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AIA integrated ceiling Fubaide ceiling, Grammy music ceramics, Langdu furniture

2017-05-11 20:01:00 Source: I love my family column Views: two thousand one hundred and twenty-nine

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  •  Three points to teach you how to choose the right wood grain brick
    Three points to teach you how to choose the right wood grain brick

    In recent years, wood grain brick is very popular. It not only has the advantages of floor tile, but also has the color and texture of wood floor, so it is loved by many owners. How to choose the right wood grain brick? I suggest you pay attention to these three points when choosing! How to choose the right wood grain brick 1. Common wood grain brick specifications are 150 * 600200 * 900600 * 600200 * 1000600 * 900, etc. You can choose the right wood grain brick according to the size of the decoration space; 2. Nowadays, there are many kinds of wood grain bricks on the market. They are different in color and pattern. When you choose wood grain bricks, you should choose the type of wood grain bricks according to the effect you want. 3. When you buy wood grain bricks, you can touch their front and back sides with your hands. The texture on the front should have the concave and convex feeling like tree rings, and the texture should have such shapes as tree rings or tree eyes instead of simple textures. Precautions for wood grain brick paving 1. Because wood grain brick has direction, it must be pre paved. 2. Wood grain brick is a kind of ceramic tile, of course, it also needs to be paved with joints. 3. Because ceramic tiles will expand with heat and shrink with cold, it is necessary to use professional caulking agent, and the color should match the color of wood grain tiles.

  •  How to choose wood grain brick? What are the skills?
    How to choose wood grain brick? What are the skills?

    How to choose wood grain brick? Now more and more friends are using wood grain bricks in family decoration, but many friends do not know how to choose wood grain bricks. They are afraid to choose some inferior products, so how to choose wood grain bricks? What are the skills? How to choose wood grain brick 1. Look, the less repeated the texture, the better. As we all know, there are no two identical leaves in the world. The selected high-end wood grain brick products also need to choose the ones with less repetition to avoid unreality. At least dozens of wood grain brick products without repetition can be called high-end wood grain brick products, Realize the natural effect of large area paving. 2. Everyone likes their own home, which is unique and different. Ceramic tile is the basic material of the floor wall, and the paving occupies most of the area of the home. When purchasing such products, whether the design of the products is good affects the final paving effect. Wood grain brick is a product based on nature, which requires high-precision scanning of precious wood specimens before designers create the materials. 3. Touch and feel The real wood grain brick not only needs to be seen, but also needs to be touched by hand. The surface of high-end wood grain has the concave and convex texture of logs, and the grain details such as growth rings and wood eyes are penetrating into the wood. 4. The physical properties must be good. Home is the most warm place in the world. Everything in the home will affect your mood. The quality of the products you buy must be good to avoid unnecessary troubles. When buying wood grain bricks that are laid on the ground in large areas to create a natural feeling, you need to ask the salesperson about their physical properties, such as whether the specifications are complete, whether the straightness and water absorption rate are higher than the general standard, whether the wear resistance coefficient is at least 0.4 or above, and whether the anti-skid coefficient and antifouling coefficient also need to meet the national standards. 5. The owners of the real space all hope that the decoration effect will exceed the accident. Therefore, before purchasing, please refer to other cases to see the final real effect, which is also a good reference for your own home decoration.

  •  Why more and more people choose wood grain brick
    Why more and more people choose wood grain brick

    More and more households use wood grain bricks for decoration of new houses, and there are many products about wood grain bricks on the market. Why do more and more people choose wood grain bricks? What are their reasons for choosing wood grain bricks? Why do more and more people choose wood grain tiles? 1. Wood grain tiles "because wood is better than wood"! Wooden tiles are inspired by the patterns of precious solid wood. Copying the true patterns of solid wood grain onto the tiles can be described as "relying on wood". On the other hand, because of its natural properties and physical characteristics, the wood grain tiles belonging to ceramics are better than solid wood in fire prevention, water resistance, acid resistance, alkali resistance and other aspects, and can also be described as "better than wood". 2. Wood grain tile tastes high luxury, not luxury, not luxury, luxury without losing romantic and fresh natural temperament, luxury is a way of life, advocates that everyone should actively seek and have the right to enjoy health and extreme happiness, advocates the pursuit of free, relaxed, highly comfortable noble life, and is committed to creating a comfortable and harmonious living environment. Wood grain ceramics can also be luxurious. There is no reason for luxury, but luxury is not luxury. Among many decorative projects of wood grain tiles, there are many high-end luxury buildings, which are widely used in high-end halls and museums. Wood grain tiles can be used wherever wood is used, highlighting the high-end luxury of wood grain tiles. 3. The advantages of wood grain ceramic tiles are extraordinary. The simulation degree of wood grain ceramic tiles is high, and it is almost impossible to tell whether it is wood or ceramics. The world is "really false, false true"! It's incredible that something like wood is not afraid of fire and water, but also resistant to acid and alkali! 4. To protect nature, the use of wood grain tiles can reduce deforestation. The forest is a regulator of the atmosphere, which has a positive impact on the atmospheric environment and is crucial to the formation of rain. Green forests are the "factories and warehouses" that produce and store oxygen on the earth. Through photosynthesis, they provide oxygen to the world continuously and make human beings obtain the basic guarantee for survival.

  •  What are the advantages of wood grain brick compared with wood floor?
    What are the advantages of wood grain brick compared with wood floor?

    What are the advantages of wood grain brick compared with wood floor? Wooden tiles, with the advantages of ceramic tiles and the visual effect of wood flooring, are really a good choice. What are the advantages of wood tiles compared with wood flooring? Follow Xiao Bian to understand. Wood grain brick vs. wood floor 1. The price is cheaper than wood grain brick. Wood grain brick has a long service life, and can be used for more than 20 years after paving; The wooden floor should be regularly maintained and waxed. Its service life is only ten years, and the maintenance cost is high. 2. The texture is different from the pattern and shape of wood grain brick, and there are many varieties to choose. No matter what type of style you choose to match the ground, you can choose the right sample from the wood grain brick. Therefore, consumers have more choices in style and texture. 3. The maintenance of wood grain brick is simple, and usually only needs to be wiped with a mop; The cost of wood floor maintenance is high, so it needs to be waxed frequently. Advantages of wood grain brick 1. Health, environmental protection, formaldehyde free wood grain brick is environmentally friendly and formaldehyde free. If there is a floor heater installed at home, it will have an unexpected effect when matched with wood grain brick. This wood grain brick does not need to worry about the tenderness of the solid wood floor, nor does it need to worry about the formaldehyde of the solid wood composite floor. 2. Combining some advantages of wood floor and ceramic tile, wood grain brick has natural and soft wood texture of wood floor, and also has the advantages of easy cleaning and maintenance of ceramic tile. Wooden tiles only need to be cleaned and wiped regularly with a mop, and do not need to be waxed for maintenance. 3. Long service life Wooden grain brick is waterproof, moisture-proof and wear-resistant. It can be used in kitchen, bathroom and other places with a very long service life.

  •  What are the advantages and disadvantages of wood grain brick? How about the cost performance?
    What are the advantages and disadvantages of wood grain brick? How about the cost performance?

    What are the advantages and disadvantages of wood grain brick? Wood grain brick is a new environmental protection building material with wood grain decorative patterns on its surface. It is divided into two categories: the original edge (it is long when fired, without cutting) and the refined edge (square brick, which is paved after cutting later). What are the advantages and disadvantages of wood grain brick? How about the cost performance? The advantages of wood grain brick 1. In terms of price, wood grain brick is much lower than wood floor, almost the same as ordinary ceramic tile, which is also the main factor in the best-selling market of wood grain brick. For ordinary families, if they want to have the effect of wood floor decoration and do not want to spend a lot of money, they will give priority to wood grain bricks. 2. From the use point of view, the wood grain brick is very wear-resistant and will not be affected by moisture. Its service life is basically the same as the service life of the house. Although it is not a real wooden floor, it is enough to achieve the decoration effect of "fake", which is one of the reasons why consumers like it. 3. We all know that the wooden floor needs periodic maintenance and regular waxing, otherwise it will be dull and very troublesome to clean. Wooden tiles are very convenient for maintenance, and can be cleaned with ordinary tiles. One of the disadvantages of wood grain brick is poor sense of foot. Because it is not a real wood floor, it does not have a good texture of wood floor, and certainly does not have the comfort of stepping on wood floor. 2. Because it is the texture of the imitation wood floor, although its pattern has been made very lifelike, it is still a ceramic tile after all. Compared with the real wood floor, it is still more rigid and less natural. 3. One of its advantages is that the wood grain tile is easy to clean, but don't forget that it is difficult to repair. If a small part of the damage needs to be replaced, it will affect other tile areas. However, when the wood floor is damaged, only one piece needs to be replaced. How about the cost performance of wood grain brick? The wood grain brick is still very cost-effective, its price is also relatively low, it is very wear-resistant, it is also easy to maintain, and it is more economical. But when you buy wood grain bricks, you must buy brand wood grain bricks, so that the effect will be better.

  •  Are the wood grain bricks unevenly pasted?
    Are the wood grain bricks unevenly pasted?

    Are the wood grain bricks unevenly pasted? The surface texture of wood grain brick also plays a role of anti-skid, and its price is generally lower than that of wood floor, so it is favored by many users. However, wood grain brick will encounter the problem of uneven paving in the paving process, which is very worrying. Many people will have such questions, are wood grain bricks not all paved unevenly? Are the wood grain bricks unevenly pasted? Of course, this is not true. Wooden tiles can be pasted flat. Uneven tiles should be an exception or improper operation. What should I do if the wood grain bricks are not paved properly? 1. The arrows for laying bricks and installing the base slab shall be laid in the same direction, When encountering problems, the master can solve them. 6. Be sure to choose a master with good craftsmanship, good reputation and reliability. It's better to choose a familiar master! In addition, the choice of wood grain bricks is also very important, and it is best to choose products of formal brands.

  •  What are the steps for laying wood grain bricks?
    What are the steps for laying wood grain bricks?

    What are the steps for laying wood grain bricks? Wood grain brick is a kind of high-grade brick that imitates the wood texture of antique brick. It is a new product developed by the ceramic industry on the basis of antique brick in recent years. Many friends do not know how to operate when laying wood grain brick. What are the steps of laying wood grain brick? The first step of wood grain brick paving: "determine the scheme". The commonly used paving methods of wood grain tiles include herringbone, I-shaped, oblique rhomboid and other paving methods, in addition to the same well shaped and straight paving method as the traditional ceramic wall and floor tiles. There are various paving methods. each has its own merits. So we must determine the scheme together with the designer. Step 2: "Leveling". The so-called leveling means that the floor or wall surface of the paved building shall be treated immediately before laying wood grain bricks. Such as ground, interior wall, exterior wall, etc. Remove the attachments on the surface and pave it with semi wet cement sand. Step 3: "Snap the line". Snapping a line means to use a long thin line, apply white ash or ink, determine the central axis of the brick, and then pave according to the line. Step 4: "brick selection". It depends on the types of bricks planned to be paved, and they should be sorted out and placed well. For example, wood grain bricks for flooring, wood grain bricks for walls, and wood grain bricks for foundation lines should be distinguished to avoid confusion. Step 5: "Soak bricks". Wooden tiles, like polished tiles and antique tiles, should be soaked in water. Tap water or clean water should be used instead of muddy or dirty water, and oily sewage should not be used; The soaking time does not need to be too long, that is to say, soaking is enough. (Tiles must be soaked thoroughly before paving) Step 6: "mixing". The cement sand shall be mixed in the ratio of 1:2, and the cement with the mark of 325 shall be used. The cement with the mark too high will form internal tensile force on the wood grain brick, and the wood grain brick will be cracked in serious cases. Step 7: "slurry coating". Take out the soaked wood grain brick, wipe the water stain of the wood grain brick, evenly apply the cement slurry on the back of the wood grain brick, the thickness of the mortar is 2-3 cm, then pave the wood grain brick on the cement sand surface of the ground, gently tap the wood grain brick surface with a wooden hammer until the paving is flat and the alignment is neat. Step 8: "Pave". When paving, pay attention to the grain order of the wood grain brick, and pay attention to the arrows marked on the bottom of the wood grain brick. When striking with a wooden hammer, avoid empty knocking. The force should be balanced, and the force should not be too large or too small. It is better to use the plastic cross for laying bricks, so as to better position the wood grain bricks. Use a sponge or a rag to smooth the cement slurry overflowing from the joints of wood grain bricks when the wooden hammer strikes them. The gap of high-grade wood grain brick is generally less than 1mm, so no special caulking is required. Step 9: "Trimming". When the wood grain brick is paved and the cement is not completely dry, it can be observed with naked eyes or measured with a level, and the wood grain brick shall be trimmed according to the standard. Check the flatness of brick paving, straightness of brick joints, etc. If any problem is found, it shall be repaired immediately, and if it is serious, the wood grain brick shall be pried open to pave again. Step 10: caulking. If the joint is to be filled, the iron hook shall be used for pointing after the cement is dry, and then the joint filling agent of matching color shall be used for filling.

  •  Are marble tiles expensive? What are the advantages?
    Are marble tiles expensive? What are the advantages?

    Are marble tiles expensive? The texture of each marble tile is unique, especially the combination of these patterns with different colors and sizes is very fashionable, which is why many owners choose to use marble tiles for decoration. Is marble tile expensive? What are the advantages? Are marble tiles expensive? Marble tile stone includes cultural stone, marble, granite, etc. Cultural stone also includes natural cultural stone and artificial cultural stone. The prices of various stones vary greatly due to their different colors, manufacturing processes and textures. Marble price culture stone has various shapes and different colors, and is mostly used for indoor partial decoration, such as the decoration of indoor TV wall, the convex shape around the iron heating hood, or the ground treatment in the courtyard. The decoration effect is close to nature, reflecting the simple and unsophisticated decoration style. The artificial cultural stone is made of natural cultural stone through reprocessing. It is lighter, non-toxic, mildew free, and easy to install. It is suitable for local wall treatment to reduce the load-bearing capacity of the wall. The price is also more expensive than the natural cultural stone. The price of brands produced by joint ventures is generally more than 300 yuan/box. If they are imported brands, the price will be higher, It can reach about 1000 yuan/box. The price of natural cultural stone is much cheaper, generally around 120 yuan to 130 yuan/square meter. Consumers can make targeted purchases according to their economic capacity and needs. Advantages of marble tiles: 1. Beautiful and generous. Maybe the first thing that attracts you is the beautiful shape of marble floor tiles. Few building materials are as beautiful as marble. There are dozens of different varieties of marble. The choice of color ranges from black to pink to white, and even dark green with white texture (this is the most expensive kind of marble). Marble can complement many different decorative styles, from classical to ultra modern. 2. Strength improvement: after marble is compounded with ceramic tile, granite, aluminum honeycomb board, its bending, bending and shear strength is significantly improved, greatly reducing the damage rate during transportation, installation and use. 3. Long life, marble's life is beyond imagination, and it has durability. Marble is one of the oldest building materials, especially favored by Greeks and Romans. Their special marble works still exist today. If the marble is correctly installed in a suitable area, for example, in a floor that is not often used, you may not need to replace the marble in your life. 4. Improvement of anti pollution ability: during the installation or later use of ordinary marble raw boards (full body boards), if cement is used for wet pasting, it is very likely that six months or one year later, various discoloration and stains will appear on the marble surface, which is very difficult to remove. Because the bottom plate of the composite board is harder and denser, and there is also a thin adhesive layer, this situation can be avoided.

  •  What are the application effects of marble tiles?
    What are the application effects of marble tiles?

    What are the application effects of marble tiles? The texture, color, texture, hand feeling and visual effect of marble tiles fully reach the realistic effect of natural marble, and the decorative effect is also greatly superior to natural stone, so they are widely favored by consumers. What are the application effects of marble tiles? Application effect of marble tiles At present, marble tiles are not only a decorative material, but also a work of art in home decoration. In the home decoration, its figure appears in various home occasions, runs through the entire home life, and always gives off a fashionable temperament, which shows the elegant, exquisite, fresh, elegant, solemn and solemn style of the room. Engineering application Today, marble tiles realize the perfect combination of "realistic effect of marble" and "superior performance of ceramic tiles" through continuous pursuit of realistic decoration effect and technological innovation. In addition, natural marble is a limited natural resource, which has various natural defects such as large color difference, many defects, easy water and dirt seepage, difficult care, high price and long supply cycle. Therefore, marble tiles have been gradually selected by more and more construction units and engineers. As a new material of dry hanging curtain wall, marble tiles stand out among many materials because of the lifelike effect of marble and the superior performance of ceramic tiles. In terms of installation and construction, there are also many dry hanging products specially developed for marble tiles in the market. The mature back bolt dry hanging technology is adopted, which is very safe and convenient. It can ensure the quality stability of the product and meet the standards. At the same time, it can meet the requirements of mass production, ensure the stability of the source of goods, and avoid the color difference problem of natural stones. More importantly, the use of marble tiles can greatly save the cost of the project.

  •  What are the advantages of marble tiles?
    What are the advantages of marble tiles?

    Advantages of marble tiles? Marble tiles are ceramic tile products made of marble. Marble used as ceramic tile is very attractive, and the texture of each tile is unique. Especially when these patterns are combined with different colors and sizes, it is very fashionable. What are the advantages of marble tiles? The advantage of marble tile decoration effect Nowadays, ceramic tile has become a "rigid demand" for home life. It completely changes people's life quality and plays the role of "beautician" in modern life. The marble tile with "the lifelike effect of marble and the superior performance of ceramic tile", its texture, color, texture, feel and visual effect fully reach the lifelike effect of natural marble, and the decorative effect is also greatly superior to natural stone, so it is widely favored by consumers. As the pioneer and leader of marble tiles, Li Zhilin believes that the appearance of marble tiles has changed the tiles from "dead" to "alive", giving them more spirituality. It not only fully reflects the luxurious decorative effect of natural marble, but also discards various defects of natural marble, which has been recognized by the terminal market. Physical properties Although natural marble has a beautiful appearance, it has many defects, such as large color difference, many defects, easy water and dirt seepage, difficult to handle, high price and long delivery cycle, which often deter consumers. The emergence of marble tiles has appropriately solved this problem, providing a better choice for consumers who love marble. Marble tiles not only have the realistic texture of natural marble, but also have outstanding performance in physical properties such as waterproof rate, flatness, bending strength, etc. [2] Green and environment-friendly marble tiles have the unique decorative effect and superior characteristics of natural marble, as well as the unique functionality of ceramic tiles. Its appearance has reduced the demand for natural marble in the home decoration industry, turned into a guard of rare stones, and catered to the social development of "resource saving and environment-friendly" advocated by the state; In addition, marble tiles have eliminated people's concern about radiation when choosing artificial marble, and become a new generation of green environmental protection stars. Moreover, the widespread application of cleaner production technology makes the production, processing and application of marble tiles more low-carbon and environmentally friendly, and effectively saves natural resources in a comprehensive way.

  •  Tile scratch is not a quality problem- Garcia tile
    Tile scratch is not a quality problem- Garcia tile

    Ceramic tiles are better decoration materials, while the laying of floors or interior walls are the main objects to be cleaned. Small ceramic tile scratches that are not usually taken seriously will be seen everywhere, so someone will complain that the poor quality of ceramic tiles leads to the appearance of scratches, and good ceramic tiles will naturally be wronged, but in fact, ceramic tile scratches are not a problem of ceramic tile quality===== Why do scratches appear on the surface of tiles? First of all, ceramic tiles belong to building decoration materials and are durable goods, and the attention of ceramic tiles is very low, so this gives many people the opportunity to misunderstand the scratch phenomenon of ceramic tiles; In fact, the scratches of good ceramic tiles are mainly caused by improper daily use, or rough construction and paving of ceramic tiles in the early stage, or lack of maintenance in the later stage===== What causes scratches on the tile surface? Speaking of surface abrasion resistance, in many building decoration, ceramic tiles must have good abrasion resistance, which is also unanimously recognized. But even if the abrasion resistance is good and the surface is hard, it has scientific measurement parameters and basis. In the industry system, the abrasion resistance of ceramic tiles is generally expressed by Mohs degree (1-10 means from weak to strong), The higher the Mohs degree, the better the surface wear resistance and hardness. However, the Mohs coefficient of indoor floor tiles is generally 5 to 6. Gravel often causes scratches on the tiles. The main component of gravel is silicon dioxide. The Mohs degree of silicon dioxide (SiO2) can reach level 7. When there are small gravel on the surface of tiles, and people often move on the surface of tiles, small scratches will appear===== How to avoid ceramic tile scratch? ↓↓① When paving ceramic tiles, the construction process standards must be standardized to prevent violent paving of ceramic tiles. During the whole process of paving ceramic tiles, the surface of ceramic tiles must be kept clean and free of gravel, and shoes with gravel cannot be worn to tread or walk on the surface of ceramic tiles; ↓↓② After the tiles are laid, the surface of tiles should be cleaned frequently in daily life to keep the tiles clean and tidy at all times; ↓↓③ In terms of ceramic tile maintenance, in addition to daily cleaning, it is recommended to simply wax and polish ceramic tiles every three to four months, so that scratches can be completely prevented while maintaining good performance and decorative effect of ceramic tiles===== How to repair scratches on ceramic tile surface? ↓↓① Clean the surface area with small scratches on the ceramic tile first, and ensure that there is no stain attached to the ceramic tile surface; ↓↓② Wipe the tiles back and forth with a wet and clean rag, thoroughly clean the stains with small scratches, and then wipe the excess water with a dry rag; ↓↓③ Then use wax to wax and fill the small scratches. Pay attention to wiping evenly during the waxing process, and ensure that the wax layer can cover the ceramic tile scratches well. After waxing, wait for a few minutes; ↓↓④ Later, use polishing wax to polish the tile surface again. The polishing wax is super clean and bright, and its role is to seal the wax, which can avoid secondary scratches. Netizen review

    label: Surface scratch tile scratch surface Garcia tile Garcia Tile Official Website How about the quality of Garcia tiles

  •  Italian ceramic tile brand recommendation New indoor ceramic tile recommendation Garcia ceramic tile
    Italian ceramic tile brand recommendation New indoor ceramic tile recommendation Garcia ceramic tile

    Those who know ceramic tiles should know that many brands of ceramic tiles are Italian. Today we will take a look at the recommendation of Italian ceramic tile brands and new indoor ceramic tile products. Recommendation of Italian ceramic tile brands Recommendation of Italian ceramic tile brands I: Caesar in Italy is an enterprise specializing in the production of three special and advanced ceramic tiles. In order to better produce products, the enterprise has strict requirements on product quality, buys a large number of advanced production machinery, and hires more skilled productive and technical personnel, This makes it a great breakthrough in quality. Recommendation 2 of Italian ceramic tile brand: Nova Bel Nova Bel, a ceramic tile brand, was founded in 1988 in Italy. It is a famous ceramic tile brand in Italy. The manufacturing process of this ceramic tile brand has always been in the forefront of our world. It has more advanced production technology in our ceramic tile industry. The design of ceramic tiles is very special, because it has a batch of production teams. Recommendation 3 of Italian ceramic tile brand: Douglas Douglas is an excellent ceramic tile brand in Italy, and the headquarter of this brand is located in Modena, Italy. The enterprise mainly produces glazed ceramic tiles. Since its introduction into China, this innovative ceramic tile has always been the object of competition among businesses, because it has the advantages that traditional ceramic tiles do not have. Recommended new indoor tiles 6QP952 floor tile infiltrating 800 * 800 ¥ 362 yuan YNY-A02 interior wall tile tiling 300 * 600 ¥ 212 yuan 790A1 waist line tile 120 * 330 ¥ 12 yuan In fact, the choice of home building materials is mainly based on the brand. As long as the brand is selected correctly, the quality will not disappoint you. There are so many recommendations for new indoor tiles as the Italian tile brand introduced today, I hope it is helpful to you. Netizens commented on Italian tiles, but you didn't mention the brand of bee. You are a half dipper in building materials industry when urinating. Bee tile is too high and cold. It doesn't advertise

    label: Tile Italian brand brand Italy Garcia tile Garcia Tile Official Website How about the quality of Garcia tiles

  •  In 2016, the top ten ceramic tile brands ranked new- Garcia tile
    In 2016, the top ten ceramic tile brands ranked new- Garcia tile

    The use of ceramic tiles is very wide. Ceramic tiles can be used in many places, whether building houses and buildings or building water reservoirs and high dams. Walking around the city, looking around, all kinds of ceramic tiles fill the horizon, and ceramic tiles can be said to be ubiquitous; Since the utilization rate of ceramic tiles is so high, there must be many manufacturers. The competition of ceramic tile brands is very fierce. Many consumers will use brand awareness as a reference standard when choosing ceramic tile products. It is a common sense in many people's minds that big brands have good products. What are the good brands and big brands? The top ten brands are the answer to this question. What are the top ten ceramic tile brands in 2016? What is the new ranking of the top ten ceramic tile brands? Let's take a look. Ranking 1 of the top ten ceramic tile brands: Marco Polo is very famous in the ceramic tile industry. It is a famous trademark of Guangdong Province and a Chinese brand. Marco Polo is also one of the top 500 brands with relatively high prices, and it belongs to Guangdong Marco Polo Ceramics Co., Ltd; The brand is very famous and popular in the market. Top 10 ceramic tile brands ranked second: Dongpeng Dongpeng Ceramic Tile has a high reputation. Many people will actively understand the information of Dongpeng Ceramic Tile before purchasing ceramic tiles. Dongpeng Company has a professional production line and has invested a lot in product design and development. Although ceramic tiles are not new technology products, they still have a lot of innovation, and Dongpeng has done very well in this regard. Ranking third among the top ten ceramic tile brands: Nobel Nabel Nobel is a high-tech enterprise in Zhejiang Province and a famous trademark in Hangzhou. In addition to its development in Zhejiang, Nobel ceramic tile has also gone to the whole country and even entered the international market. Its sales network has been expanding and occupied a certain market share. Ranking 4 of the top ten brands of ceramic tiles: Guanzhu Guanzhu is a famous trademark in Guangdong Province, and a 500 price brand in China. It is owned by Xinmingzhu Ceramic Group Co., Ltd. After years of hard work, Guanzhu has created its own world. In the ceramic tile industry, Guanzhu has become a leading brand in the industry and led the development of the industry. Ranking 5 of the top ten ceramic tile brands: Mona Lisa Mona Lisa is a brand of Guangdong Mona Lisa Ceramics Co., Ltd. It is a national key high-tech enterprise, a Guangdong brand, and has a certain position and popularity in the ceramic industry; In 2016, after actual investigation, Mona Lisa still landed on the top ten brands list with strong strength, continuing the achievements of the top ten brands. Ranking 6 of the top ten ceramic tile brands: Huida HUIDA Huida, founded in 1982, is a well-known trademark in China, a more valuable brand in China, and a brand of Tangshan Huida Ceramics (Group) Co., Ltd. Huida has a certain history in the ceramic industry, and has experience in enterprise management and product production design. Ranking 7 of the top ten ceramic tile brands: the champion is a Taiwan brand, a well-known brand in the industry, the champion is a brand of Xinyi Ceramics (China) Co., Ltd., and China's 500 more expensive brands. In the top ten brand ranking list, the champion has won this honor for many times; Its products have also been welcomed by the market. Ranking 8 of the top ten brands of ceramic tiles: New Zhongyuan Guangdong New Zhongyuan Ceramics Co., Ltd. is a large modern architectural ceramics manufacturer in China. It is not only a strong enterprise, but also has great experience in product design and research and development; The continuous progress and innovation has given New Zhongyuan new vitality, making New Zhongyuan in a long-term competitive position in the market. Ranking 9 among the top ten ceramic tile brands: Smik CIMIC Shanghai Smik Building Ceramics Co., Ltd. is a high-tech enterprise in Shanghai and has a certain popularity in the ceramic industry. As a Shanghai brand, Smik entered the ceramic market, giving consumers more choices. Top 10 ceramic tile brands: Hongyu Hongyu is the brand of Guangdong Hongyu Ceramics Co., Ltd. Hongyu Ceramics Co., Ltd. is a modern large ceramic enterprise with strong enterprise competitiveness and product competitiveness. The product series are rich, the product variety is diverse, and there is great competitiveness Dividing line To learn more about decoration, please pay attention to Gujia Decoration Network. QQ group 188933152 netizens comment that the price is not acceptable to ordinary people! Only buy the right ones, not the expensive ones. Marco Polo's name doesn't match the truth! The Shunhui bricks used at home are authentic Guangdong bricks, and unlike Dongpeng and Marco Polo, there are branch factories in Shunhui bricks, but there is no branch factory in Shunhui bricks. I only praise the tiles for Shunhui! Dongpeng! Because of my family! Dongpeng, Ceramic Tile and Sanitary Ware. I just want to ask: Marco Polo, Mona Lisa, Nobel, do these foreign names have anything to do with your Guangdong enterprise? What are the top ten brands? They cheat people. To buy ceramic tiles, you need to buy international brands. Their quality is guaranteed. The prices of Dongpeng, Marco Polo, Nobel and other brands are a bit exorbitant. It seems that Huapeng Ceramic has participated in the Italian "Bologna" Ceramic Expo for 16 consecutive times on behalf of China's ceramic industry. Huapeng Ceramic Tiles are more affordable than them. Marco Polo is good, but the price is outrageous. Some of Marco Polo's low-end bricks are made in Shandong, and are pasted with Marco Polo. The price is inferior to the quality, and the size and flatness are not trimmed,. Ounuo Shenyue Brick is really good. It's also Marco Polo. My family uses this brand. It was decorated by the big decoration company. It broke in a year and a half. It reflects that it is the cause of the house subsidence, but others' is very good. The crown bead ceramics used in my home are really good. The brand bricks can save advertising fees by high prices. Hehe, as long as the same materials, the same technology, flatness The density is enough, and it is smooth and wear-resistant. There is no need to pay high prices for false fame. I'm not good. Your top ten brands are reasonable in price and good in quality. I use Asian tiles. Have you heard of them? What is Oushennuo? Marco Polo is no longer good. Now the factory has moved to Shandong. Shandong brick is not as good as Guangdong brick. Nobel ceramic tile is better than Marco Polo ceramic tile in terms of luring brands and huge profits. Does anyone know that Jin Ai Tao ceramic tile is good to use? What about? I hope you can give me some advice. Little nonsense, Oushennuo ceramics is better. My family uses Nobel's golden rudder tiles! People don't look at rankings. What we want is quality and benefits. Don't add advertising fees to us

    label: Ceramic tile brand Marco Polo brand Marco Polo Garcia tile Price List of Garcia Ceramic Tiles How about the quality of Garcia tiles

  •  What are the advantages and disadvantages of full glazed tiles - Garcia tiles
    What are the advantages and disadvantages of full glazed tiles - Garcia tiles

    In the market of decoration materials, we should find that the materials and styles of ceramic tiles are very rich now. I believe that many people are still laymen. I will take a look at the advantages and disadvantages of full glazed ceramic tiles and full glazed ceramic tiles, hoping to help you better choose ceramic tile products. What is the full polished glazed tile? The full polished glazed tile is different from the ordinary polished tile. Its feature lies in its glaze. In its production process, the glaze should be added to the surface of the tile for firing so that it can be made into color. However, the patterns of this full polished glazed tile are extremely rich, and the color and luster are also very beautiful. Advantages and Disadvantages of Fully Polished Glazed Tiles Advantages of Fully Polished Glazed Tiles - Water absorption and breathability are made by the process of polishing tiles, making the fully polished glazed tiles different from ordinary tiles. The glaze used on the surface is crystal wear-resistant glaze. After firing at high temperature, all molecules inside the tiles are sealed without gaps. Therefore, it can keep bright, fadeless, hard and wear-resistant for a long time. In addition, the fully glazed tiles are decorated with excellent air permeability and water absorption. Compared with other natural tiles, they are even, stable, dense and safe. Therefore, fully glazed tiles are generally used in home decoration, rather than street or passageway decoration. Disadvantages of full glazed tiles - poor impact resistance. The full glazed tiles mentioned above cannot be decorated in places where people come and go. Because the full glazed tiles are relatively fragile, if decorated in the passage, it is easy to cause the full glazed tiles to break. Therefore, the disadvantage of full glazed tiles is that the impact resistance is relatively poor. Nowadays, the decoration of household tiles mainly focuses on the decoration effect, but the poor impact resistance does not have much influence in household decoration. In short, there are many advantages and disadvantages of fully glazed tiles. Today, I would like to share with you the advantages and disadvantages of full glazed tiles and full glazed tiles. If you need to, you can simply understand the relevant information through this article, so that you can better choose the products you like. Netizens commented that the full glazed tiles used in my living room are of good brightness, almost flat, and beautiful colors. The thin glazed surface has poor impact resistance, and the side of the tiles leaks the bottom. The full glazed tiles are similar to tiles. Have you ever seen tiles pasted on the floor of the hall? Small braiding can recognize a piece of hair. When the glazed tiles absorb water, the full glazed tiles are painted with a layer of color. The advantage is that the color is rich and beautiful. The disadvantage is that the glazed tiles are not beautiful when they lose the glaze. The decoration is short of money. Find me. One to one service of Ping An Bank loan The absorption of microcrystalline stone in the whole house is good. Ha ha ha. learn from sb.

    label: Ceramic tile decorative glaze Glazed porcelain decorate Garcia tile Price List of Garcia Ceramic Tiles How about the quality of Garcia tiles

  •  How about Garcia Tiles? Garcia Tiles Price - Garcia Tiles
    How about Garcia Tiles? Garcia Tiles Price - Garcia Tiles

    Ceramic tile is a common decoration material. As more and more ceramic tile brands, styles and materials are available, many consumers have difficulty in choosing. Recently, people often ask me how about Garcia Tiles and the price of Garcia Tiles. So I will sort out the relevant information and give you a brief introduction today. How about Garcia Tiles? Garcia Tiles and quality are the life of Garcia Tiles. It has a world-class production base and production equipment. It has introduced the world's advanced production equipment, such as 100 ton ball mill, Italian sakmi press, Sisteme printing machine, high-definition wide ceramic inkjet machine, 300 meter long automatic roller kiln, and has also invested heavily in the introduction of advanced sewage treatment equipment. Garcia regards product research and development as a high strategic strategy. It has set up a special strategic fund for research and development to attract professionals. Its products are constantly innovating. Its product series cover more than 100 series of one-time fired microcrystalline, polished tiles, full polish glaze, antique tiles, glazed interior wall tiles and supporting products. A netizen commented: "Garcia is a new brand. It may have no more market influence than others, but its quality is really good. It is not as famous as some brands, but its quality is not flattering. Price of Garcia Tiles GPB80527 Reference price: ¥ 85 Garcia Tiles 80371 Honey Grease Jade Reference price: ¥ 95 Garcia Tiles GPB80012 Reference price: ¥ 50 Garcia Tiles MJ88023P Reference price: ¥ 80 Xiaobian Today, I will share with you how about Garcia Tiles and the price of Garcia Tiles. If you need, you can simply learn about relevant information through this article, In this way, we can better select the products we like. Netizen comments

    label: Reference price of ceramic tile Garcia Garcia reference price Garcia tile Price List of Garcia Ceramic Tiles How about the quality of Garcia tiles

  •  Nicholas Tse's New Love Nest Garcia's Choice of Home Decoration Tiles - Garcia Tiles

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