The 14th "Follow the Party Forever" China Youth Art Festival Hubei Press Conference was held in Han
2019-05-13 10:19:55 Source:

Playing Red Cultural Songs by the Yangtze River, the Green Arts Festival blooms in Jingchu
The 14th "Follow the Party Forever" China Youth Art Festival
Hubei Provincial Press Conference Held in Wuhan


The 14th "Follow the Party Forever" China Youth Art Festival opened

At the place of white clouds and yellow cranes, the extreme vision is clear and comfortable. On May 11, basking in the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, in order to celebrate the 98th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the 14th "Follow the Party Forever" Chinese Youth Art Festival Hubei Provincial Press Conference was grandly opened in Hubei Art Vocational College.


Piper Jaffray
Han Zhongxue, former vice governor of the People's Government of Hubei Province, Fan Xiaowei, executive director of the Chinese Red Culture Research Association and secretary-general of the Party History Education Committee, Li Lihai, deputy secretary of the Party Committee and secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Hubei Vocational College of Arts, Li Sanhan, counselor of the People's Government of Hubei Province, Li Lianghuai, member of the Standing Committee of the Youth Federation of Hubei Province, and Fan Jie, senior reporter of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League China Industrial and Economic Daily, More than 200 people attended the press conference, including Liu Youyuan, head of Hubei Station of China Industrial and Economic News, Hui Jipeng, secretary-general of Hubei Organizing Committee of China Youth Art Festival, and other leaders, as well as heads of many media and art training institutions.


Hubei Organizing Committee of China Youth Art Festival was established and awarded the license
The 14th "Follow the Party Forever" China Youth Art Festival was hosted by the China Red Culture Research Association, and the Hubei Province sub contest area was undertaken by Wuhan Hongchu Culture Media Co., Ltd. The theme of the activity is "learning the history of the party, knowing the party's feelings, feeling the party's gratitude, and following the party", and the purpose is "red art festival, youth festival".
Before the opening ceremony, upon the solemn proposal of the host, all stood up and sang the National Anthem of the People's Republic of China.


The Hubei Organizing Committee of the Arts Festival awarded medals to the education base \


Hubei Organizing Committee of the Arts Festival awarded the board to the governing unit
Hui Jipeng, secretary-general of the Hubei Organizing Committee of the 14th "Always Follow the Party" China Youth Art Festival, as a press spokesman, thanked the artists from all over the province and extended a warm welcome to guests and friends from home and abroad. He pointed out that the Green Arts Festival is another red cultural event to earnestly implement the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. Guided by the spirit of leading young people to remember the glorious history and inherit the red gene, we will promote young people to learn the history of the party and follow the party in music, dance, drama, painting and calligraphy and other arts. Efforts should be made to create fine arts with the spirit of the new era and national style for young people, so as to make greater contributions to the rejuvenation of the nation, the prosperity of the country and the progress of human society.

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Hubei Provincial Image Ambassador Performance
Li Lihai, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Hubei Vocational College of Arts, pointed out in his welcoming speech that the successive "Follow the Party Forever" Chinese Youth Art Festival has effectively promoted the prosperity and development of China's red culture, the construction of spiritual civilization and the construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics. This press conference of the 14th "Follow the Party Forever" China Youth Art Festival in Hubei Province was successfully held in our hospital, which explored a set of effective new mechanisms, new ideas and new methods for us to practice red culture, and promoted the sound and rapid development of our party history education. Hubei Vocational College of Arts will strive to practice the purpose of the festival, highlight the theme of the festival, adhere to the principle of "always following the party", and further accelerate the development of art education. In the future, we will take the opportunity of supporting the Green Arts Festival to learn from the advanced units of red culture, and from brother provinces and cities, and work tirelessly to "prosper red culture, build a beautiful campus", and actively promote Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era.


Han Zhongxue, former vice governor of Hubei Province, inscribed for the festival
At the press conference, Fan Xiaowei, the executive director of the Chinese Red Culture Research Association and the secretary general of the Party History Education Committee, awarded Hubei Vocational College of Arts the "Education Base of Virtue and Art" and the "Education Base of Party History of the Communist Party of China".


Group photo of the organizer and guests
The Hubei section of the 14th "Always Follow the Party" China Youth Art Festival is scheduled to be held in mid to late June for 15 days. From today, contestants participating in Hubei "Green Arts Festival" can register. The 12 excellent red plays will be reviewed by Hubei audiences and judges, and the special art exhibition will be staged successively. A variety of youth red culture activities will also be held throughout the province. Please follow WeChat: gh_2b55cbe40860 (Red Chu Culture)

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