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Edge is hot pot
  • Franchise industry:

    Hotpot>Special Hotpot

  • Suitable for:

    Free Entrepreneurship On the job Investment Online Shop

  • Origin of the brand:

  • Business model:

    Franchise of distribution agent

  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:

    one hundred and twenty

  • Investment amount: 200000~500000


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Edge is hot pot Introduction to joining

 Yuanwei Hot Pot Franchise

Yuanwei hotpot presents the food culture to the public in a relaxed, popular and entertaining way. Yuanwei established the brand positioning of "old taste and new feeling" at the early stage of the project, so as to taste delicious! How funny! It is the core of the brand. Due to the variety of hotpot dishes, the novel decoration style is deeply loved by consumers. As one of the catering industry, hotpot has a lively and leisurely dining atmosphere, and has many consumer groups in the catering industry. Hot pot can not only satisfy consumers' fun of doing things by themselves, but also let consumers get what they need, eat healthily, eat in fashion and enjoy themselves.
Jiang Nan, from Seattle, the United States, is Li Boqing's apprentice. Twenty years ago, he was an American student studying culture at Sichuan University by bike. His hobby is photography. He always likes to run around Chengdu with his camera on his back to record every bit of life. Having lived in Chengdu for 17 years, he speaks pure Sichuan dialect. He has been interviewed by CCTV. He speaks authentic Chengdu dialect like "Dragon Gate Array", "Bashi" and "Rake Ear". Not only does Trump speak well, but even his English is full of hot pot flavor! Jiang Nan is more popular in Rome when eating spicy food, and also has the title of "Spicy King".
The reason is rich dishes, hot popularity, and full of customers. Classic dishes include: butcher's tripe, dried noodles with duck intestines, head chops, mountain pepper beef, ice hockey goose intestines, spicy beef, tofu and fish, grassland tripe, etc. After dinner desserts are indispensable. Special desserts include: poplar branch mannose, mango white snow black pearl, mango white snow ice cream, durian forget to leave, mango meatballs, sushi, etc. The bottom of the traditional butter hot pot is red and bright, giving off a strong mellow smell of butter. The reason is that Hanyuan Dahongpao Chinese prickly ash is selected for the hot pot, which is full of numbness. The new generation of pepper is selected in Henan, and the spicy taste is also excellent!
The king beef liver, which is destined for hot pot, is also delicious. As the saying goes, beef liver, horse lung, sheep intestines must be fresh from the cattle slaughterhouse. Each piece should be about 3mm thick, 10cm long, and can be boiled for 10 seconds! Served with hot pot soul stirring dry dishes, it is fragrant but not spicy, and the finished rate of beef liver is very low, because you need to choose the color, shape, and tendons, and eat and cherish! The soul stirring dry dish is made of local Erjingtiao, which is hand beaten into noodles and added with spices. It is full of fragrance. Each piece of tripe is thin and transparent. The water is tender, and the taste is crisp and delicious.
Destiny is hot pot, "Destiny" means you eat, drink and play well. Special dishes, special snacks, diversified operation, and one-on-one guidance for opening.

Edge is hot pot Franchise advantages

 Yuanwei Hot Pot Franchise


Site selection support: headquarters business district, population, flavor, surrounding environment, competitor analysis, store type selection analysis and pricing suggestions.

Decoration support: the professional design team in the hotpot industry will provide you with design solutions, a full set of decoration standards, as well as soft decoration solutions and related unified VI systems.

Preparation support: special personnel provide one-on-one opening guidance, provide full preparation and tracking services for franchise stores before opening, and solve the problem of blind operation for your stores before opening.

Technical support: professional technical team will provide you with equipment installation and commissioning, as well as detailed adjustment services of special regional flavor base materials, flavor dishes and hot cooking methods, so as to stabilize the customer source.

Training support: Yuanwei brand is specially equipped with corresponding training courseware and relevant operation training for each position, and carries out training in terms of professionalism and employee mentality adjustment.

Personnel exchange support: provide a talent exchange and transfer mechanism between the franchise store and the head office, and help the franchise store by regularly exchanging personnel in specific positions.

Management support: The professional consulting team provides you with a full set of standardized systems for store management, and trains your management personnel. At the same time, it provides six months of free online question answering.

Promotion support: The right to use the advertising image of Jiang Yan, the unique American boss of Yuanwei Company, can be used on the premise of meeting the requirements of Yuanwei Company to promote uniformly.

Operation support: specially assigned personnel regularly track the operation, so as to provide the company headquarters with operation related question answering services in a timely manner and escort your operation.

Informatization support: the introduction of unified PC end and mobile end information management platform reduces manual operation for you; Timely push information to reduce the cost.

Logistics support: professional product research and development center and logistics distribution center provide you with qualified primer, hot pot oil, flavor dishes, and special product distribution to reduce pressure.

Equipment support: provide all kinds of equipment for the front and back kitchen, special snacks, Chinese and western desserts and daily consumables, and provide high-quality and inexpensive food supply chain resources.

Edge is hot pot Franchise conditions


1. Have entrepreneurial enthusiasm for catering industry, recognize and accept Yuanwei's business management and corporate culture, and be willing to cooperate with Yuanwei for a long time

2. Have modern enterprise management awareness and be willing to accept the management and training of the headquarters

3. It has a certain economic foundation and can increase/increase sufficient cooperation funds and working capital

4. Property or rental property with basic engineering conditions for opening restaurants

5. Have strong interpersonal and financial management skills, and qualified in local social relations

Edge is hot pot Franchise process


1. Consultation on joining matters

You can leave a message on the website to consult the Marketing Department about joining.

2. Survey

Investigate the local market, go to the headquarters of Yuanwei Hot Pot for field investigation, and determine the intention of joining.

3. Headquarters review

The franchise store shall provide personal details, fill in the franchise application, and be reviewed by Yuanwei Hotpot.

4. Contract signing

Sign the franchise authorization contract for franchise, and the franchise officially begins.

5. Site selection and store construction

Market supervision guides the selection of stores.

6. Shop decoration

The franchisee must decorate the store according to the VI design provided by the company.

7. Headquarters training

The headquarters arranges technical training for entrepreneurs, and issues authorized bronze medals after passing the training.

8. Opening preparation

Handle business related licenses and make all preparations before opening the store.

9. Opening on a certain day

The company will discuss with franchisees and choose auspicious days for opening, and will send professionals to guide the opening.

User consultation

  • If I am interested, please contact me; There is a 300 square store.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Yuanwei Hot Pot! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-17 20:22:50 From Dongying, Shandong Province  60.214.59*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; How much is the investment required for a 60 square meter store?.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Yuanwei Hot Pot! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-16 11:51:57 From Shandong Province  39.83.155*
  • How much is the franchise fee, company address and requirements for franchisees

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Yuanwei Hot Pot! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-12 13:04:34 From Lianyungang City, Jiangsu Province  49.88.16*
  • Hello, I want to cooperate with your company

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Yuanwei Hot Pot! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-05 14:52:28 From Jiangsu Province  49.94.140*
  • How much is the franchise fee?

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Yuanwei Hot Pot! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-02 14:51:19 From Henan Province  42.233.211*
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