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1949 Breakfast Chain Store
  • Franchise industry:

    Catering>Fast food

  • Suitable for:

    Free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:


  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:

    one hundred

  • Investment amount: 100000~200000


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1949 Breakfast Chain Store Introduction to joining
 1949 Joined in the breakfast chain
Breakfast is very important. As the saying goes, "Eat well for breakfast, eat well for lunch, and eat less for dinner." Why should we arrange this? Every time we eat, after about 4 hours, the digestion and absorption of food in the body will be completely empty. Therefore, in order to constantly supplement energy to the human body, meals must be arranged every 4-6 hours. In the morning, after 8 hours of sleep, we will feel special spirit. Naturally, the efficiency of work and study in the morning is higher than that in the afternoon. Modern people pay more and more attention to breakfast. In reality, many people are busy working and have no time to make their own rich breakfast. So many people will choose the 1949 breakfast chain store for dinner. At present, there is a nutrition 1949 breakfast chain store project that is particularly popular, seeing that there are so many entrepreneurial opportunities in the breakfast industry
The pace of life is accelerating, and it is troublesome to make breakfast by yourself. Many people will choose to go to the 1949 breakfast chain store to solve their breakfast problem. The 1949 breakfast chain store is a place that provides all kinds of breakfast. Now people basically realize the importance of breakfast, but due to the accelerated pace of modern life, many people have to rush to work and school before they can make breakfast, so there are still many people who can't eat breakfast at home. Then, although this part has recognized the importance of eating breakfast, the potential customers of the 1949 breakfast chain store industry are the people who have come and cooked breakfast. The breakfast consumer market is always in short supply, and the huge breakfast consumer group will make breakfast business very good. "Food is the most important thing for the people". Food sales has an insatiable market. Choosing the 1949 breakfast chain to join the project has a broad market prospect, and huge market opportunities await your excavation! Everyone needs breakfast. The demand for breakfast is endless. What's the market prospect? Of course, it is obviously good.
1949 The breakfast chain store is people-oriented, adhering to the enterprise spirit of "integrity, pragmatism, unity, and creation", and achieving a win-win situation with employees and customers. As long as we sincerely pay and treat each other with sincerity, the brand and value of the 1949 breakfast chain store will develop and extend indefinitely. In 1949, breakfast chain stores had a rare high demand for product quality. Before cooperation, each supplier must go through field investigation and strictly select high-quality food materials. All stores must be supplied by the headquarters in a unified way. Snacks can be made and sold immediately to improve/increase the quality and taste of the products. Striving for perfection and being a conscientious enterprise trusted by the people has always been the insistence of the breakfast chain stores in 1949.
Nowadays, the social demand is constantly expanding, and the popularity and basic needs of market consumption are more fully displayed. The business market of breakfast chain stores in 1949 is full of huge business opportunities. 1949 breakfast chain welcome to join.
1949 Breakfast Chain Store Franchise advantages
 1949 Joined in the breakfast chain
1. Assist in site selection
Assist the franchisee to carry out field investigation on the store location they are looking for, investigate the buildings, business districts and customers, and evaluate the feasibility of opening a store. It includes the estimation of turnover and operating profit and loss for the reference of franchisees.
2. Benefit from brand sharing
Free training, free production technology, lecturers give lectures in person, one-on-one teaching, hand production, until learning, and free technical upgrading in the later period.
3. Affordable price
The production cost is relatively low, and the price for selling is people friendly. It is delicious and affordable, and naturally popular with the public.
4. Simple operation
Ordinary people can master it after training to overcome the disadvantages of catering business from chefs. Ten years of experience in catering management in direct stores, standardized, simplified and fixed product production, and 5-10 days of improvement/increase in learning all skills.
5. Follow up operation
The headquarters will implement fixed person, fixed point and regular tour supervision throughout the whole process, open an independent e-mail or supervision hotline, solve all practical problems of franchisees in operation, improve the competitiveness of the brand and market share, so as to avoid future worries of franchisees.
6. There are brand image promotion consultants and advertising teams in the headquarters to guide and grasp brand promotion and carry out comprehensive brand image promotion.
7. Work with dealers on the customer characteristics, consumption psychology, industrial distribution, market trend, etc. of the region.
1949 Breakfast Chain Store Franchise conditions
1. Be able to standardize the management of stores according to the requirements of the headquarters, achieve the service quality required by the headquarters, and maintain the brand image of the company.
2. You need to own or rent a storefront suitable for opening a store, and the same store image is required by the headquarters.
3. Applicants should have a strong entrepreneurial spirit, a qualified brand management awareness, and be able to devote themselves to the catering industry.
4. The applicant agrees with our company's business philosophy and governance model, and can operate in accordance with the company's requirements.
5. Have confidence in brand development and are willing to make long-term entrepreneurship and cooperation;
6. Understand and master the franchise form and operation mode adopted by the brand based on the concept of recognition and acceptance;
7. Applicants have a certain degree of awareness and the ability to grasp the market needs;
8. Applicants should have the basic qualities of brand management and brand promotion ability, be familiar with the retail management of brand accessories, and have a comprehensive understanding of the retail business environment of the local market.
1949 Breakfast Chain Store Franchise process
1. Inspection: Franchisees can conduct on-site inspection and online inspection;
2. Recognize the project, identify the franchisee with reference, and sign the letter of intent;
3. After receiving the application form, the headquarters will review the specific situation and conditions of the franchisee. Review and notify the applicant to sign the contract;
4. The applicant signs a franchise agreement with the head office and pays the franchise fee and related funds;
5. Location selection of the store: determine the address, and the headquarters will send marketing personnel to carry out field investigation. The travel expenses of the investigation personnel will be paid by the customer in advance, and the franchise fees will be deducted after the franchise;
6. The pre decoration design and post decoration guidance, and the store acceptance;
7. Headquarters training, which arranges franchisees for training;
8. Official opening, continued support and supervision.

1949 Breakfast Chain Store Joining dynamics


1949 Breakfast Chain Store Related questions and answers


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  • If I am interested, please contact me; Four hundred thousand. handshake;

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the 1949 breakfast chain! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-05 21:10:12 From Fengxian District, Shanghai  58.40.204*
  • How much do I want to join in Suning

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the 1949 breakfast chain! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-03 11:09:29 From Jiangsu Province  49.92.208*
  • Please call at 2:00 p.m

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the 1949 breakfast chain! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-01 02:44:53 From Yueyang City, Hunan Province  58.20.137*
  • How much capital is needed for joining

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the 1949 breakfast chain! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-31 17:31:06 From Baiyun District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province  58.62.203*
  • Interested, please contact

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the 1949 breakfast chain! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-30 05:52:12 From Fuzhou, Fujian Province  59.56.89*
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