The launching ceremony and training meeting of the second national Red Cross crowdfunding poverty alleviation contest in Hubei Province were held in Han
2019-05-14 13:36:39 Source: Chinese network

Hanwang News (Correspondent Liu Jiani) On May 14, the launching ceremony and training meeting of the Hubei Crowdfunding Poverty Alleviation Competition was held in Wuhan. The event was co sponsored by the Red Cross Society of Hubei Province, the Provincial Federation of Trade Unions, the Provincial Women's Federation, the Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the Provincial Department of Commerce, the Provincial Poverty Alleviation Office, and Hubei Radio and Television, and co organized by the Hubei Red Cross Foundation and Hubei Changjiang Cloud New Media Group, More than 100 people from the relevant responsible persons of the main organizer, the responsible persons of the Red Cross Societies in all cities and regions of the province and the representatives of the participating teams attended the launching ceremony.

(Site of launching ceremony)

Song Yueming, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Executive Vice President of the Red Cross Society of Hubei Province, attended the meeting and made a mobilization speech. He asked that the Red Cross Societies at all levels in the province should earnestly improve their political position, enhance their sense of responsibility, and carefully organize the contest; We should strengthen publicity, widely mobilize all social forces, rely on the JD Internet platform, help poor areas and poor people sell agricultural products, help poverty alleviation and income increase, and achieve poverty alleviation results.

(Song Yueming, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Executive Vice President of the Red Cross Society of Hubei Province, delivered a speech)

Hu Bihui, a member of the Party Leadership Group of the Provincial Federation of Trade Unions and vice chairman of the trade union, sent a message to the competition. He said that the Red Cross system, in conjunction with social forces, made full use of the Internet+public welfare to implement the "hemopoietic poverty alleviation" project in the critical period of poverty alleviation to help our province's industrial poverty alleviation. Taking the opportunity of this contest, Hubei Federation of Trade Unions is willing to work together to kick off the provincial crowdfunding poverty alleviation contest, advocate the concept of "consumption is poverty alleviation, and purchase is public welfare" among the staff and workers, help the participating teams and poverty alleviation leaders in our province expand sales channels, drive more poor households to benefit, and continue to move towards the ultimate goal of poverty alleviation, And wish the competition a complete success!

(Hu Bihui, member of the Party Leadership Group of the Provincial Federation of Trade Unions and vice chairman of the trade union, sent a message to the competition)

The meeting not only invited experts from the JD crowdfunding Internet industry to spread ideas and teaching methods for everyone to improve their understanding of Internet resource mobilization, but also invited Liao Ling, vice minister of the Disaster Relief Development Department of the Red Cross Foundation of China and director of the Community Development Center, to give participants a detailed explanation of the competition system and conditions. The provincial Red Cross Foundation, the executive team, gave on-site guidance and answered questions on how to organize the provincial games and how the participating teams need to mobilize social resources.

It is understood that this competition is the second crowdfunding poverty alleviation competition of the National Red Cross system. It aims to build a framework of "Internet+poverty alleviation leader+poor households" through Internet crowdfunding, help poor areas to spread high-quality agricultural products brands, promote and sell agricultural and sideline products, and promote poverty alleviation and income increase of poor households. At the same time, promote the "participatory" consumption poverty alleviation, spread the concept of "consumption is poverty alleviation, purchase is public welfare", mobilize the enthusiasm of all sectors of society to participate in consumption poverty alleviation, and help poverty alleviation.

(The competition starts)

The competition is divided into provincial competition and national competition. Among them, the provincial competition in Hubei will be held from May 1 to September 1 this year. At that time, the provincial Red Cross Society will organize an expert evaluation committee to evaluate the public welfare, crowdfunding amount, crowdfunding person times, resource mobilization ability, and the popularity rate of crowdfunding projects and other indicators of the participating projects according to the crowdfunding results provided by JD Crowdfunding. The finally selected provincial excellent projects will compete in the national finals. The national finals are held from September to October.

It is reported that in order to achieve the expected goals and tasks of the competition, the Red Cross Society of Hubei Province, together with government departments, has issued a proposal to mobilize 72 participating teams across the province to launch poverty alleviation projects, which is in the forefront of the country.

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