In order to prevent citizens from piling up to get certificates, the whole staff of Jiangxia District Administrative Examination and Approval Bureau will take up their posts to further optimize the business environment
2019-05-11 13:44:00 Source: Hanwang

On May 11, Changjiang Network reported that due to the maintenance and reconstruction of power lines, some areas in Jiangxia Zhifang urban area were cut off from 7:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. yesterday. The Administrative Examination and Approval Bureau of Jiangxia District actively studied and judged, in order to prevent citizens from piling up to handle real estate cards, temporary ID cards and other businesses today, it mobilized all window managers, logistics support personnel and window watchmen on weekends to take up their posts, and opened up a green channel for citizens.

At 9 o'clock in the morning, the reporter saw in the service hall on the third floor of the District Administrative Examination and Approval Bureau that there was a continuous stream of citizens coming to handle business. Some were communicating with the staff about the details of handling business, and some were patiently waiting in line in the call area.

Zhang Guangming, deputy director of the Administrative Examination and Approval Bureau of Jiangxia District, told reporters that since 2017, the Administrative Examination and Approval Bureau of Jiangxia District has opened up the city's first "5+2" working mode, and can also handle real estate cards and temporary ID cards for citizens on weekends.

What is different from usual is that in addition to the window duty personnel, Jiangxia District Administrative Examination and Approval Bureau also mobilized window management personnel and logistics support personnel to actively respond to the possible phenomenon of citizens piling up for certification, comply with the needs and aspirations of the people, and create a good business environment.

Editor in charge: Liu Xin

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