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 white clouds

Guangzhou City white clouds Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. (formerly Guangzhou white clouds Viscose factory, hereinafter referred to as white clouds Chemical Industry,) was founded in 1985, mainly engaged in the research, development, production and operation of various new polymer materials such as building and industrial sealants, and led the development of the industry. white clouds Chemical Industry is one of the first batch of silicone structural sealant production and sales enterprises recognized by the state. It is also a key high-tech enterprise of the National Torch Plan, one of the top ten independent innovation enterprises of the Ministry of Construction, one of the technological innovation enterprises in Guangdong Province, and one of the intellectual property demonstration enterprises in Guangdong Province.

white clouds Chemical Industry is the "Demonstration Base for Industrialization of New Technology of Building Sealant" awarded by the Ministry of Construction of the People's Republic of China. It has built a fully automatic continuous production line with the world's advanced level and independent intellectual property rights. Advanced testing equipment and strong technical force. There are provincial technology centers, engineering technology research and development centers, post doctoral research workstations, academician expert enterprise workstations, and a research and development team composed of postdoctoral, doctoral, master and other scientific and technological personnel with high and intermediate professional titles, with 65% of employees above junior college.

As a strategic business of the company, industrial sealant products have been widely used in electronics and electrical appliances, solar photovoltaic modules, airport runways, cars and trains, dock anti-aging and other industries, providing high-quality products to solve the problems of sealing, bonding and protection of subways, wind power generation, photovoltaic curtain walls, airport road antifreeze and so on.

In the future, we will continue to practice the corporate mission of "dedicating better products to mankind". Under the guidance of the corporate strategic goal of "being a leader in the field of new chemical materials", we will be brave to practice, shoulder responsibilities and create value together.

Brand information

  • Enterprise name: Guangzhou Baiyun Chemical Industry Co., Ltd
  • Origin of the brand: Guangzhou, Guangdong
  • Created: 2000-02-02
  • Advertising words: Bound with white clouds, never separate
  • Enterprise legal person: Zhang Yuanjiang
  • Brand index: thirty
  • Official website: http://www.china-baiyun.com/
  • Official telephone: 020-37312999

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Brand popularity: fifty-four

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Franchise expense analysis

Franchise cities first-tier cities second-tier cities the third-class cities
Store area 85㎡ 85㎡ 85㎡
Basic fee for joining Baiyun Driving School Decoration fee 51000 yuan (600 yuan/m2 * 85 m2) 42500 yuan (500 yuan/m2 * 85 m2) 34000 yuan (400 yuan/m2 * 85 m2)
Operating equipment cost 55000 yuan 50000 yuan 45000 yuan
First batch purchase cost/raw material cost 85000 yuan 80000 yuan 75000 yuan
Advertising and opening expenses 14000 yuan 13000 yuan 12000 yuan
Subtotal 205000 yuan 185500 yuan 166000 yuan
Baiyun driving school joining cost Store rent 11500 yuan/month (4.5 yuan/day/m2) 10200 yuan/month (4 yuan/day/m2) 8900 yuan/month (3.5 yuan/day/m2)
Personnel salary 56000 yuan/month (4000 yuan/month/person * 14 persons) 49000 yuan/month (3500 yuan/month/person * 14 people) 42000 yuan/month (3000 yuan/month/person * 14 persons)
Water and electricity fees 1700 yuan 1600 yuan 1500 yuan
Current/reserve funds 202400 yuan 177600 yuan 152800 yuan
Subtotal 69200 yuan 60800 yuan 52400 yuan
Total cost of joining Baiyun Driving School Total investment 274200 yuan

Franchise profit analysis

Franchise cities first-tier cities second-tier cities the third-class cities
Store area 85㎡ 85㎡ 85㎡
Profit from joining Baiyun Driving School Monthly turnover 270000 yuan 240000 yuan 210000 yuan
Gross profit margin 40% 40% 40%
Gross profit (month) 108000 yuan 96000 yuan 84000 yuan
Less cost Store rent 11500 yuan/month (4.5 yuan/day/m2) 10200 yuan/month (4 yuan/day/m2) 8900 yuan/month (3.5 yuan/day/m2)
Water and electricity fees 1700 yuan 1600 yuan 1500 yuan
Personnel salary 56000 yuan/month (4000 yuan/month/person * 14 persons) 49000 yuan/month (3500 yuan/month/person * 14 people) 42000 yuan/month (3000 yuan/month/person * 14 persons)
Net profit of Baiyun Driving School Net profit (month) 38800 yuan 35200 yuan 31600 yuan
Net profit (year) 465900 yuan 422400 yuan 378900 yuan
Total investment cost of joining Baiyun Driving School 274200 yuan 246300 yuan 218400 yuan
Investment return cycle 6 months 6 months 6 months
1. The above profit analysis is an estimate for reference only. The actual profit
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      My brand is my own decision. The production process of blue sky and white clouds sunlight room - sunlight room production

      Video loading My brand is my own choice. Netizens comment on the production process of the blue sky and white clouds sunshine room

    •  What are the common problems of emulsion paint in construction?
      What are the common problems of emulsion paint in construction?

      Emulsion paint engineering is an indispensable process in home decoration. The following is a very simple study of several problems that may occur frequently to help people better control their own decoration. What are the common problems of latex paint in construction? Common problems in latex paint construction 1. The specific causes of wall cracking depend on the situation. If it is a GRC lightweight partition wall, the joints should be carefully treated to prevent cracking. Generally, glass fiber cloth or kraft paper is used. The partition board itself is prone to small cracks, so it is better to paste glass fiber cloth or beanbag cloth fully to ensure that there are as few cracks as possible in home decoration, In the case of load-bearing wall or solid wall, the reason for cracking may be that the construction putty is too thick or the putty is not dry after a short interval. In this case, there are many cases when the old house is transformed into leveling. 2、 Uneven wall patterns and colors are mainly due to the different colors of the base course, which have not been treated. This situation must be covered by full puttying or brushing a primer. In addition, when selecting materials, pay attention to selecting the same manufacturer, the same variety and the same batch number, otherwise there will be color difference. 3、 The main reasons for the rough surface are that the base treatment is not clean, the brush has sand, debris or the operating environment is not clean. The preventive measures include cleaning the base course, cleaning the brush, and dustproof the environment. 4、 The main reason for peeling is that the base course is too smooth or greasy. The preventive measures are to brush the base course with a steel brush and clean it. The greasy dirt is decontaminated with solvent.

    •  What are the advantages of nano emulsion paint over traditional emulsion paint?
      What are the advantages of nano emulsion paint over traditional emulsion paint?

      Latex paint has become one of the main choices for people's interior decoration, but the quality of various latex paints sold on the market is mixed. In recent years, the market has introduced a new generation of latex paint products. What are the advantages of nano latex paint over traditional latex paint? Advantages of nano emulsion paint 1. Utilize the double dispersion mechanism of nano materials to effectively discharge the moisture of the coating, prevent the invasion of external moisture, and make the film have the performance of breathing. 2. Using the special functions of nano materials and their micromolecular structure, the coordination reaction takes place with the inorganic silica and calcium of the wall, so that the wall and the coating film form a firm claw like permeability, so that the coating film will not fall off, not peel, and has high hardness and scrub resistance. 3. Using the physical property principle of super double interface of nano materials, effectively discharge the invasion of dust and oil, so that the wall has a good self-cleaning function. 4. Using the photocatalysis technology of nano materials, it can efficiently decompose and eliminate harmful gases in the air, reduce the radiation of decomposing ultraviolet rays, enhance the anti-aging ability of the coating, and have the performance of purifying the air. 5. Using the activation technology of nano materials, the Baoshilong nano coating can form an antibacterial coating that can destroy the cell membrane of Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus and other bacteria, thus effectively killing or inhibiting the propagation of bacteria. 6. Unique environmental protection: produced at normal temperature and pressure, non-toxic, tasteless, pollution-free, water-soluble and environmentally friendly. 7. Extremely strong adhesion: it has strong adhesion to mortar, concrete, stone, asbestos board, wood, metal and other building materials. 8. Excellent high weather resistance: applicable to both south and north, high and low temperature. It can also be constructed on the wet foundation surface, and the frost resistant type can be constructed in the low temperature of 0-25 ο C, and stored without deterioration. 9. As the nanometer powder material is extremely fine (close to the molecular structure), it is difficult to disperse (always floating on the water surface), so that the coating can be easily dispersed in production, absorb and refract UVC ultraviolet rays, and have a service life of more than 10-15 years.

    •  What are the common quality defects of latex paint painting?
      What are the common quality defects of latex paint painting?

      Latex paint is one of the most widely used wall decoration materials at present. It has many advantages, such as convenient construction, strong hiding power, rich colors, scrub resistance, etc. But many friends said that there will be some problems with latex paint painting. What are the common quality defects of latex paint painting? Common quality defects of emulsion paint brushing (l) Blistering: the main reasons are improper treatment of the base layer, too thick coating, especially when the large core board is used as the base layer, it is easy to bubble. In addition to mixing the paint evenly before use and mastering the consistency of the paint solution, 107 glue can be brushed on the bottom putty layer before painting. When reworking and repairing, the blistering and peeling area shall be cleaned up, and 107 glue shall be brushed first before repairing. (2) Alkali removal and powder removal: the main reason is that the base course is wet before drying, and the main reason is that the sealing primer is not brushed and the paint is too thin. In case of anti alkali and powder loss, rework and recoat shall be carried out, and the coated materials shall be removed, and the construction shall not be carried out until the base course is completely dry. During construction, the sealing primer must be brushed first, especially for new walls, the consistency of the finish paint should be appropriate, and the white wall should be slightly thicker. (3) Falling: the main reason is that the viscosity of the coating is too low and the coating is too thick. During the construction, the consistency of the paint must be adjusted, and too much water cannot be added. During the operation, the pen must be dipped frequently, dipped less and smoothly to avoid sagging and flowing. In case of sagging, it is necessary to wait for the paint film to dry and then polish it with fine sandpaper. After cleaning the finish, it is necessary to apply a coat of finish paint. (4) Disclosure: mainly because the paint is too thin, the times are not enough or the material quality is poor. During construction, products with high solid content and strong hiding power shall be selected. In case of bottom penetration, the number of finishing coats shall be increased to meet the painting standard required for walls. (5) The coating is not smooth: the main reason is that the paint liquid has impurities, the paint liquid is too thick, and the quality of emulsion paint is poor. The brand with good leveling property shall be used during construction. Before the last coat of finish paint is applied, the paint solution shall be filtered before use. The paint liquid shall not be too thick. If the coating is not smooth, it can be polished with fine sandpaper before brushing the top coat. (6) Crack: the construction temperature is too low. The film forming temperature of the emulsion paint cannot be reached and the continuous film cannot be formed; Improper treatment of base course: such as coating film cracking caused by wall cracking; The second coat is applied when the first coat is too thick and not completely dry. Due to the different drying speeds inside and outside, the film cracks. Cracking of the applied cement putty causes cracking of the coating film. (7) Falling off: the main reason is that the emulsion paint fails to form a continuous film due to low construction temperature, which will fall off in case of water; The base course is loose, with greasy dirt and other dirt, and the coating film is not well adhered to the base course, resulting in peeling; The strength of base course puttying is low, and the putty layer is not completely dry, then latex paint is applied; The base course is too smooth, resulting in poor adhesion of the coating film. Spalling: prevention: first observe before construction, if there is leakage, ask the relevant department to solve it in time, and add special treatment. It is recommended to use a durable and waterproof bullet to pretreat the wall, and then paint it as usual. The wall must be cleaned during construction. (8) Discoloration and fading: some walls have high temperature, long sunshine time, or water-soluble salts crystallize on the surface of the wall, causing discoloration and fading of latex paint; Some walls contain too high alkali value, which infringes the weak alkali resistant pigment or resin and causes discoloration and fading; Do not use both latex and polyurethane paint at the same time. You can apply the latex paint two days after the paint is applied, or after the latex paint is completely dry (7 days at 25 ℃).

    •  How to distinguish the quality of latex paint?
      How to distinguish the quality of latex paint?

      How to distinguish the quality of latex paint? When purchasing latex paint, you should choose the appropriate paint type according to your own needs. Don't blindly pursue "advanced" or be greedy for cheap. But many people can't distinguish the quality of latex paint when purchasing. How to distinguish the quality of latex paint? How to distinguish the quality of emulsion paint? First, look: the real emulsion paint looks tender and shiny. A thin emulsion agent similar to engine oil floats on the bucket. About one millimeter. Fake latex paint ticket is coated with thin water. And the paint belt has a blue head. Smell: the real latex paint has a light fragrance, accompanied by a similar earthy smell. The fake latex paint has a strong earthy smell or no smell. 3、 Wiping: the real emulsion paint is very delicate and smooth. The fake latex paint is astringent and grainy. 4、 Brush: The real latex paint is smooth and has strong covering power. The fake one has no covering power, and it doesn't have too much hardness after drying. 5、 Pull: Take a small stick and stick it with emulsion paint. It is better to hang long wires and keep falling evenly. 6、 Try: stick the latex paint with your fingers and twist it, without the roughness of sand particles. The leveling performance of the paint with water flushing is slippery. Use a stick or spoon to stir the paint evenly, and then lift the spoon to a high place. Observe the posture of the paint flowing down. If the paint falls in blocks, the leveling performance is not good. If the paint falls in a linear way, This indicates that the coating has a certain leveling performance. Secondly, the paint shall be mixed with water according to the proportion in the construction manual, and coated on the nonabsorbent surface with a stiff brush. After it is dry, the smoother the film surface, the better the leveling performance.

    •  What details should be paid attention to when purchasing latex paint
      What details should be paid attention to when purchasing latex paint

      What details should be paid attention to when purchasing latex paint? The details determine the quality. If you want to choose the latex paint that is most suitable for the house decoration style, there are still many details to pay attention to when purchasing the latex paint. What details should we pay attention to when purchasing latex paint? Let's get to know with the editor! The details of latex paint purchase 1. Look at the packaging and environmental protection test report. Generally, the front of latex paint will be marked with name, trademark, net content, composition, use method and precautions. Pay attention to the production date and warranty period. The warranty period marked by each brand of latex paint varies from 1 to 5 years. General brand latex paint has environmental protection test report or test sheet. Consumers can have a detailed understanding of the environmental protection performance of latex paint when they see the test sheet clearly. The test report has standards for the test results of VOC, free formaldehyde and heavy metal content. National standard VOC shall not exceed 200g per liter; Free formaldehyde shall not exceed 0.1g per kg. The second is to weigh the weight. Generally speaking, a bucket of 5 liters of qualified emulsion paint is about 7 kg; A barrel of 18 liters is about 25 kilograms. Another simple method is to lift up the paint bucket. If the regular brand latex paint shakes, no sound can be heard. If the sound is easy to shake, the viscosity of the latex paint is insufficient. Three hands are hand can opening inspection. High quality emulsion paint is viscous, milky white liquid, without hard lumps, and it is uniform after mixing, without odor. Otherwise, it indicates that the emulsion paint has quality problems. It can also be evenly spread on the fingers to dry the conjunctiva in a few minutes. All the conjunctiva with certain ductility are reassuring coatings. Detail 2 Colorful color It should be noted that the color of latex paint is no longer the monotonous white before, and many consumers are more willing to light up their lives with colorful colors. On the color board and paint bucket, the color consumers see is not necessarily the same as the final effect on the wall. Because the color of the paint is affected not only by the light, but also by the painted area. When a color paints a large area, the color is usually accentuated, so you can choose a slightly lighter color.

    •  What are the mistakes in purchasing latex paint? How to avoid?
      What are the mistakes in purchasing latex paint? How to avoid?

      What are the mistakes in purchasing latex paint? Many friends will choose latex paint when they are decorating, but there are too many products about latex paint on the market, and they often fall into the wrong area of purchasing latex paint. What are the wrong areas of purchasing latex paint? How to avoid? Mistake area 1 of latex paint selection: Many people tend to pay more attention to price than quality when choosing wall paint. Some people think that the higher the price of paint is, the better it is. So when choosing, they look for the most expensive one, but the experimental results show that this is not the case. The other extreme consumer is to save money. The lower the price, the better. This saves a lot of money, but the wall quality and indoor environment will be worried in the future. Therefore, it is recommended that everyone try to pay attention to the quality of wall finish while considering the price, and generally choose a reputable brand. 2: It is very necessary to pay more attention to the packaging while ignoring the internal consumers' choice of latex paint. However, it should be noted that the paint with good packaging may not be of good internal quality. In order to attract customers, some manufacturers make great efforts on the packaging of products and deliberately exaggerate the performance and efficacy of products. Therefore, it is suggested that consumers should pay attention to other aspects besides looking at the product packaging, such as looking at the detailed inspection sheet of the product. 3: The color card is completely consistent with the wall color. Many consumers think that the paint color on the color card is completely consistent with the color painted on the wall, which is a mistake. Because of light reflection and other reasons, after the four walls of the room are painted, the wall color will look darker than the color card. The color consumers see on the color card is usually different from the actual color behind the wall. Therefore, it is suggested that consumers should choose a slightly lighter color number when choosing colors from the color card. If they prefer dark walls, they can match the color of the selected color card. 4: Not estimating the amount of paint used in advance Many consumers do not estimate the amount of paint used in advance. They are afraid to buy less paint. When choosing, more is always better. This may cause waste of materials, increase the cost of home decoration, and at the same time, the accumulation of too much paint will also have a certain impact on construction safety. Therefore, it is suggested that consumers must look at the area of the construction area before construction, so as to estimate the amount of materials purchased. The simple method for estimating the amount of paint used is: the amount of paint required for one coat (L)=(wall area x2.5)/the area that can be painted per liter of paint. 5: Odorless means environmental protection. Many people judge the safety of wall paint by smelling the smell. They believe that low odor or odorless wall paint is environmental protection. This is a big mistake. Because odorless coatings can be achieved by adding flavor or using low-flavor materials, odorless coatings are not all environmentally friendly and non-toxic. The most professional way to judge the environmental protection of wall paint is to see whether its environmental protection indicators meet the standards. There are three key environmental indicators of wall paint: VOC, free formaldehyde and heavy metals.

    •  What are the advantages of latex paint? How about air permeability?
      What are the advantages of latex paint? How about air permeability?

      What are the advantages of latex paint? Emulsion paint is a kind of water dispersible paint, which is refined by taking synthetic resin emulsion as the base material, adding various additives after the filler is ground and dispersed. What are the advantages of latex paint? How about air permeability? The first advantage of latex paint is that it is safe, non-toxic and tasteless, which completely solves the labor protection and environmental pollution problems caused by the volatilization of toxic gases of organic solvents among painters, and fundamentally eliminates the risk of fire. Advantages: convenient construction, which can be applied by brushing, roller coating, spraying, troweling, scraping, etc. Construction tools can be cleaned with water. Advantage 3: The coating dries quickly, and can be painted two or three times a day, so the construction efficiency is high and the cost is low. Advantage 4: good color retention and weather resistance. Most exterior wall latex white paint is not easy to yellowing, and the weather resistance can reach more than 10 years. Advantage 5: good air permeability, strong alkali resistance, so the coating is not easy to blister when the internal and external humidity difference is large, and the coating is not easy to "sweat" indoors, especially suitable for painting on the cement surface and plaster surface of the internal and external walls of buildings. Latex paint is widely used for interior and exterior wall decoration of buildings due to its wide variety of designs and colors, bright colors, light weight, and fast building decoration. Covering property: covering property and covering property are the components of high-quality latex paint, representing the painting work with better effect, less time consumption and less consumption. Adhesion and easy cleaning: good adhesion can avoid cracks and defects; Easy cleaning ensures gloss and color retention. Therefore, they are important reference indicators when you choose emulsion paint. Applicability: latex paint with good applicability will not cause bubbles to overflow and splash in the process of operation, and it will bring smooth walls to the room. Waterproof function: elastic emulsion paint has excellent waterproof function, preventing water from penetrating the wall and damaging the cement, thus protecting the wall, and has antibacterial function. It has good anti carbonization, antibacterial and alkali resistance.

    •  How much do you know about the correct selection and purchase method of latex paint?
      How much do you know about the correct selection and purchase method of latex paint?

      The wall is a very important decoration area of the entire interior space. Once a mistake occurs in a certain link of the wall decoration process, it will directly affect the decoration effect of the new house. As the most basic indoor wall decoration material, the performance of latex paint also determines the quality and beauty of the wall decoration. How much do you know about the correct purchase method of latex paint? Correct purchasing skills of latex paint 1. Try to choose a big brand with good reputation according to the brand. Of course, each brand also has different product lines, and you can choose according to your own budget. 2. According to the production date, the warranty period of latex paint is generally half a year to one year. It is suggested that consumers should check the production date and warranty period of the product when purchasing. The closer the production date, the better. 3. When looking at the environmental protection logo, pay attention to the manufacturer, trademark, anti-counterfeiting logo and certificate of conformity of the latex paint products, and indicate that the lead-free, mercury free, VOC and other indicators meet the standards and have the certificate of national environmental protection certification. Note 1 for purchasing latex paint: Focus on color value and price, but light quality. When purchasing latex paint, many consumers are easily attracted by its gorgeous appearance, ignoring the internal quality, or thinking that high price is good quality. In fact, this is a big mistake. In order to attract consumers to buy, many bad businesses will deliberately make a fuss on the packaging to exaggerate the efficacy of products; Or they can buy at a low price and sell at a high price. Therefore, when choosing, you must go to a regular brand store to buy, and you should also pay attention to checking the product details and the test sheet. 2: The color card is completely consistent with the color of the wall. The color of the latex paint on the wall is inconsistent with the color on the color card. The color of the latex paint on the wall will be darker than the color card under the effect of light reflection. Therefore, when choosing a color, consumers can choose a color number one lighter than their favorite color, so that there will not be too much difference when they go on the wall. 3: Not estimating the amount of paint used in advance Many consumers do not estimate the amount of latex paint required for wall decoration in advance before purchasing latex paint. It is also a big mistake to buy at will when purchasing. If you buy too much, it is easy to waste and increase decoration costs. 4: Odorless means that some low-quality latex paints of environmental protection products can remove pungent odor by using low-quality materials or adding flavor during processing. Therefore, odorless latex paints are not necessarily environmentally friendly.

    •  How long can I live with emulsion paint? How to choose environmentally friendly latex paint
      How long can I live with emulsion paint? How to choose environmentally friendly latex paint

      How long can I live with emulsion paint? With the improvement of living standards, family decoration now pays more attention to health and environmental protection, and many friends will choose environmentally friendly latex paint. Therefore, there are more and more latex paint products with the "green and environmental protection" on the market. How long can you live with latex paint? How to choose environmentally friendly latex paint? How long can I use emulsion paint? When choosing emulsion paint, I should first smell whether there is a pungent smell. If the selected product has no pungent smell and is produced by a regular manufacturer with environmental protection marks, its harmful substances will not exceed the standard and will not cause harm to the health of residents. Generally speaking, after being brushed on the wall, the emulsion paint can be used for living after a period of window opening and ventilation and drying. If you are not sure, consumers can ask a qualified testing agency to conduct indoor environment testing after decoration, and stay after the testing results meet the national indoor air quality standards. Experts said that from the perspective of decoration monitoring, it is rare that harmful substances exceed the standard due to latex paint brushing. After painting the latex paint, pay attention to keeping the home ventilated, and then put some formaldehyde free plants at home, such as aloe, hanging orchid, tiger tail orchid, etc. At the same time, one or two pots of salt water with a concentration of 5% - 10% can be put in the room, so that the smell of formaldehyde and paint in the house can be basically eliminated in one or two days. Activated carbon can also be placed at home. Activated carbon can adsorb harmful substances such as formaldehyde, benzene, ethanol, toluene, ether, kerosene, vinyl chloride, etc. Through these methods, after painting the emulsion paint, you can move in about half a month. However, the precondition is to buy environment-friendly latex paint. It is recommended to choose well-known brand products to ensure the environmental protection of the products. How to choose environmentally friendly latex paint, but there are many fake and inferior products on the market now, and paint is very important to our health, so how to choose environmentally friendly paint from genuine products is also the key. That's what we often say: one look, two weigh, three start. First, look at the external packaging and environmental protection test report. The packaging mainly depends on the production date, brand and trademark. Environmental monitoring is to monitor VOC, free formaldehyde and heavy metal content. For these things, the country has relevant standards: VOC per liter cannot exceed 200 grams; Free formaldehyde shall not exceed 0.1g per kg. Second, weigh: weigh the weight. Generally speaking, a bucket of 5 liters of qualified emulsion paint is about 7 kg; A barrel of 18 liters is about 25 kilograms. Three hands on: hand can opening detection. High quality emulsion paint is viscous, milky white liquid, without hard lumps, and it is uniform after mixing, without odor. Otherwise, it indicates that the emulsion paint has quality problems.

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