Good morning in Wuhan | Very close! In the early morning, an electric vehicle on the overhead floor of the community suddenly spontaneously ignited! There is still a row beside it
2019-05-14 08:41:00 Source: Changjiang Daily

It is expected that the next week in Wuhan will be dominated by rainy weather. Today and tomorrow, there will be moderate to heavy rain, local rainstorm, accompanied by short-term heavy rainfall, thunder and strong wind and other severe convective weather. (Anchor: Liu Hui Producer: Zhang Xiaoli)

In the early morning of yesterday, a row of electric vehicles were parked on the overhead floor of the building in Lanting Ronghui Community of Radio and Television, Gutian 4th Road, Hankou, and one of them suddenly caught fire. Fortunately, the property management personnel of the community found out in time and rushed to the scene with the fire extinguisher to put out the fire.

Manager Su, the person in charge of the property center of the community, said that at the time of the incident, the electric vehicle was in a state of flameout and not charged. At about 1:20 am that day, when the duty officer of the property center was patrolling, he saw that the electric vehicle was on fire, and the fire was very bright.

The person on duty immediately used the walkie talkie to report to colleagues. Several colleagues came to put out the fire with dry powder extinguishers and put it out completely at about 1:28.

At this time, only the iron skeleton of the electric vehicle has been burned, but other electric vehicles are not damaged. Up to now, the owner of the electric vehicle on fire has not yet appeared.

Manager Su said that their community was put into use in 2017. At present, there are more than 2000 households. In the second half of last year, four smart charging sheds for electric vehicles were built in the community, which can charge more than 190 electric vehicles at the same time. Citizens can charge electric vehicles for 4 hours by paying 1 yuan by scanning the code with their mobile phones.

At present, most of the owners of electric vehicles in the community have been accustomed to parking their electric vehicles in the charging shed for charging.

Manager Su admitted that according to relevant regulations, in order to prevent fire, electric vehicles should not be parked in the overhead floor of the building. Next, they will build more charging sheds in the community to meet the owners' parking and charging needs.

Fire alarm>>>

Do not park the electric vehicle in the corridor, walkway and stairwell;

Please do not charge the electric vehicle indoors, and do not charge it for too long;

Please do not purchase and use non-standard and over standard electric vehicles;

Do not add batteries or modify electric vehicles;

Do not use a non original charger to charge the electric vehicle;

Do not place flammable materials or use open flame around the electric vehicle.

Author: Changjiang Daily reporter Chen Qixiong Intern Yuan Hui

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◇ It was learned yesterday that from April 1, 2019, Wuhan will adjust the urban and rural minimum living standard: the minimum living standard of urban residents will be increased from 715 yuan per month to 780 yuan per person; The minimum living security standard for rural residents was raised from 580 yuan per person per month to 635 yuan.

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◇ Recently, Ms. Zhang, a netizen, reported on the Wuhan City Message Board of Changjiang Network that the Hongqi Building Materials and Home Furnishing Bus Station on Fazhan Avenue, Jiang'an District, is the departure station of buses such as 524 and 553. The waiting vehicles often park on the road, occupying a lane, causing difficulty in road traffic. The staff said that this place is located in the central urban area, and there is no space for expansion or new station construction temporarily. They will ask drivers to pull over as far as possible.

Citizens strolling in the flowers by the Ink Lake Photographed by Li Ziyun, a reporter of Changjiang Daily

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Specific forecast: during the day, the cloudy day will turn to light to moderate rain, 16 ℃~25 ℃, and northerly wind will be 2 to 3 degrees; From tonight to tomorrow, there will be moderate to heavy rain on cloudy days, accompanied by thunder and lightning, 20 ℃~25 ℃, northerly wind level 2~3.

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15 years, 6 million

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[Edit: Leaf]

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