Husband cosplay, nurse and wife help recruit blood donors
2019-05-13 00:14:53 Source: Chinese network

Changjiang Daily Financial Media News on May 12 (reporter Liu Chenwei, correspondent Zhang Zhi) A strong man with a height of 1.8 meters, wearing shoulder length curly hair and nursing clothes, on the Nurse's Day on May 12, a "male nurse" stood out in the square of Wuchang Railway Station, where he sent a special gift to his wife as a blood collecting nurse - to experience her work and participate in blood donation.

Yang Jun, 37, is the head of a decoration company. His wife, Hu Qin, is a blood collection nurse in Wuchang Station of Wuhan Blood Center. They have been married for 8 years. Yang Jun said that his wife always took good care of him when he was ill, but he didn't do anything to move her. This Nurse's Day, Yang Jun wanted to give his wife a special gift.

After discussing with the blood center, on May 12, Yang Jun came to the blood donation room of Wuchang Railway Station early to change clothes, put on a wig, a nurse's uniform and shoes, and was ready to experience his wife's work. As a blood collection nurse, she issues leaflets every day to recruit blood donors. "Hello, welcome to learn about unpaid blood donation, which can save the lives of patients..." Within an hour, Yang Jun repeatedly handed out leaflets, but no one was willing to stop to talk with him. Only 15 people received the leaflets, "If you didn't come here to experience it personally, it would be difficult to realize that it is not easy for your wife to recruit blood donors.".

Although the temperature was only over 20 degrees, Yang Jun was already sweating. "I can't imagine how hard it is for blood collection nurses to work on the street in dog days and nine days". After it was not easy to recruit a blood donor, Yang Jun was busy answering his questions and informing him of the precautions... When the blood donor was sent away, Yang Jun was very excited. After half a day's experience, he finally successfully recruited two blood donors.

Under the arrangement of the staff of the blood center, Hu Qin appeared in the blood donation room. She was moved and hugged her husband with tears. Later, Yang Jun and Hu Qin joined in the blood donation and donated 200 milliliters of whole blood respectively. Yang Jun told the reporter that, as the family member of the blood collection nurse, he hoped to call on ordinary citizens to participate in unpaid blood donation activities with practical actions.

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