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The classification and principle of flying cars can be understood in one article!

Time of publication: 2024-05-20 10:10:13 Author: Flying car Click:

Classification of flying vehicles:

Electric vertical takeoff and landing aircraft (eVTOL): The vertical takeoff and landing and horizontal flight are realized by electric driving multiple rotors, which is characterized by low noise and relatively environmental protection.  

Fixed wing and rotor combination type: It integrates the design of fixed wing aircraft and rotor wing, and can switch between different flight modes.  

Principle of flying car:

The core principle of flying car involves many aspects such as aerodynamics, power system and flight control system.  

1. Aerodynamics ensures that the vehicle can generate enough lift and maintain stability during flight. The air flow can be optimized by reasonably designing the body shape, wing and other structures.  

2. The power system usually includes motor or internal combustion engine to provide power for flight.  

3. The flight control system is similar to the control system of traditional aircraft, which is used to precisely control the flight attitude, altitude and speed. For example, various flight operations can be realized by adjusting the rotor speed and angle.  

For example, some eVTOL flying cars provide power through battery packs to drive multiple distributed rotors. In the vertical takeoff and landing phase, all rotors work together to generate lift; In horizontal flight, some rotors can adjust the angle or speed to achieve efficient flight. For another example, some fixed wing and rotor combination flying cars use rotor mode during takeoff and landing, and switch to fixed wing mode after takeoff to achieve high-speed cruise.  

With the continuous development of technology, the design and principle of flying cars are also evolving and improving, which is expected to play an important role in the future transportation field. Source network No commercial use, only for reference! Please indicate the source of reprint! (Text/ Flying car   feiauto

 Flying car

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