Milk tea given by strangers may be toxic. Anti drug classes are listed in the primary school curriculum for the first time
2019-05-09 00:43:08 Source: Hanwang

Changjiang Daily Financial Media News on May 8 (reporter Liang Shuang, correspondent Yang Yuling) "If a stranger gives you milk tea and snacks, don't eat them casually. In recent years, new drugs like 'milk tea' have emerged in an endless stream." On the morning of August 8, the police of He Wan Compulsory Quarantine Rehabilitation Center of Wuhan Municipal Bureau of Justice came to Jianle Village Primary School in Qiaokou District to teach children a lesson on drug control.

In class, the police told about the types and harm of drugs in the form of courseware, and the children were shocked by the pictures of perennial drug addicts. Wang Yulei, a police officer, told the children that the appearance of the new drug "milk tea" was not very different from the instant milk tea sold on the market, and it was difficult to distinguish its real body because of its sweet taste.

"In addition to opium, there are so many kinds of drugs" "Drugs make good people become bad people and a family become separated from their children. We must stay far away"... Before the end of drug control class, children also felt deeply and said they would stay away from drugs.

The picture shows the professor (first from left) of Wuhan University Law School and the police accepting the children's questions.

It is reported that in recent years, the number of teenagers taking drugs has been increasing, and it shows a trend of younger age. This time, the Youth League Committee of the Drug Addiction Treatment Bureau of the Municipal Bureau of Justice, He Wan Compulsory Isolation Drug Treatment Center, Wuhan University Law School and Jianle Village Primary School set up the city's first "Anti drug Education Public Welfare Alliance" to jointly explore the innovative model of standardized classroom, normalized anti drug publicity, and diversified prevention education mechanisms.

Zhang Liping, the headmaster of Jianle Village Primary School, said that it was very necessary to give children anti drug education. Jianle Village Primary School has now included anti drug courses in standardized classroom teaching and formulated them into the curriculum of each semester, which is the first time in the city.

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