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  • 3 quarters 51 distribution Luke is too tired Kentia's 19 points lead is reversed - Kentia flooring

    label: Kentia Fujian Team Brooks Brooks Kentier Fujian Team Kentia flooring Official website of Kentia flooring Price List of Kentia Flooring

    Yi Li only played more than one quarter, and Hu Xuefeng and Samuel continued to be injured. Even so, Jiangsu Kentia men's basketball team was 19 points ahead of Fujian team in the away game yesterday. Unfortunately, in the fourth quarter, the whole team suffered from physical constraints, especially Marchan Brooks was too tired, and Kentia suffered a reversal at 106:116. Brooks had 51 points in the first three quarters. Brooks was too tired for the game. Among the players who were troubled by injuries, Liu Wei returned to the game and started with Li Yuanyu, Brooks and Cao Fei. Yi Li was replaced by Hou Yifan. He didn't play with injuries until the end of the third quarter. He played a little more than a quarter. Although Samuel took part in the warm-up before the game, But after the preparation meeting, he said he couldn't hold on, and didn't play for a minute. There is no doubt that Brooks is a big dependence of Kenya, which is short of personnel and only has foreign aid. At the start of the game, Xiao Bu successfully played the role of a lonely hero, and he scored 4 consecutive points. Later, in addition to the young players Hou Yifan and Li Yuanyu who helped him share a bit of offensive pressure, Brooks scored more to lead the team forward. In the first quarter, Brooks hit two out of three shots outside the three-point line and scored 16 points; In the second section, Xiao Bu continued to be in a state of no solution, no matter whether he broke through the inner line or made a long shot on the outer line. After the war in this section, he hit an astonishing 12 of 14 two-point shots, and has scored 31 points in the half court. In the third quarter, Brooks came up with a three-point shot and hit three in a row. With his excellent performance, Kentia once led Fujian team by 19 points with 73:54. After the war, Xiao Bu scored 51 points. In the last game, he scored 74 points against Fujian team with Xi foreign aid Conningham. Can Brooks get a similar high score again? Unfortunately, Xiao Bu was really tired in the fourth quarter, and the Fujian team adopted a double team for him. In the end, Brooks scored 13 of 21 two pointer shots and 57 of 8 of 17 three pointer shots. In addition to Brooks, Hou Yifan, a young player, was also a bright spot yesterday. He made three three-point shots and scored the second highest 20 points in the team. Li Yuanyu also scored 13 points. In Fujian, Wang Zhelin scored 37 points, and their two foreign aid players, Bex and Hiksen, scored 28 and 20 points respectively. At one time, it was 19 points ahead. It was a pity that we lost yesterday's game between Kentia and Fujian. The score was always neck and neck depending on the two teams coming and going in the first quarter. Compared with Brooks' 16 points in a single quarter, Fujian team Wang Zhelin shot 5 of 7 two-point shots and 1 of 1 of 1 free throw, also getting 11 points. At the end of the first quarter, Kenya was one point behind at 27:28. In the second quarter, the two sides fell into a tug of war again, with scores leading alternately. With more than 6 minutes left in the game, Kentia suddenly made efforts, Li Yuanyu, Hou Yifan and Brooks blossomed at many points, and played a 13:00 game against Fujian team, leading by 53:38 in double digits. Almost five minutes later, the Fujian team broke the deadlock through three serves by small foreign aid Bex. In the first half, Kenya took the lead at 57:46. In the second half, Wang Zhelin played "21" and scored 5 points with an inside victory. But Brooks hit two 3-pointers and Kenya still controlled the situation. Later, facing the pursuit of Fujian team, Hou Yifan played "21", and Kenya was a small climax of 8:0, the score became 73:54, leading by 19 points. Until this time, the Fujian team seemed to wake up, with double foreign aid plus Wang Zhelin, and they scored successively, making the score 74:79. At the critical moment, Brooks' three-point shot and four free throws were like timely help, and Kenya maintained a certain advantage. One minute and 48 seconds before the end of the third quarter, Yi Li came into the game with injury and let Brooks have a rest. At this time, Xiao Bu had already scored 51 points. At the end of the third quarter, Kentia took the lead at 90:80. In the fourth quarter, Fujian team played a wave of 10:0 in the opening stage, and the difference between the two sides was immediately erased, while Kentia hit 0 of 6 shots, so someone urgently needed to step forward. After that, Li Yuanyu hit one of two free throws, and the team finally broke the scoring gap. Next, the team fell into a hard fight. Brooks, tired, shot two three-point shots. However, under the leadership of Wang Zhelin, the Fujian team was more outstanding on the offensive side and won the game in the end. Reporter Jing Zhenghua comments on Kenya!!! Brooke is too tired. If you are cool and cool, the whole team will rely on him to promote the development of domestic players, and pay some people who can't compete with the NBA to control thunder and lightning. It's not easy for Xiao Ding to survive! Coach problem, do not know how to use domestic players, so that your domestic players can not play.

    2017-03-06 14:37:11
  • Wang Zhelin 37 Fujian Sheng Jiangsu Kentia Brooks 57 points - Kentia flooring

    label: Ma Shang Wang Zhelin Fujian Fujian Marchand Wang Zhelin Kentia flooring Official website of Kentia flooring What are the brands of Kentia flooring

    On December 30, Beijing time, the 2016 CBA League Match of the 2016-2017 season was more popular than the last one. Fujian Quanzhou Bank vs. Jiangsu Kendiya Men's Basketball Team at home, Fujian 116-106, Jiangsu. Fujian defeated Tongxi in the last round, winning two and losing two in the last four rounds. Wang Zhelin could cut 20.9 points and 10.1 rebounds on the field, and Hickson, who averaged 27.2 points on the field, became the main firepower of the team; In the Tongxi team, Marchan Brooks is the attacker with higher scores, averaging 35.7 points per game. Except for Yi's 13.5 points per game, the performance of other players is "dismal". In this game, Fujian team Wang Zhelin had 37 points and 15 rebounds, Bex had 26 points, Zhao Tailong had 10 points, Huang Yichao had 14 points, and Hickson had 20 points and 14 rebounds; In Jiangsu team, only 3 players scored in double figures, Mashan Brooks scored 57 points, Li Yuanyu 13 points and Hou Yifan 20 points. In the first quarter, Hou Yifan scored 2 points first. Fujian used the serve, and Wang Zhelin scored an inside dunk. Ma Shang swung past Bex to defend the jumper and scored. Both sides come and go. Hickson goes on stage to form a "double tower" with Wang Zhelin. Fujian takes the advantage of the interior line, and Jiangsu's exterior line begins to make efforts. This section, Fujian 28-27, Jiangsu. In the second quarter, Ma Shang got the chance of free throw, but made two free throws and one hit. Bex scored a mid-range shot. Zhao Tailong's 3 points eased the pressure of Fujian's attack. Li Yuanyu and Ma Shang scored 4 points in two attacks. Hickson missed the shot, and Ma Shang chased after the ball. The difference between the two sides reached 12 points. This section covers Fujian 46-57, Jiangsu. After the two sides changed sides, Wang Zhelin successfully hit 21 in a singles match with Liu Wei, and Ma Shangze fought back with 2 3 points. Jiangsu hit a 5-0 climax. Hickson turned around to pass Liu Yahui, and his successful dunk was one of the few highlights of this section in Fujian. With the help of Wang Zhelin, Fujian made up the difference to 6 points. At a later time, Fujian's defense negligence was chased for 4 points. In this section, Fujian 80-90 Jiangsu. Later in the final battle, Huang Yichao easily picked up the basket and scored, and Bayern missed the layup, but he assisted Wang Zhelin to trigger the passion of home court. After Huang Yichao scored another 3 points, Jiangsu was forced to pause. The score finally equalled after Byxon layup. At this time, the attack efficiency of both sides is extremely high. One minute later, Jiangsu kept making mistakes, Wang Zhelin continued to make threats, and the contest ended in 116-106 Jiangsu, Fujian. On January 1, 2017, Fujian went away to play Guangzhou; Jiangsu Team plays Xinjiang at home. Fujian team starts: Wang Zhelin, Bex, Chen Linjian, Zhao Tailong, Guo Lei; Jiangsu team starts: Ma Shang, Liu Wei, Cao Fei, Hou Yifan, Li Yuanyu; There is no Yi Li in netizen comments, and the competition is really difficult to support! Fujian has no outside experience. If you don't have enough time, as in the previous section, you can also publish articles if you have IQ problems. How come there is "Marchan Brooks in the same team" in the competition between Fujian and Jiangsu? Is he with the same team? After another two festivals, "the difference comes to 12 points, Fujian 46-57 Jiangsu", your math teacher taught you, right? Read carefully before sending the document later. Wang Zhelin wants to go to the NBA by playing like this

    2017-02-22 14:40:36
  • GRAMMY YANG Yuan: GRAMMY Development Soft Clothes Home Xibuluke Positioning High end - GRAMMY Wallcloth from=search_tab

    label: Grammy Yang Yuanbrook Grammy Brooke Yang Yuan Grammy wall cloth from=search_tab

    From March 9 to 12, the 21st China (Beijing) International Wallpaper/Wallcloth/Curtain&Home Soft Decoration Exhibition was held. During the exhibition, Yang Yuan, the general manager of Grammy Wallpaper, said in an interview with NetEase Home that Sibrook is the second brand independent of Grammy, positioning itself in the high-end market. In the future, Grammy will focus more on ensuring steady development and developing the strategy of soft decoration and large home furnishing. Yang Yuan, General Manager of Grammy Wallpaper, is the following interview record: Mr. Yang, how do you do? I see that our booth is displayed under the brand of "Xibrook". Is this another brand of Grammy? Yang Yuan: This booth is our second brand, American Seabrook. Grammy is in another booth. In this exhibition, we in Sibrook are more for development, and Grammy is for display. At present, Grammy's distribution in the country is almost full, and our exhibition is more for brand effect. NetEase Home: What's the difference between the brand of Sibrook and Grammy? Yang Yuan: Sibuluke is more pure import, 100% pure import products, and the overall positioning will be higher than Grammy. The brand Sibrook was registered in the United States in 1910. In 2009, we got a Chinese agent and entered China. Sibrook and Grammy are operated independently. Different from Grammy, it is a franchise chain of the second brand in China. The American representative of Sybrook will come every month to participate in our business in terms of sales, operation and training,. Netease Home Furnishing: As you said just now, Grammy may have been widely distributed throughout the country. What's the situation in Sibrook now? Yang Yuan: Xibuluke expanded its business in the early days by means of the dealer model. In the early days, it opened about 180000 dealers. In 2013, we transformed into a monopoly store. Now it is the third year. There are more than 160 stores in the country, and another 40 have signed contracts. We are in the transformation stage of opening a monopoly store at a very high speed. Netease Home: Is the channel expansion of Sibrook the same as that of Grammy? Yang Yuan: The basic rule is that all people who sell Grammy are not allowed to be Sibrook. The two brands have different positioning, and the other two completely different distribution channels can ensure our sales growth. Sibrook has considered both joining and agency. At first, it was in the form of agency, and now it is joining in. As for high-end wallpaper, in the Chinese market, it is necessary to have standardized franchise chains and guide them to do so. Otherwise, the owners and merchants of many stores have no idea and can't do high-end products. Netease Home Furnishings: Is it to expand the market share or because of consumer demand to build the brand of Xibuluke? Yang Yuan: From the perspective of overall style, the brand Xibuluke can more accurately grasp the preferences of high-end consumers. Because there are few mediocre products in this brand, I seldom feel this product is very vulgar, like domestic paper. And even if domestic manufacturers plagiarize, they will find it difficult to sell this paper, because it is not a very popular aesthetic, and not everyone likes it. The target group of Sybrook is even smaller, which is why we want to carry out in franchised stores across the country. Instead of doing it as fast as Grammy, we find the right city and the right business talents to carry out in the form of franchised stores. NetEase Home: First of all, would you please tell us about this exhibition, what new products have we launched in this exhibition? Yang Yuan: We have promoted a lot of new products this year. For example, we have brought five new products from Seabrook, the United States, which are quite different from the original products, including new urban style, western modern style, and completely modern style products. GRAMMY+Sybrook has steadily developed NetEase Home: the e-commerce model of the past two years has been particularly crazy. What is the situation of GRAMMY and Sybrook in e-commerce now? Yang Yuan: In fact, we basically don't do e-commerce. The high-end will never go e-commerce. The development of foreign e-commerce is at least 10 years earlier than ours, but many industries will not be affected by e-commerce. Especially in the high-end home furnishing industry, because high-end products need more communication and guidance from professionals and detailed experience of products, they cannot be seen simply through pictures. Many of our wallpapers are organic texture, including those with luster and special materials, which will be weakened in photos. Therefore, for this kind of cheap and low-end products in batches, online consumption will become a stronger mainstream. But for high-end products and personalized products, we still need to sell them through professional stores. NetEase Home: The concept of soft decoration and big home was mentioned at the previous annual meeting. Is it the development direction of Grammy? Yang Yuan: Yes, you came to the annual meeting to hear that it is the development direction of Grammy in the next three years. In fact, we need to ensure more accuracy and stability in channel construction. We started to make curtains in September 2015, and there are already 200 cities making curtains. At present, we have 960 stores nationwide, and only some of them have the energy and ability to increase the number of curtains in diversified stores with excellent wallpaper business. For wallpaper that has not reached the top three in the local market, let them focus on wallpaper first, so we have a layered plan for dealers. Next, we will make lighting, accessories and bedding. Just now, some manufacturers have come to communicate with us. These are our partners. After the curtains are made in these 200 cities, they will show their next products to the stores step by step, which is the next step of Grammy's development. Netease Home: Both Grammy and Sybrook are imported products. Will you choose imported brands for curtains or lighting as you just said? Yang Yuan: 80% of our imports of cloth art are domestic and 20% are imported. Because there is a big difference between curtains and wallpaper, wallpaper is a weak point of China, which is a craft product and requires strong process, equipment and technical capabilities, which China still lacks. However, cloth art is China's advantage, because China is its origin and technology birthplace, so in addition to some very high quality materials and technology advantages abroad, the advantages from middle to high to low end are basically in China, and only the very high end and very good cloth art is in Italy. Therefore, as a high-end fabric art, we only add a small piece of extremely high-end market, and the rest is made in China. NetEase Home: At present, we have two brands, Grammy and Sybrook. What are the operation and layout of these two brands? Yang Yuan: In terms of operation distribution, like Xibuluke, the market in Beijing is mainly around Fantasy Home. We don't want to go too far in the market, but we need to ensure that every store can make profits and have a good reputation in the market. We still find the right market more accurately, and now we are also taking differentiation in the country. Because Grammys are medium, high, low and even extremely high, and Sibrook is medium to medium to high. NetEase Home: Thank you, President Yang. Netizen comments

    2017-02-22 12:56:43
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