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  • How to choose 70 series bridge cutoff aluminum doors and windows

    label: Difference between 70 bridge cutoff aluminum and 80 Which is better, 70 bridge cutoff aluminum or 80 70 series bridge cutoff aluminum doors and windows

    Broken bridge aluminum is no longer a new thing. It has penetrated into every household and has become a door and window material type with high application rate and popularity in the building materials door and window industry. There are many models and series of bridge cutoff aluminum. In order to meet the increasing demand, various models of bridge cutoff aluminum can solve this problem. Next, let's take a look at the difference between 70 series bridge cutoff aluminum doors and windows and 80 series bridge cutoff aluminum doors and windows. Which is better than 80 series bridge cutoff aluminum doors and windows? Some people always ask this question. Now let's explore it. 1. Performance of 70 series bridge cutoff aluminum doors and windows Wind pressure resistance function: Level C4 1800Pa-2600Pa En12210 Air tight function: Level 4 600Pa En12207 Water tight function: Level E1500 1500Pa En12208 Sound insulation function: Rw (C; Ctr)=40 (- 2- 4) DB (44.2A/15/10) thermal insulation function: 2.2W/(m2. K) ~ 1.8W/(m2. K) 2. The selection of 70 series bridge cutoff aluminum door and window profiles mainly depends on the materials used. The aluminum profiles used for good aluminum alloy doors and windows should comply with the relevant national specifications and rules in thickness, strength and oxide film. The wall thickness should be more than 1.2mm, and the yield strength of 108N per square mm should be a minimum The tensile strength is 157 N per square millimeter, and the oxide film thickness should reach 10 microns. The defective 70 series bridge cutoff aluminum door and window profiles that do not meet the above specifications must be carefully selected by the owners. Secondly, the precision and professional technical ability of the door and window manufacturers in profile processing are the key points worth considering for the owners. 70 series bridge cutoff aluminum doors and windows, as long as good profiles are matched with good manufacturers, and professional production equipment workers are "good horses with good saddles"! The aluminum alloy doors and windows are precisely processed and equipped with professional technical devices, so that they can seal well and switch freely. On the contrary, technicians blindly select aluminum profile series and standards, process jerry built materials, and even use sawing to replace milling. The device construction personnel do not carry out the device as required, so the doors and windows produced by this method have poor sealing function, and the opening and closing are not smooth, which can not effectively block the wind and rain, and the glass may burst in severe cases. 3. The difference between 70 bridge cutoff aluminum and 80. In brief, the numbers 70 and 80 represent the width of the bridge cutoff aluminum window frame on the windowsill. 70 is 7cm, 80 is 8cm. The first difference between 70 bridge cutoff aluminum and 80 is the thickness of the door and window frames. The thickness here refers to the width of the aluminum alloy door and window frames. Open the sliding door of your balcony and measure the width of the frame. The value obtained is the thickness of the door and window in the specification; The width of 70 series door and window frames is 70mm~75mm, and 80 series door and window frames are 80mm~85mm, which is the difference between the two. Then there must be other differences between 70 bridge cutoff aluminum and 80, for example, there are differences in the number of sealing channels and glass. The small compilation here is not detailed. Many people will ask which is better, 70 bridge cutoff aluminum or 80? In fact, there is no absolute answer to this question. After all, each has its own strengths. In fact, the functions of the 70 and 80 series windows are the same. The performance and economic and technical indicators of different series windows are different. The 80 series generally adopts insulating glass. In addition, 70 columns generally consider the wind pressure resistance of windows during use. The difference between 70 series and 80 series is in the width of profile section. The high ones use 80 series, and the low ones use 70 series. If it is required that the temperature insulation effect is better, select 80 series. Therefore, we should choose according to the actual situation, which is better, 70 bridge cutoff aluminum or 80. In fact, there is no distinction between good and bad aluminum. Netizen comment: I replaced all the windows installed by other developers at home, and all the bridges were cut off. I know whether the bridge cutoff aluminum is good or not. I really can't look at other doors and windows after using the bridge cutoff aluminum! The top materials are almost the same, mainly depending on the workmanship and accessories. Top 10 brands of doors and windows

    2018-07-31 10:52:17
  • 80 How much is the price of bridge cutoff aluminum? Correct selection of 80 bridge cutoff aluminum doors and windows

    label: 80 What is the price of bridge cutoff aluminum 80 How much is bridge cutoff aluminum per square meter

    The bridge cutoff aluminum alloy is a better material for doors and windows, which has been chosen by many people. Because the advantages of the bridge cutoff aluminum are very prominent, more and more people pay attention to the bridge cutoff aluminum doors and windows, and naturally the price of the bridge cutoff aluminum is also very concerned. Next, let's look at the price of 80 bridge cutoff aluminum with Xiao Bian, and learn how much it costs per square meter. 1、 80 What is the price of bridge cutoff aluminum? 1.80 What is the price of bridge cutoff aluminum? The price of brand plastic steel door and window profiles is generally about 10000 yuan/ton, while the price of brand bridge cutoff aluminum profiles is about 20000 yuan/ton. The price of these two profiles is quite different, depending on your choice. 2. There are many kinds of bridge cutoff aluminum doors and windows, so the price of 80 bridge cutoff aluminum doors and windows is different. If the price of the bridge cutoff aluminum doors and windows you purchased is 200-300 yuan/square, it indicates that the quality of these doors and windows is not reliable, and the heat insulation strip is seriously adulterated. The inferior bridge cutoff aluminum doors and windows are generally equipped with PVC heat insulation strips, which are smooth and concave convex with the naked eye, so don't buy products with too low price. 3. In fact, how much is 80 bridge cutoff aluminum per square meter? Finally, it depends on the square meters of the closed door and window area, the number of windows opened, hardware accessories and other requirements. Like other products, doors and windows have different configuration levels, which determine their prices. Generally, the price of bridge cutoff doors and windows is between 600-800 yuan/square meter. 2、 Precautions for correct selection of bridge cutoff aluminum doors and windows 1. Try to use the original products of large manufacturers. Many low-quality aluminum materials on the market are processed with recycled aluminum waste. The color difference of the window surface is often large and the thickness is not up to the standard. The product quality cannot be compared with the original products of large manufacturers. Although the price of 80 bridge cutoff aluminum of large brands will be somewhat higher, However, it is the big brand bridge cutoff aluminum that has more quality assurance. 2. Selection of hardware for bridge cutoff aluminum doors and windows: high-quality hardware shall be selected, and the manufacturer must take goods directly from the hardware manufacturer. There are many counterfeit products in the market, and the cheapest parts often cannot be opened, closed, leaked, winded, and soundproofed for several years. Therefore, the price of 80 bridge cutoff aluminum per square meter is naturally higher than that of high-quality hardware. 3. Wall thickness of profile: generally for home decoration products, most door and window factories or processing masters choose products with high yield, that is, products with thin wall thickness to reduce costs. At present, many aluminum alloy profiles on the market have a wall thickness of only 1.2, which is lower than the national standard. According to the national profile thickness, it shall be greater than or equal to 1.4mm. The price of 80 bridge cutoff aluminum is one square meter, and the price of 80 bridge cutoff aluminum mainly depends on the brand you choose, because different brands represent different processes and quality in all aspects. However, it is better for everyone to choose a big brand of bridge cutoff aluminum, which is more reassuring to use. Netizen comment: The price of bridge cutoff aluminum doors and windows varies according to the brand and region. As far as I know, the price per square meter of the 80 series of aluminum doors and windows of Phoenix Aluminum Bridge cutoff is about 550 yuan. You can buy them in physical stores or on e-commerce platforms such as Jingdong. It is convenient to have them delivered to your door. Top 10 brands of doors and windows

    2018-07-31 10:27:28
  • 80 How much is plastic steel window? What's good about plastic steel window

    label: How much is 80 plastic steel window per square meter

    For the selection of doors and windows, most people usually choose from plastic steel doors and windows, aluminum alloy doors and windows, and aluminum doors and windows with broken bridges. Each kind of door and window material has its advantages and disadvantages. Plastic steel windows have been in the market for so long, and naturally have their favorite places. Next, I want to tell you about a series of 80 plastic steel windows. How much is 80 plastic steel window per square meter? Follow me to find out. 1. 80 The general pricing method of plastic steel window is as follows: fixed leaf area? Unit price of fixed leaf and unit price of opening leaf=total price of doors and windows (three square meters and one opening), the excess part will be charged additionally. There are many types of plastic steel doors and windows, and their prices are different. If the plastic steel sliding window is made of 88 materials, its basic price is about 110 yuan per square meter. The price of hardware and other accessories required for installation is generally about 20 yuan. The construction labor cost is generally about 30 yuan, and the cost of adding steel and glass is about 50 yuan. If all of them are added together, the cost is about 210 yuan. How much is 80 plastic steel window per square meter? The price of 80 material plastic steel sliding window will be slightly higher. The basic price is about 105 yuan per square meter. Other costs are the same as above, so the total price is about 200 yuan. If it is a 60 material plastic steel casement window, the basic price is about 150 yuan, and other costs are the same as above, the total price is about 250 yuan. 2. 80 Factors affecting the price of plastic steel windows per square meter (1) The price of plastic steel doors and windows has a certain relationship with the brand purchased. If you choose a well-known brand, the price will be slightly higher, but the product quality can be guaranteed, and its service life will be longer. Owners can choose according to their own needs. (2) The price of 80 plastic steel window per square meter has a certain relationship with its material. If it is 88 plastic steel sliding window, the price will be higher than 80 plastic steel sliding window, while if it is 60 plastic steel casement window, the price will be higher than the above two prices. The price difference lies in the basic price. The hardware fittings, installation and transportation costs are the same. (3) The price of 80 plastic steel windows per square meter has a lot to do with their processing technology. Generally, if plastic steel doors and windows are welded well, their appearance will be more beautiful. At the same time, they are not easy to crack when they are used. Therefore, the more sophisticated and refined the technology, the higher the price of 80 plastic steel doors and windows will be. 3. 80 Advantages and disadvantages of plastic steel window anti-corrosion: wooden doors are vulnerable to acid, alkali, salt and exhaust gas, while plastic steel doors are not affected by any of the above substances, and are suitable for use in various natural environments. Environmental protection: wooden doors generally need to use paint finish. There are a lot of harmful substances such as formaldehyde left in paint and synthetic wood, which is harmful to health. The plastic steel door is a new generation of environmental protection products because it is non-toxic and free of other harmful substances and meets the environmental requirements. The disadvantage is that 80 plastic steel windows are easy to become brittle after being made of materials for a long time, and the style is not novel. 4. For the market quotation of 80 plastic steel windows, please refer to 80 plastic steel windows. According to various market data, 88 sliding windows are usually 110 yuan of profiles, 8 yuan of hardware, 10 yuan of accessories, 30 yuan of manufacturing devices, 20 yuan of reinforcing steel, 30 yuan of glass, and 4 yuan of transportation, usually 212 yuan per square meter; The 80 sliding window is a 105 profile, the others are the same, and the estimated value is 207 yuan per square meter; For the 60 square window, the price is 150 yuan for the profile and 28 yuan for the hardware. The other prices are the same as above. It is estimated that the price per square is about 272 yuan. The price of plastic steel window depends on different cities. It is generally 100 to 230 yuan/square meter. The price of the screen is 120 yuan/square meter, which is 80 yuan/window. In general cities: 80 sliding windows 170 yuan/㎡, 220 yuan/㎡ for window screening (without any cost) 88 sliding windows 180 yuan/㎡, 230 yuan/㎡ for window screening (without any cost) 60 sliding doors 220 yuan/㎡, 270 yuan/㎡ for window screening (without any cost) The price under the same workmanship, if the choice of merchants is not good, it is better to choose a factory with strong strength and good reputation to customize plastic steel doors and windows, The quality of plastic steel doors and windows produced by the factory standardization is more guaranteed, and the price is relatively affordable. Related link: How much does it cost to replace plastic steel windows? The price of plastic steel windows affects the top ten brands of doors and windows

    2018-07-31 10:05:16
  • The actual situation of your family is up to you

    label: Bridge cutoff aluminum window 80 or 60

    The bridge cutoff aluminum doors and windows are composed of bridge cutoff aluminum profiles and insulating glass. Their functions reach the functions of energy conservation, sound insulation, noise prevention, dust prevention, and waterproof. Compared with ordinary aluminum alloy doors and windows, the heat loss is reduced by half, the heating cost is reduced by about 30%, and the sound insulation capacity is more than 29 decibels. The water tightness and air tightness are good, reaching the national A1 window standard. Therefore, since the introduction of bridge cutoff aluminum doors and windows, bridge cutoff aluminum has been very popular with consumers, mainly because the performance and function of bridge cutoff aluminum doors and windows are very good. Among various specifications of bridge cutoff aluminum, 80 or 60 is better for bridge cutoff aluminum window? The two are analyzed below. 1. Parameter: 80 or 60 is better for bridge cutoff aluminum window. First, let's look at some basic parameters of both to increase our understanding of the two series of products. The aluminum material of 80 series doors and windows is 1.8mm thick, with 12 seals and 27mm partition layer in the middle; 60 series aluminum material is 1.4mm thick, with 6 seals and 12mm partition layer in the middle. It can be seen from the comparison that no matter from the perspective of sound insulation, temperature insulation and decoration effect, 80 absolutely wins 60, and most people will choose 80 for decoration. 2. The price of the bridge cutoff aluminum window is better than 80 or 60. From the price point of view, assuming the same window paving area and the same amount of glass, hardware and accessories, the price of the 80 series will be higher than that of the 60 series, because the amount of aluminum used is there. Of course, it can't be directly concluded that the 80 series must be expensive, but it must be considered from the brand, unit price, decoration budget, labor and other aspects. 3. The sales volume of 80 bridge cutoff aluminum windows is better than that of 60, which can be used as a small reference. The sales volume of 80 bridge cutoff aluminum windows is relatively large, because the raw materials used for 80 bridge cutoff aluminum windows, namely aluminum, are green and environmentally friendly, and their quality and hardness are better than that of 60, which will not have any impact on people's health and the surrounding environment, and is trustworthy; On the other hand, 80's bridge cutoff aluminum window is thicker than 60's. Therefore, 80's bridge cutoff aluminum window has better sound insulation performance than 60's. It is worth buying. In fact, the 80 series of bridge cutoff aluminum windows is better than the 60 series. It mainly depends on the situation. If the 60 series of bridge cutoff aluminum windows can meet the demand and achieve the desired effect in the installation of home doors and windows, it is natural to choose the 60 series of bridge cutoff aluminum windows with affordable prices. However, based on actual analysis, if the 80 series of bridge cutoff aluminum windows is more suitable, of course, the 80 series of windows should be durable and practical, A little more expensive is worth it. Netizen comment: Aluminum alloy materials are widely used in buildings. Because aluminum itself is a metal material, and the metal has good thermal and cooling conductivity, which can not achieve the effect of heat preservation and sealing to a certain extent, the appearance of bridge cutoff aluminum in recent years has solved this problem well. The aluminum is separated by hard plastic materials and designed using the pressure balance principle, The bridge blocks the heat conduction, improves its water tightness, and maximizes the sound insulation effect. The so-called 80 series bridge cutoff aluminum and 60 series bridge cutoff aluminum only differ in the thickness of the aluminum interface. 80 represents 80mm and 60 represents 60mm. In terms of price, 80mm is a little higher than 60. Top 10 brands of doors and windows

    2018-07-24 14:43:26
  • Is Phoenix Aluminum 80 Series Bridge Broken Aluminum? Photos of Phoenix Aluminum 80 Model Bridge Broken Aluminum are more intuitive

    label: Is Phoenix Aluminum 80 Series Bridge Broken Aluminum Photo of Fenglu Bridge Broken Aluminum 80 Model

    The bridge cutoff aluminum doors and windows have gone from the 50 series and 55 series to the 60 series and 65 series, and even the more high-end 70 series and 80 series. If you pay attention to the bridge cutoff aluminum doors and windows, you must have heard them many times. If you do not understand the door and window industry, you may not understand the bridge cutoff aluminum series. What do these so-called 55, 65, 70 and 80 mean and represent? Is the 80 series of Rufeng Aluminum a bridge cutoff aluminum? Phoenix Aluminum is a brand name of bridge cutoff aluminum. It has many series. The following will focus on the description of Phoenix Aluminum 80 series as bridge cutoff aluminum with the model picture of Phoenix Aluminum 80. 1、 Is Phoenix Aluminum 80 series bridge cutoff aluminum? In brief, 50, 55, 60 series represent the width of the bridge cutoff aluminum window frame on the windowsill. For example, the 55 series means that the width of the window frame on the windowsill is 5.5 cm. From this, 60 is 6 cm, 65 is 6.5 cm, 70 is 7 cm, and 80 is 8 cm. Is Phoenix Aluminum 80 series bridge cutoff aluminum? The following is the product description of Fenglv 80 series bridge cutoff aluminum: brand: Fenglv model: 80 aluminum thickness 2.0 thick Operation: sliding window Pricing unit: square glass type: 5mm12A5mm Hollow tempered glass material: aluminum alloy II. What's the difference between Fenglv 80 series bridge cutoff aluminum 1. Different materials: Fenglv 55 series bridge cutoff aluminum is 5.5 cm wide, The material width of the 60 series is 6 cm, and the material width of the 80 series is 8 cm. Different types of Fenglu bridge cutoff aluminum have different material widths, which means that the same ton of Fenglu bridge cutoff aluminum produces different types of bridge cutoff aluminum, and their quantities are different. The production of Fenglu 80 series bridge cutoff aluminum under the same bridge cutoff aluminum material is less. 2. Glass difference: different types of aluminum bridge cutoff aluminum adopt different insulating glass, and their sound insulation effect is also different. The sound insulation effect of aluminum bridge cutoff aluminum with large model is better than that of small model, which means that the sound insulation effect of aluminum bridge cutoff aluminum with 80 series will be very strong. At the same time, the sealant strips used between them are different. Aluminum bridge cutoff aluminum with 55 and 60 series are all three seal designs, Phoenix aluminum 70 series is a six seal design, and Phoenix aluminum 80 series bridge cutoff aluminum is also a six seal design. In a word, different types of aluminum doors and windows with broken bridges have different effects. They are customized according to the needs of consumers. Everyone lives in different environments and has different requirements for doors and windows. Is Phoenix Aluminum 80 series bridge cutoff aluminum? Perhaps the picture of the 80 model of Phoenix Aluminum Bridge Broken Aluminum can give you a more intuitive understanding. Is the 80 series of Phoenix Aluminum Bridge Broken Aluminum? Starting from the picture of the 80 model of Phoenix Aluminum Bridge Broken Aluminum, the following editor will also put some pictures of the 80 model of Phoenix Aluminum Bridge Broken Aluminum. I hope you can understand more clearly that the 80 series of Phoenix Aluminum Bridge Broken Aluminum is bridge broken aluminum. Related link: Is Phoenix Aluminum a profile brand or a window brand? Are there 80 windows? Top 10 brands of doors and windows

    2018-07-13 16:55:16
  • Is Dajin diatom mud 80 expensive? Is the price credible?

    label: Is Dajin diatom mud 80 expensive

    Because diatom mud has obvious prominent functions such as environmental protection and formaldehyde purification, it is very popular in an environment where more and more attention is paid to environmental protection and home decoration safety. Decoration users basically consider that diatom mud decoration can ensure the environmental quality of home decoration, and the effect is also very good. Even though diatom mud materials are more expensive than ordinary coatings, but for the health of their families, The money was well spent. The raw material cost and construction cost of diatom mud have long been on the high side of the price, which is basically one hundred and two hundred and one square meters. However, some people still ask whether the diatom mud of 80 yuan is 80 yuan in Dajin? Can you trust this price? It is necessary and meaningful to explore. Let's have a look. There are many brands of diatom mud, and the price range is also very large. The general diatom mud ranges from 200 to 500, the better diatom mud ranges from 500 to 800, and there are thousands of better diatom mud, but there are also less than 100 diatom mud. We can not completely deny that the hundreds of diatom mud must be fake or inferior products, but only to meet different needs, Diatom mud also needs to provide different levels of consumption, and products naturally also have expensive and inexpensive ones. As a first-line brand in diatom mud, the price of Dajin diatom mud is not too low. Is the price of Dajin diatom mud 80? This price can be said to be very cheap, not expensive at all. It is still worthwhile to buy Dajin diatom mud at this price. This is for authentic Dajin diatom mud, because in some special times, local stores may have activities to buy authentic Dajin diatom mud at a price of 80 yuan, so consumers should be happy. However, there are also the following situations that are not very good. The price of Dajin diatom mud is 80%, which is another matter: 1. The fake illegal enterprises imitate Dajin diatom mud. The production cost of diatom mud is extremely low. Using putty powder or gypsum as binder, the diatomite content is less than 20%. This low-grade diatom mud is also known as Dajin diatom mud, The price of such Dajin diatom mud is 80%, because they basically do not have the function of diatom mud decoration. They are not environmentally friendly and have no benefits for decoration. They are totally fooling consumers. 2. The nonfunctional Dajin diatom mud products will be tested by many institutions before they are launched on the market, and only after they are qualified can they come out. There is also the act of stealing beams and changing pillars. Some dealers secretly sell good products to third parties, replacing the inferior products with the superior ones. The nonfunctional Dajin diatom mud has low technical content, no load of high-quality photocatalyst, and its purification ability is not lasting, The cost is low, but they sell 80% of the diatom mud. This is a big profit for them. Is the price of Dajin diatom mud 80 expensive? Of course not. Is Dajin diatom mud 80 expensive? If you can be sure that the product you bought is genuine, you should not hesitate to buy it at this price. However, the price of 80 yuan for Dajin diatom mud is very low, and consumers need to make more screening in this case. Netizens' question and answer: Is the diatom mud worth 80 yuan per square meter real? Answer: Look at the style. Some flat diatom mud may be, but some complex diatom mud texture requires more than 100 diatom mud brands

    2018-05-31 17:27:48
  • Is diatom mud decoration cost-effective? How much is diatom mud for 80 square meters

    label: How much is diatom mud for 80 square meters About 90 square meters of diatom mud How much is diatom mud for 80 square meters

    With the popularity of diatom mud, many consumers will consider whether to choose diatom mud for home decoration in wall decoration. The price of diatom mud will be higher than that of latex paint, wallpaper, etc., but diatom mud has its unique advantages. Its environmental protection performance is very strong. It can absorb noise and reduce some electronic radiation in the home when used for wall decoration, The diatom mud decoration is still attractive to many people. Now let's talk about the price of diatom mud decoration in detail, including the price of 80 square meters of diatom mud and about 90 square meters of diatom mud. 1、 How much is 80 square meters of diatom mud? First, let's understand some factors that affect the price of diatom mud. For example, different brands have different influence, different material grades, different process difficulties, and different regions. Here are some examples of the prices of different brands and different product lines for your reference. The details are as follows: 1. From 300 yuan/square meter to 600 yuan/square meter for the whole series of medium and high-end diatom mud masons; 2. Dr. Ni's diatom mud texture series - whole house elastic coating: 118 yuan/square meter, Rusong, Toulun: 198 yuan/square meter, European wallpaper: 298 yuan/square meter; 3. Lianda Diatom Mud Luxury Feast Series HMSY Fan Art Style 378.00 yuan/square meter, annual ring 328.00 yuan/square meter, Lianda Diatom Mud Children's Fun Series TQXW Mushroom 328.00 yuan/square meter, Lianda Diatom Mud True Color ZWBS Fashion Style 238.00 yuan/square meter, Lianda Diatom Mud Children's Fun Unlimited Series TQWX001239.00 yuan/square meter 4. Yuanhe Brothers Cartoon Series Diatom Mud 200.00 yuan/square meter, Yuanhe Brothers Cartoon series O001 diatom mud 200.00 yuan/square meter, Yuanhe Brothers Tantu series E001 diatom mud 168.00 yuan/square meter, A001 diatom mud 168.00 yuan/square meter, H001 diatom mud 168.00 yuan/square meter, Yuanhe Brothers Xuri series A001 diatom mud 358.00 yuan/square meter; 5. Lanshe diatom mud LSETF177.00 yuan/square meter, Lanshe diatom mud LSETF777.00 yuan/square meter. The price of diatom mud depends on the style, and some styles will have higher prices due to the difficulty of construction and more material consumption; Due to the area, if the area is large, the price is relatively advantageous, you can negotiate the price; Brand: if you buy diatomaceous mud from a big brand, you will spend a lot on advertising and promotion, and the market price will be relatively high. So how much is 80 square meters of diatom mud? About 90 square meters of diatom mud? It all depends on what kind of diatom mud consumers buy, and the price of diatom mud varies from place to place. The specific price of 80 square meters of diatom mud can be calculated according to the unit price of diatom mud you choose. However, if you buy a large amount of diatom mud, you can talk about the price with the shop owner. 2、 How much is diatom mud used for 80 square meters? If the indoor area to be decorated is 80 square meters, how much is diatom mud used for 80 square meters? The price of diatom mud varies from dozens to hundreds. In fact, the function is almost the same. If you don't pursue the style, you can buy some products with less construction difficulty at a lower price. The price of 80 square meters of diatom mud is related to the thickness of diatom mud coating and some process skills. When you determine the style of diatom mud, the unit price of diatom mud can be determined, and then the construction cost will be added. The 80 square meters of decoration area need not only 80 square meters of diatom mud, even if you are coating a thin layer, It is also necessary to calculate the approximate amount of diatom mud needed at the store. The diatom mud is sold by package. The dealers of diatom mud with an area of 80 square meters will roughly estimate the amount of kilograms needed, and then use the unit price to calculate it. How much is diatom mud for 80 square meters? About 90 square meters of diatom mud? None of this can be generalized. It should be calculated according to the local market situation of consumers and their demand and choice for diatom mud. The price of diatom mud varies from high to low. It is recommended that those diatom mud that is too cheap should not be bought. The quality is not good. Generally, they do not pursue luxury. It is also OK to buy a medium grade diatom mud, which is very suitable for home decoration. Netizen comment: diatom mud itself is not polluted, and it also absorbs formaldehyde, but after absorbing and washing formaldehyde, it comes to the idea of keeping formaldehyde in diatom mud. The price depends on what brand you use and what style you make. Related link: How much does diatom mud cost per square meter? Ten major brands of diatom mud

    2018-05-30 09:37:23
  • How much is 80 square meters of integrated wall decoration? Let's get to know

    label: How much is the integrated wall decoration 80 square meters

    Recently, a netizen asked how much it would cost to install such an 80 square meter integrated wall decoration. If you want to use such an integrated wall decoration effect, you just don't know how much the 80 square meter integrated wall decoration price list is appropriate? Now let's take a look at the price of 80 square meters of integrated wall decoration. What to do with decoration; Quantity of works; It is not easy to calculate the price of integrated wall decoration by square. There is a price difference between simple decoration and hard decoration. Before decoration, it is better to fully communicate with the installation company to develop a complete plan and scheme to avoid loss and waste in the middle. Such integrated wall decoration can be well controlled for 80 square meters. The budget of 80 square meters of integrated wall decoration varies in different regions. So you can make a preliminary survey of the local market to know the level and market of the local integrated wall decoration home decoration, and then make a corresponding cost estimate for 80 square meters of integrated wall decoration. Everyone's needs and requirements are different, but the overall cost of integrated wall decoration is high. I believe it will not be difficult for you to pay 80 square meters for integrated wall decoration. How much does it cost to decorate a 120 square meter house with integrated walls- Are there any shortcomings of integrated wall? Netizens say that the price of ordinary wall should be 40 square meters, while that of high-end wall should be about 90 square meters. If you have enough money, you can install it better and choose some famous integrated wall decoration brands for decoration. Anyway, I think decoration is a very important process, which affects the living environment. It's worth spending more. Integrated wall top ten brands 1. Lishang impression. When it comes to the integrated packaging of Lishang Impression, I have to tell you such a story first. In 2013, the company's research team went to Germany and found a new decorative material among the dazzling exhibition products, which combines fashion, environmental protection, convenient installation and other advantages. The members of the research team think that the application of this material is very close to the company's development philosophy and meets the future needs of the decoration market. Since its establishment, Pinshang has been committed to the research, development, promotion and application of new energy-saving building materials in combination with many well-known universities and scientific research institutions at home and abroad 3. Zhifan. Hefei Zhifan New Material Technology Co., Ltd., affiliated to Hefei Rongshida Water Industry Equipment Co., Ltd., is a comprehensive enterprise integrating R&D, design, production and marketing. Its Zhifan Whole House Package belongs to Rongshida Water Industry Innovation and High end Brand 4, Figure 1. Changsha Tuyi Building Materials Technology Co., Ltd. has a production and manufacturing base in Zhuzhou, Hunan Province, and a brand operation center in China. Jiaxing Xingyatu Integrated Home Furnishing Co., Ltd. is one of the member enterprises of Hong Kong Xingyatu Group, a diversified industry group. Xingyatu Group's industries involve real estate, logistics, home building materials, e-commerce and other fields. Bardis is a comprehensive strength enterprise that integrates professional production and marketing services of household ceiling, integrated electrical appliances, engineering ceiling, profiled ceiling and aluminum curtain wall, and operates both domestic and international markets. 7. Federal Shangpin Road. Adhering to the brand tenet of "authentic products, reasonable prices, and generous services", we strive to make every effort where consumers need it. Federated integrated ceiling has a high market share and high user satisfaction rating. Litong Decoration Products (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Hong Kong Litong International Holdings (Group) Co., Ltd. The main brand - Madison (MDS) flat art sound has been loved and praised by customers at home and abroad because of its advantages such as light, small space, good sound quality and so on! 10. Home of Jinlan. Shanggao Decoration Materials Co., Ltd. is located in the world famous Yangtze River Delta, China's most economically dynamic city, where there are China's leather city, textile city, kitchen and bathroom appliances, and integrated ceiling city.

    2018-03-28 17:10:39
  • How much is an environmentally friendly and fast installed integrated wall? Price List of 80 m2 Integrated Wall

    label: Price List of 80 m2 Integrated Wall

    After you buy the rough room, you can only move in after decoration, but the decoration time plus the time to dry and smell free, usually the shortest time is one year before you can move in. Now there is a new form of decoration. The integrated wall decoration method is simple, fast and environmentally friendly. The rough room does not need to be processed, but it can be directly decorated, and you can move in in a short time. Today, I mainly talk about the price of 80 square meters of integrated wall. 1. Features of integrated wall surface The integrated wall surface is designed with energy-saving materials based on green and environment-friendly building materials, and has won many national honors. Compared with other wall surface treatment materials in the market, it has obvious advantages, strong environmental protection performance, and many colors, making the house decoration fashionable and beautiful; The integrated wall basically does not deal with the surface of the blank room and can be installed directly, so it also saves costs in terms of labor. 2. There are three main factors that affect the price of integrated wall. The selection of base material, the selection of film covering, the investment of material resources, and the control of base material and film covering during production are very important. Now the common base materials on the market are mainly bamboo and wood powder and light calcium powder pressed at high temperature. In terms of film covering, the film surface is divided into 8, 10, 12, 14 and 16 wires; Generally, those below 14 wires are easy to change color and age. The higher the silk level, the better the film quality, the longer the durability, and the higher the color. Material resources include water and electricity costs, salary costs, dealer support costs, rent costs, advertising costs. The cost may increase from 2 yuan per square meter to 10 yuan per square meter. Generally, the ex factory price will not be less than 50 yuan per square meter. Moreover, the wider the plate is, the more expensive it is, because the wider the plate is, the more difficult the manufacturing process is, and the more difficult it is to form. There are many 80 square meters of general house types, so the 80 square meter integrated wall price list is affected by these aspects. It depends on the user's choice of types. 3. How to budget the integration wall of terminal sales? The terminal sales of integrated wall includes the costs of store rent, raw materials, wall reconstruction, labor and soft bags, advertising expenses, partition walls, door heads, decoration companies and designers' management fees, staff salaries, floors, utilities, transportation, etc. At present, the terminal retail price of integrated wall has three levels, namely, more than 150 yuan per square meter, more than 200 yuan per square meter, and more than 300 yuan per square meter. These costs include labor installation costs. The budget method of integrated wall is to multiply the floor area of decoration by 3, and then multiply the final retail price. For example, for an 80 square meter house, the price is 200 yuan per square meter. Generally, one to two people can finish decoration in 7 to 15 days. Now the installation workers in the integrated wall industry are very nervous. Generally, the labor wage for integrated wall is between 30-60 yuan per square meter, so the budget cost of the price list for 80 square meters of integrated wall is 80 * 3 * 200=48000 yuan (the budget here includes the installation cost). Integrated wall top ten brands 1. Lishang impression. When it comes to the integrated packaging of Lishang Impression, I have to tell you such a story first. In 2013, the company's research team went to Germany and found a new decorative material among the dazzling exhibition products, which combines fashion, environmental protection, convenient installation and other advantages. The members of the research team think that the application of this material is very close to the company's development philosophy and meets the future needs of the decoration market. Since its establishment, Pinshang has been committed to the research, development, promotion and application of new energy-saving building materials in combination with many well-known universities and scientific research institutions at home and abroad 3. Zhifan. Hefei Zhifan New Material Technology Co., Ltd., affiliated to Hefei Rongshida Water Industry Equipment Co., Ltd., is a comprehensive enterprise integrating R&D, design, production and marketing. Its Zhifan Whole House Package belongs to Rongshida Water Industry Innovation and High end Brand 4, Figure 1. Changsha Tuyi Building Materials Technology Co., Ltd. has a manufacturing base in Zhuzhou, Hunan Province, and a brand operation center in China. Top wall integration Jiaxing Star Yatu Integrated Home Furnishing Co., Ltd. is one of the member enterprises of Hong Kong Star Yatu Group, a diversified industry group. Star Yatu Group's industry involves real estate, logistics, home building materials, e-commerce and other fields. Bardis is a comprehensive strength enterprise that integrates professional production and marketing services of household ceiling, integrated electrical appliances, engineering ceiling, profiled ceiling and aluminum curtain wall, and operates both domestic and international markets. 7. Federal Shangpin Road. Adhering to the brand tenet of "authentic products, reasonable prices, and generous services", we strive to make every effort where consumers need it. Federated integrated ceiling has a high market share and high user satisfaction rating. Litong Decoration Products (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Hong Kong Litong International Holdings (Group) Co., Ltd. The main brand - Madison (MDS) flat art sound has been loved and praised by customers at home and abroad because of its advantages such as light, small space, good sound quality and so on! 10. Home of Jinlan. Shanggao Decoration Materials Co., Ltd. is located in the world famous Yangtze River Delta, China's most economically dynamic city, where there are China's leather city, textile city, kitchen and bathroom appliances, and integrated ceiling city.

    2018-03-26 13:46:51
  • The construction period is 80 days, and the new European style home will be decorated with diatom mud, antique bricks, etc., which will become the capital for the New Year- Antique brick

    label: European style antique brick for Chinese New Year European style Antique brick celebrate the Spring Festival Antique brick Advantages and disadvantages of antique brick Antique brick brand

    Overview: Style: European budget: 200000 yuan Area: 170 square meters House type: four bedroom materials: water-based diatom mud, antique bricks, wallpaper, etc. Duration: 80 days Abbreviation: In order to live in a new house for the New Year, my husband is the Tiantiancui construction team, and it finally took 80 days. The new European style home decorated with water-based diatom mud, antique bricks, wallpaper, etc. has only been ventilated for more than 20 days, and the New Year is coming, So I moved in. In my husband's words, we can also show off during the New Year, saving relatives and neighbors from saying that we have worked for so many years and are still renters! Analysis: Simple European pastoral style, simplified classical complex carving, and combined with modern materials, presents a new style of classical and simple. Beige wall emulsion paint, white doors and sets, and European furniture with floral fabric make the color look simple, dignified, comfortable and generous. The whole space gives a simple, bright and transparent feeling, natural and warm. Postscript: We only provide high-quality and in-depth boutique cases for everyone to enjoy and learn from!

    2017-08-17 15:22:59
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