of regional market operation and brand promotion.

4. Agree with the experience concept and development ideas of the brand of Qiqi Fun Life Museum.

5. Having the basic conditions and legal business qualifications of a legal person.

77 Fun Life Hall Franchise process

1. Apply to join regional dealers.

2. Development manager visit.

3. The Development Department shall summarize and analyze, and the Sales Director shall approve.

4. The customer confirms and signs the contract.

5. The sales plan is in the form of independent franchised stores, with Jizhimei providing the brand and franchisees joining in in the form of single stores.

6. Store design, assist in decoration, maintenance manager design samples, and the company sends special personnel for training.

7. Opening planning, assisting in sample preparation and opening preparation.

8. When the store opened on a lucky day, the company sent special personnel to the site to create an atmosphere for the new store.

User consultation

  • Want to inquire about the details of joining, thank you

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to 77 Fun Life Museum! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-20 17:55:27 From China  39.169.6*
  • Call as soon as possible

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to 77 Fun Life Museum! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-19 21:49:37 From China  39.181.251*
  • Pay attention to how much the franchise fee is

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to 77 Fun Life Museum! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-19 02:35:53 From Liaoning Anshan [Unicom]  42.59.102*
  • Interested in learning about

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to 77 Fun Life Museum! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-15 04:22:39 From Wuhan, Hubei Province  49.220.47*
  • I am very interested in this project, thank you!

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to 77 Fun Life Museum! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-11 00:34:13 From Henan Province  42.231.117*
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77 How much is expected to be invested in the early stage of the joining fee of the Fun Life Center? Franchise support? What are the conditions and procedures for joining? Please consult

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