March 2018 - bean powder

March 2018

Released | 2018-03-08
#include int main(){ return 0; } if($imgurl){ header('Content-Type: image/J...
Released | 2018-03-08
English passing plan Strengthen content Mastery Learning time hearing Four short conversations or one long conversation or one message every day Can listen to the conversation clearly
Released | 2018-03-08
Everyone knows what CDlinux does. It became popular in 2012. It was a child's system. Recently, when I saw so many wifi nearby, my playful mind appeared again, so I am not very proficient in VMware
Released | 2018-03-08
The raspberry pie system uses a debian linux system, so the root and debian enabled raspberry pie systems are the same. The root account in debian has no password by default, but the account is locked. When root is needed