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Li Xiaolao Braised Cake
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    Free Entrepreneurship On the job Investment Online Shop

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    Franchise of distribution agent

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  • Total number of stores:


  • Investment amount: 50000~100000 yuan


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Li Xiaolao Braised Cake Introduction to joining

 Li Xiaolao's Spicy Cake

Li Xiaolao's sesame seed cake can always bring people delicious reverie, and the traditional delicacies and practices are also an excellent advantage to gain a foothold in the market. Li Xiaolao's sesame seed cakes have a wide range of tastes and are popular with consumers. Li Xiaolao Sesame Cake is made under the guidance of nutrition. According to the energy demand of the human body, it is made of raw materials with sufficient quantity and good taste. One can be full, regardless of breakfast, lunch, dinner, and different combinations, it can provide sufficient calories.
Li Xiaolao's sesame seed cake is the authentic sesame seed cake brand in Beijing. Traditional delicacies evoke the taste memory of ordinary people. With rich side dishes, Li Xiaolao's sesame seed cake is a favorite snack for consumers and a favorite snack franchise project for franchisees. Li Xiaolao's sesame seed cake has passed on the secret recipe for many years. It is very competitive in the market because of its unique taste. It is crisp outside and soft inside, with distinct layers. It is free to choose beef and sesame flavor, full of diamond fragrance. Li Xiaolao's Sesame Cake is made of good sesame paste, which is authentic and widely praised.
Li Xiaolao's sesame seed cake is close to the traditional Beijing sesame seed cake. It is crisp outside and soft inside, with clear layers. It is hard to find sesame seed cakes of this level in the capital! There are only two kinds of sesame seed cakes in Li Xiao's hometown. The beef is crispy and stylish, and just smelling it makes people fascinated; A bite of sesame seeds makes the meat smell delicious. The inner core is clear and unique. The business is not good every day, and I just do business in the morning. I'm late and I don't even have any residue. Li Xiaolao's sesame seed cake inherits the secret recipe, insists on its creation, and creates a modern and unique delicacy, which is recognized and sought after by the people.
The old brand of Li Xiaolao Baked Cake in Beijing is famous in the streets. The headquarters provides core technology and hand to hand delivery of business guidance methods. It is a good project without foundation for entrepreneurship. Li Xiaolao's Spicy Cake and Snack Franchise Headquarters keeps pushing new, refined and enterprising in product technology, and supports and helps more friends who want to start a business without projects to go on the road of independent struggle to further expand the market.

Li Xiaolao Braised Cake Franchise advantages

 Li Xiaolao's Spicy Cake

1. Help you choose your store location
A good store location is half the battle; An experienced professional team will provide you with site selection services;
2. Teach you core technology
From the configuration of noodles and sauces to the technology of baking cakes, I will teach you everything without reservation and master the core;
3. Image system support
Provide nationwide unified store design, brand image, clothing, distribution, advertising materials, etc;
4. Regional operation
In the area agreed in the contract, do not develop a second company, and fully support the interests of franchisees;
5. Training operation capability
The Group's professional and systematic operation training helps franchisees to guide in various aspects of operation and management;
6. Equipment and material service
From the raw materials and equipment required for making sesame seed cakes to mechanical equipment, we have everything to help you operate quickly.

Li Xiaolao Braised Cake Franchise conditions
1. A natural person who has the capacity to independently bear civil liability or an enterprise legal person who independently bears civil liability.
2. Recognize the company's business and development philosophy.
3. It has sufficient financial strength to meet the capital joining requirements.
4. It has legal business premises and is decorated according to the unique design style and technical requirements of Li Xiaolao's sesame seed cake.
5. Voluntarily abide by and accept the services, operation and management of "Li Xiaolao Shaobing".
6. Be honest and have qualified interpersonal skills.
7. Franchisees should take the franchise business as their main business, and pay more attention. They should have a certain grasp of the local market, be familiar with the local market development laws, and promote the healthy development of franchise stores.
Li Xiaolao Braised Cake Franchise process
1. Franchise consultation
Before joining Li Xiaolao Baked Cake, the intended franchisees consult the head office about relevant joining matters by telephone, fax, online message, etc.
2. Preliminary investigation
① Check whether the product is competitive in the franchise region and whether the successful model can be easily copied. ② Investigate the operation and profitability of the headquarters' direct stores and their subordinate franchise stores.
3. Franchise application
Get the "Franchise Application Form" from the headquarters of Li Xiaolao Baked Cake, fill in the franchise application, or apply online.
4. Sign the contract
After the headquarters confirms the franchise qualification of the franchisee, the franchisee can go to the headquarters to sign the franchise contract.
5. Assist in site selection
The headquarters shall assist the franchisee in site selection to ensure that the franchisee stores can obtain a large flow of people.
6. Unified design and decoration
Li Xiaolao Baked Cake designed and estimated the cost of the franchise store according to the unified store image. After the two parties determined, the third party construction team completed the construction.
7. Personnel training
According to the opening plan, select and send personnel to the headquarters' direct stores in advance to receive practical training on product operation and sales, store management and other aspects of stores.
8. Opening preparation
The headquarters will send professionals to the franchise stores to assist in system commissioning, opening publicity and other work, and make preparations for opening.
9. Official opening
According to the established process, the opening ceremony was held and the franchise store officially opened.

Li Xiaolao Braised Cake Joining dynamics


Li Xiaolao Braised Cake Related questions and answers


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  • Want to know more about the project

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Li Xiaolao's sesame seed cake! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-31 13:55:49 From Changzhi City, Shanxi Province  60.220.66*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; 4-5 million.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Li Xiaolao's sesame seed cake! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-29 21:58:33 From Shandong Province  39.87.141*
  • You can add me WeChat (mobile phone number)

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Li Xiaolao's sesame seed cake! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-28 23:11:56 From Bijie Prefecture, Guizhou Province  58.42.183*
  • Hello, how much is the franchise fee

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Li Xiaolao's sesame seed cake! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-27 20:00:49 From Lu'an Prefecture, Anhui Province  60.27.31*
  • Add WeChat contact

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Li Xiaolao's sesame seed cake! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-18 17:54:53 From Huainan City, Anhui Province  60.175.118*
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