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Hong Kong Weicai Kindergarten
  • Franchise industry:

    Education>Children's Club

  • Suitable for:

    Additional items of free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment in existing companies

  • Origin of the brand:

    Hong Kong

  • Business model:

    Franchise of distribution agent

  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:

    one hundred and twenty-six

  • Investment amount: 50000~100000 yuan


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Hong Kong Weicai Kindergarten Introduction to joining

 Joined by Hong Kong Weicai Kindergarten

Hong Kong Weicai Education Group Global Education Ecological Park for 0-6 Years Old. In line with the educational principle of "pursuing the natural growth of life", it is the first to promote the trinity of family, society and kindergarten in the mainland. Starting from three aspects of "environmental ecology", "educational ecology" and "social ecology", build Weicai Education Ecological Park. Advocate respect for children's life, personality and growth and development laws, and create a harmonious education environment for children to grow happily and healthily in a beautiful, harmonious and vibrant education paradise.

The function of the kindergarten is designed according to the international newer preschool education concept of the education ecological park, with a number of functional rooms and activity areas, and specially set up a natural activity area focusing on animals, plants, marine areas, and science popularization areas. To truly create an environment of education and entertainment for children. The "garden based ecological curriculum" is adopted, with scientific multiple intelligences as the leading factor, starting from focusing on life and pursuing the education of natural growth of life. The introduction of foreign teachers, the implementation of immersion pure American education activities, so that children in the English environment in the atmosphere of natural acquisition. Promote Montessori education, sensory integration, etc. as the characteristic education content of kindergartens. "Hierarchical and three-dimensional kindergarten mode" is adopted to meet the needs of different parents and society.

The main color is red, green and white, and the shape is the profile of Bauhinia bud, the emblem of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, implying Hong Kong. The interior is dominated by white doves, representing Wei Cai's education of love to the world. The twin doves connect a seedling, rise from the ground under the great talent, and fly upward, implying that children who have been educated by great talent will grow up healthily and happily in a social atmosphere full of harmony and competition. The five stars above represent Weicai's dedication, love, responsibility, cooperation and entrepreneurial spirit, and also represent Weicai's "five-star" service to children, parents and partners.

Weicai takes educational ecology as the main characteristics of the kindergarten. The kindergarten uses scientific environmental planning to build an ecological natural environment for preschool education for children. The kindergarten has different functions of children's activity rooms, large-scale ecological outdoor facilities and venues, and multi-functional toy area, so as to truly create a living and learning environment for children that combines education with pleasure. The educational content of Weicai scientifically integrates the educational advantages at all times and in all over the world: Weicai's educational ecological activities, creative multi intelligence activities, immersion English teaching, Montessori educational activities, Orff music and other activities, implements the integrity quality education of IQ, EQ and BQ for children, promotes the harmonious development of children's body and mind, and lays the foundation for cultivating Century Weicai

Hong Kong Weicai Kindergarten Franchise advantages

 Joined by Hong Kong Weicai Kindergarten

Brand advantages

Share the brand resources of "Weicai" and build a golden brand for children's education with the help of the brand development of "Weicai".

Technical advantages

The technical support provided by ACEI and AMS is the starting point for supporting high-quality education.

Advantages of new media

Weicai Education's "network marketing model" helps kindergartens seize network resources in the Internet environment, establish competitive advantages in Internet channels, and expand kindergarten marketing achievements!

Theoretical advantages

Weicai Education has collected many years of educational theory, teaching method research and early childhood education practice, created the ecological concept of education for 0-6 years old, and comprehensively advocated the new ecology of education.

Service advantages

Rely on Hong Kong and Taiwan, communicate with international regional advantages, learn from international advanced education methods and more successful management models at any time, and provide effective services for partners.

Institutional advantages

Fair cooperation and shared achievements. Conform to the market demand and constantly create a new model of preschool education cooperation.

Training advantages

Weicai Education, together with a professional and experienced teaching team, provides 30 days of closed training (theory+practice) for the head of the kindergarten, and provides systematic training and guidance for all positions in the kindergarten!

Hong Kong Weicai Kindergarten Franchise conditions

 Joined by Hong Kong Weicai Kindergarten

1、 Franchise conditions:

1. The building area of the park is more than 1200 square meters;

2. Comply with the standard of park management;

3. The franchisee has full civil capacity;

4. Have the financial strength corresponding to the scale of the park;

5. It is positioned as a high-grade brand park in the region;

6. Have certain social relations in the park area;

7. Have a qualified mentality of joining education;

8. The number of shareholders shall not exceed 3.

2、 Hardware standards of joined kindergartens:

1. Scale of the park: more than 6 classes (including 6 classes)

2. Classroom area: no less than 50 square meters for separate teaching and sleeping rooms, and no less than 70 square meters for shared teaching and sleeping rooms

3. Administrative rooms: no less than 6 (health room, director's room, faculty office, meeting room (also serving as reception room), staff toilet, duty room).

4. Functional rooms: no less than 6, each with an area of no less than 30 square meters

5. Toilet area: not less than 12 square meters

Hong Kong Weicai Kindergarten Franchise process

1. The proposed franchisee shall fill in the Franchise Application Form according to the specifications of Hong Kong Weicai Kindergarten Company, fill in their basic information, attach relevant copies, fax or submit them to the headquarters of Hong Kong Weicai Kindergarten Company.
2. Hong Kong Weicai Kindergarten Company will conduct preliminary review after receiving the above form and copies, and will reply within three working days.
3. After the preliminary review, both parties signed the Letter of Intent for Joining, and Hong Kong Weicai Kindergarten Company will send investigators to the economic camp of the proposed franchisee for examination.
4. Evaluate the business environment, staffing, equipment and facilities of the proposed franchisee in many aspects, and notify the evaluation results within 5 working days after the examination.
5. The proposed franchisee can pay the relevant fees agreed in the agreement directly to Hong Kong Weicai Kindergarten Company in cash or transfer to the account of Hong Kong Weicai Kindergarten Company.
6. The headquarters of Hong Kong Weicai Kindergarten Company provides franchising qualification authorization and franchising chain management system training for franchisees, and provides VI design samples and promotional materials to prospective franchisees.
7. The proposed franchisee will decorate and decorate its business premises according to the requirements of Hong Kong Weicai Kindergarten Company, and provide unified dressing and etiquette training for its staff.
8. Hong Kong Weicai Kindergarten Company sends special personnel to inspect the proposed franchisee before opening.
9. After the opening inspection is qualified, the franchisee is officially listed for operation.

User consultation

  • If I am interested, please contact me; Eight to one hundred thousand.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Hong Kong Weicai Kindergarten! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-16 22:59:54 From China  39.181.213*
  • I'm interested. Please contact me and add my WeChat. I want to go to the store

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Hong Kong Weicai Kindergarten! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-16 15:54:53 From Baoshan District, Shanghai  61.170.220*
  • I want to know how to carry out this project

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Hong Kong Weicai Kindergarten! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-11 08:40:08 From Taiyuan, Shanxi  59.109.64*
  • Please reply

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Hong Kong Weicai Kindergarten! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-05 07:57:13 From Qingyun County, Dezhou City, Shandong Province  39.74.66*
  • Preliminary consultation

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Hong Kong Weicai Kindergarten! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-04 13:39:14 From Nanyang City, Henan Province  42.229.201*
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