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imperial tablet to which students and officials were required to pay respect

 imperial tablet to which students and officials were required to pay respect

Beixin Group Building Materials Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Beixin Building Materials) is an A-share listed company under China Building Materials Group (No. 267 of the world's top 500 enterprises), a central enterprise directly under the State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council (Stock code: 000786. SZ), founded in 1979 with the kind care of Comrade Xiaoping, has now developed into a larger gypsum board industry group in the world (business scale 1.78 billion square meters) and China's largest new building materials industry group.

With the industrial concept of "green building future", Beixin Building Materials has built a green building industry chain in the whole life cycle from green raw materials, green production and green products to green transportation, green construction, green application and green recycling, providing gypsum board wall ceiling system, mineral wool board ceiling sound absorption system, Jinbang board exterior wall roof system A full set of solutions for energy-saving and environment-friendly new building materials, such as interior and exterior wall environmental protection coating system, rock wool fire insulation system, energy-saving door and window system, efficient intelligent heating system, silent building pipeline system, etc. From national key projects such as painting the Tiananmen Tower and ceiling of the Great Hall of the People, to the construction of venues such as the APEC Conference for the Olympic World Expo, Beijing International Trade Phase III, Shanghai Center, Shenzhen Ping An Financial Center, Guangzhou West Tower East Tower, Macao Venetian Hotel and other front high-rise buildings and landmark buildings around the country, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, State Grid, PetroChina, Lenovo Alibaba, Tencent, Samsung and other corporate headquarters, Shangri La, Marriott, Kempinski, Hilton, Sheraton and other five-star hotels, Mercedes Benz, BMW, Samsung, Huawei, Volkswagen, Foxconn and other industrial plants, Yuanda, CIMC and other new residential industrialization houses, as well as government guarantee housing and shantytown reconstruction, and even the decoration of thousands of households, Energy saving and environmental protection solutions and imperial tablet to which students and officials were required to pay respect Series of new building materials

Beixin Building Materials promotes the rapid development of enterprises with the "commanding height strategy", takes "brand building" and "technological innovation" as the two strategic engines, implements product innovation, transformation and upgrading, management integration, optimizes the capital liability structure, and creates an innovative development path of Chinese independent brand independent innovation leading the global industry trend. Beixin Building Materials and its subordinates“ imperial tablet to which students and officials were required to pay respect ”It has successively included a number of national and industrial honors, including "National Quality Silver Award", "Chinese Brand", "Famous Protection", "Comparison of Materials for National Architectural Engineering Decoration Award", "China's Five Star Hotel Preferred Brand" and so on. It has won the National May Day Labor Award, the National Quality and Credit AAA Enterprise, the "Golden Bauhinia Award" for China's relatively growing listed companies, and the Top 100 Investors Relations of China's A-share listed companies. Ranked No. 78 in the "China's 500 Most Valuable Brands" ranking of the World Brand Lab, with a brand value of 26.5 billion yuan; In the selection of "Top 500 Asian Brands", it ranked second among Asian building materials brands. Beixin Building Materials surpassed the century old gypsum board enterprises in Europe and the United States and the old world top 500 peers, developed China into the center of innovation and development of the world gypsum industry, and won the "Outstanding Contribution Award of the Global Gypsum Industry" issued by the Global Gypsum Conference.

Beixin Building Materials is an important innovative enterprise jointly approved by the Ministry of Science and Technology and other ministries and commissions and an important residential industrialization base approved by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development. It is a national key high-tech enterprise under the Torch Plan of the Ministry of Science and Technology (one of the 50 enterprises in Beijing), a national patent work demonstration enterprise (one in the building materials industry) and one of the first 20 patent demonstration enterprises in Beijing. It has an important enterprise technology center, The post doctoral workstation and academician workstation were established, and the 250000 square meter R&D base was built in Beijing "Future Science and Technology City", which is one of the 15 central enterprises that were settled in the first batch. Beixin Building Materials will rely on Beixin Science and Technology Park located in Beijing, Suzhou, Haikou and other places and 54 industrial bases covering the whole country (note: the number includes Changping Future City, Xiayuan Garden, etc.) to build a one-stop innovation and entrepreneurship service platform from office, research and development, test workshops, production plants, logistics, investment and financing, business development support and other aspects, and build a platform for energy conservation, environmental protection, new materials, new energy Housing industrialization, Internet+, intelligent chemical plants and other fields have become the source of China's scientific and technological innovation.

From 2004 to 2013, Beixin Building Materials achieved a ten-year profit growth of 20 times, with an average annual net profit compound growth rate of 30%. The gypsum board business jumped from the third place in China to the top of the world, achieving healthy, sustained and rapid growth, and creating a golden decade for Beixin. Beixin Building Materials will take promoting the greening of buildings, cities and human settlements as its mission, further enhance its business ability and capital strength through innovative operation and capital operation, develop into a multinational company with its own brand, independent intellectual property rights, core business ranking top in the world and world level, and build a decade of diamond of Beixin Building Materials.

Brand information

  • Enterprise name: Beixin Group Building Materials Co., Ltd
  • Origin of the brand: Beijing Beijing
  • Created: 1997-05-30
  • Advertising words: The future of green buildings
  • Enterprise legal person: Wang Bing
  • Brand index: forty-four
  • Official website: http://www.bnbm.com.cn/
  • Official telephone: 400-898-5566

Public praise rating

Well received
negative comment

Rating: eight

Brand popularity: sixty-eight

Investment cost of Longpai franchise

Franchise expense analysis

Franchise cities First tier cities (take Guangzhou as an example) Second tier cities (taking Chongqing as an example) Third tier cities (take Nantong as an example) Fourth tier cities (taking Suqian as an example)
Store area 130㎡ 120㎡ 110㎡ 100㎡
Rent 32500 yuan/month 20400 yuan/month 15400 yuan/month 11000 yuan/month
Decoration expenses 900 yuan/m2 800 yuan/m2 700 yuan/m2 600 yuan/m2
Equipment cost 35000 yuan 30000 yuan 25000 yuan 20000 yuan
First batch purchase cost 140000 yuan 130000 yuan 120000 yuan 110000 yuan
Advertising expenses 20000 yuan 18000 yuan 15000 yuan 8000 yuan
Opening expenses 12000 yuan 9000 yuan 6000 yuan 3000 yuan
Personnel salary 3800 yuan/month/person (5 persons) 3500 yuan/month/person (5 persons) 2500 yuan/month/person (4 persons) 2000 yuan/month/person (4 persons)
Water and electricity fees 1300 yuan/month 1200 yuan/month 1100 yuan/month 1000 yuan/month
working capital 150000 yuan 110000 yuan 80000 yuan 60000 yuan
Total investment cost 526800 yuan 432100 yuan

Franchise profit analysis

Franchise cities First tier cities (take Guangzhou as an example) Second tier cities (taking Chongqing as an example) Third tier cities (take Nantong as an example) Fourth tier cities (taking Suqian as an example)
the measure of area 130㎡ 120㎡ 110㎡ 100㎡
Monthly turnover 190000 yuan 150000 yuan 110000 yuan 90000 yuan
Gross profit/month (gross profit rate) 95000 yuan (50%) 75000 yuan (50%) 55000 yuan (50%) 45000 yuan (50%)
Rent (month) 32500 yuan 20400 yuan 15400 yuan 11000 yuan
Personnel salary (month) 19000 yuan 17500 yuan 10000 yuan 8000 yuan
Water and electricity fees (month) 1300 yuan 1200 yuan 1100 yuan 1000 yuan
Monthly net profit 42200 yuan 35900 yuan 28500 yuan 25000 yuan
Annual net profit 506400 yuan 430800 yuan 342000 yuan 300000 yuan
The above profit analysis is an estimate for reference only. The actual profit will vary according to the region, area, cost, etc.
  • Franchise conditions
  • Franchise process

1. People over 25 years old with certain social experience and career experience.
2. Recognize and recognize the brand, products and business philosophy of "Long Brand Gypsum Board", and maintain the good reputation and image of "Long Brand Gypsum Board" brand at all times in the business process.
3. The investment needs to have certain financial strength, because the franchise of Longpai gypsum board needs to pay some fees according to the franchise policy, as well as the store rent, decoration fees, and other fees, and sufficient funds can ensure the normal operation of the store.
4. If the franchisee owns a store and the store is located in the main commercial street or pedestrian street, the headquarters will also give priority to the franchisee's application for joining.
5. Implement and abide by the operation and management systems of Longpai Gypsum Board Headquarters.
6. Have certain communication ability and management ability, and be able to deal with various matters encountered in the business process.
7. Franchisees should have strong entrepreneurial spirit and good team cooperation ability.

1. Project consultation
Have a general and comprehensive understanding of the project through various ways or channels.
2. Field visit
Make an appointment with the headquarters for an interview to check the strength of the headquarters and whether the services are satisfactory.
3. Store opening application
Fill in the store opening application form and confirm the intention to open the store.
4. Approval and signing
① After the franchise application is submitted, it needs to wait for the review notice from the headquarters. ② Franchisees who have passed the audit of the headquarters can discuss the specific details of the franchise with the franchise specialist. ③ After the terms of the franchise contract are determined and both parties reach an agreement, the signing ceremony can be held. ④ Before signing the contract, the franchisee needs to prepare the legal business certificate and relevant franchise fees required for signing the contract. ⑤ Only after paying the fees and signing the franchise contract can the franchisee obtain the brand operation authorization from the headquarters.
5. Store location
Relevant site selection materials shall be submitted to the company by mail or fax for preliminary review of the store and the local market.
6. Shop decoration
The decoration inspection, raw material preparation, equipment commissioning, store environment layout and opening advertisement are completed.
7. Training
Training is very helpful for franchise stores. With the training support of the headquarters, franchise stores can better enter the operating state and make quick profits.
8. Opening preparation
Apply for business license in local relevant departments, conduct tax registration, formulate business plan, and prepare for business.

  •  How about Baosilon integrated ceiling? How about purchasing Baosilon integrated ceiling
    How about Baosilon integrated ceiling? How about purchasing Baosilon integrated ceiling

    With the continuous development of the times, more and more people are buying houses. For ordinary people, they may decorate their houses once or twice in their lifetime, so they will be particularly careful when decorating. We have all heard about the Baosilon integrated ceiling, but how about the Baosilon integrated ceiling? Let's have a look with me. I hope it will be helpful to everyone. 1、 Founded in 2006, Jiaxing Baosilon Integrated Home Furnishing Co., Ltd., located in Baibu New District, Haiyan Economic Development Zone, Jiaxing City, is one of the founders of integrated ceiling. It has a domestic large-scale production equipment assembly line and is located in a garden style factory area of more than 20000 square meters. The office and production environment is elegant and comfortable, and it is a key enterprise in the integrated ceiling industrial cluster. In 2012, Baosilon, based on the kitchen and bathroom integrated ceiling, integrated the application of eight space top schemes in the household field, launched the concept of "panoramic ceiling" in the industry, and successfully developed a series of ceiling products in the kitchen, bathroom, living room, dining room, bedroom, study, corridor and balcony, which led to the upgrading and innovation of industrial products and effectively expanded the market space of integrated ceiling. In 2016, Baosilon launched the second generation full house panoramic roof of the "art villa" series, which introduced Shanghai style elements in the integrated ceiling industry for the first time, triggering another upgrade of the industry. In order to continuously guide the customized products of the top wall, the company officially launched the art wall project in 2017, forming three product models: kitchen and bathroom integrated ceiling, panoramic roof of the whole house, and art wall. Baosilon integrated ceiling is a good choice for people. Baosilon has always adhered to the product concept of "beauty of design, art and life", effectively integrated technology application and process design, always followed the original design and innovation spirit, and won the recognition of industry insiders and users. At present, Baosilon has hundreds of brand stores with a unified image in China, which are spread all over the mainstream home shopping malls such as Red Star Macalline and Fantasy Home. Its products are sold to tens of thousands of families across the country. 2、 How to choose Baosilon integrated ceiling 1. Look at the ceiling area. The concept of integrated ceiling is relatively unfamiliar to many ordinary consumers. In the process of purchasing, it may also be fooled by some bad businesses. As there will be sales of related appliances in the sales process of integrated ceiling, there are some bad businesses in the market that still include the area of kitchen and bathroom appliances in the area of ceiling. 2. Look at the good gusset plate aluminum. The aluminum used for the ceiling brand is produced by the regular aluminum factory. The flexibility and strength are much better than inferior aluminum. We can do an experiment. We can find a sample of two brands with a large price gap, and then bend it by hand. Inferior aluminum will be easily bent. It will take more effort to select high-quality aluminum, and rebound after bending. This is the difference in toughness and strength between aluminum. 3. According to gusset plate process, aluminum gusset plate can be divided into three types from surface treatment: spraying, roller coating and film covering. Laminated boards are the most popular among consumers. They are colorful, light, water resistant, dust free, corrosion resistant, easy to clean, easy to install, and three-dimensional. They have many advantages and are popular with consumers. 3、 Related concept 1. Suspended ceiling (English name: dropped ceiling/suspended ceiling/suspended ceiling) refers to a kind of decoration for the top decoration of the housing living environment. In short, it refers to the ceiling decoration, which is one of the important parts of interior decoration. The suspended ceiling has the functions of heat preservation, heat insulation, sound insulation and sound absorption, and is also the concealed layer of electrical, ventilation and air conditioning, communication, fire prevention, alarm pipeline equipment and other projects. Suspended ceiling is a common link in home decoration. Suspended ceilings are classified differently according to the materials of decorative panels. Suspended ceiling decoration materials are the main basis for distinguishing the names of suspended ceilings, mainly including: light steel keel gypsum board suspended ceiling, gypsum board suspended ceiling, mineral wool board suspended ceiling, plywood suspended ceiling, profiled long aluminum gusset plate suspended ceiling, square painted aluminum gusset plate suspended ceiling, painted glass suspended ceiling, aluminum honeycomb perforated sound-absorbing board suspended ceiling, whole room duplex suspended ceiling, etc. It plays a very important role in the whole room decoration. Proper decoration on the top of the room can not only beautify the indoor environment, but also create a colorful artistic image of indoor space. When selecting ceiling decoration materials and design schemes, the principles of material saving, firmness, safety, beauty and practicality should be followed. 2. Baosilong Jiaxing Baosilong Integrated Home Furnishing Co., Ltd., located in a garden style factory area of more than 20000 square meters, is a professional integrated ceiling company with a long history, integrating research, development, production and sales. Relevant recommendation Baosilon integrated ceiling - After sales service Wanlihang fully launches Baosilon panoramic ceiling integrated ceiling Baosilon integrated ceiling Hunan Xinning Store grand opening

  •  High Brand Flooring Explains Eight Mistakes in Buying Wood Flooring - High Brand Flooring
    High Brand Flooring Explains Eight Mistakes in Buying Wood Flooring - High Brand Flooring

    At present, there are more and more kinds of wooden floors on the market, and various new concepts emerge in endlessly. The propaganda means of merchants are also varied. Faced with the surging information, consumers often fall into some misunderstandings when shopping. So, what mistakes should be carefully avoided when purchasing floors? High brand flooring to answer questions: Myth 1: The harder the laminate flooring is, the more durable it will be. In the exhibition hall, it is often seen that flooring merchants use the method of knocking two floors together to carry out hardness contrast tests, which shows that the brand's flooring is of good quality and more durable. Many consumers also agree with the logic of this kind of test method, believing that the harder the laminate flooring is, the better the quality is, and the more durable the product is. Expert comments: to judge whether the floor is durable, it is necessary to integrate multiple indicators: surface abrasion resistance; The density (i.e. hardness) of the floor is related to the impact resistance of the floor; The water absorption expansion rate of the floor determines the water resistance of the floor; The internal bonding strength is to see whether the floor has layers, and the strength of the layered floor will be reduced. These factors together affect the durability of the floor. Only when the other indicators have the same coefficient can we prove that the harder the floor is, the more durable it is. Myth 2: The thicker the floor, the stronger it is. In recent years, the thickness of the laminate floor is increasing, from the mainstream thickness of 6mm in the past to the current 12mm. There are also 13mm and 15mm thick floors in the market. Many consumers also believe that the thicker the floor, the more weight, the stronger and more durable it will be. Expert comments: The service life of the floor depends on the quality of the floor surface to a certain extent. Whether it is a thick floor or a thin floor, once the surface is worn, it cannot be used. The thick floor feels good, and the cost is high. Therefore, there are many decisive factors affecting the quality of laminate flooring, not just the thickness. Under the same product price, we would rather buy 12 mm thick brand flooring than 15 mm thick low-quality flooring. In addition, due to the huge difference in product cost, process and production technology, the service life of low-quality heavy plates may not be as long as that of large brand thin plates. Myth 3: Only solid wood flooring is environmentally friendly. It is known that adhesive should be used in the production of reinforced composite and solid wood composite flooring. Formaldehyde is one of the main components of adhesive, while adhesive is not used in the production of solid wood flooring. Therefore, many consumers will think that the composite floor contains formaldehyde and is not environmentally friendly. Only the solid wood floor does not contain formaldehyde, which is environmentally friendly. Expert comments: It is not only solid wood flooring that is environmentally friendly. As long as the flooring meets the national standards, it is harmless to the human body. First of all, from the environmental protection of the solid wood floor itself, whether the paint used by the solid wood floor is environmentally friendly determines whether the product is environmentally friendly. Secondly, if the adhesive used for solid wood composite floor is an environmental protection product, the formaldehyde emission is very low, and the environmental protection performance can be fully satisfied. Third, the content and release of formaldehyde are not the same concept. If the floor substrate contains formaldehyde, but the release amount is very small, it will not affect the human body; If the substrate used has good sealing property, the formaldehyde emission of some laminate flooring is smaller than that of natural wood. In China, the mandatory environmental protection standard (E1 standard: formaldehyde emission ≤ 1.5mg/L) is implemented for the formaldehyde emission of the floor, while the processing technology of the laminate floor itself is sealed on both sides, and the four notches are closely connected during installation, which can make the exposed area of formaldehyde emission less than 1%. In addition, the formaldehyde content in the floor is not as low as possible. If the formaldehyde content in the base material is too low, the floor strength will decline and the water absorption expansion rate will increase. As long as the formaldehyde emission in the floor meets the national standards, it can. In fact, formaldehyde is not so terrible. There is also a small amount of formaldehyde in food. For example, the formaldehyde content in beer is 2mg/L, and the fruit also contains a certain amount of formaldehyde. Myth 4: The multi-layer solid wood composite floor is less environmentally friendly. Many consumers intuitively think that the multi-layer solid wood composite floor has more layers and uses more adhesives. In this way, the formaldehyde emission is certainly more than the three-layer solid wood composite floor. Expert comments: This problem cannot be generalized. Under the premise of the same thickness of the floor, the more layers of the floor, the more glue is used. It must be that the multi-layer solid wood composite floor uses more glue. However, if the adhesive used for multi-layer solid wood composite floor and three-layer solid wood composite floor is environmental protection product, and the formaldehyde emission of environmental protection adhesive is very low, then there is little difference between the formaldehyde emission of the two. If the adhesive used is not an environmental protection product, the formaldehyde emission of multi-layer solid wood composite floor may be higher than that of three-layer solid wood composite floor. Myth 5: Color difference and consistent texture are good floors. In newspapers and the Internet, consumers often see that the color and texture of the solid wood or solid wood composite floor they buy are different from the samples they see in the store, so they think that the quality of the product has serious problems. Expert comments: Because sapwood and core wood and sawing direction are different for the same wood, the color and texture of wood will certainly not be the same, which is also the charm of natural wood. This "natural beauty" cannot exist if we simply pursue the consistency of color and texture. Even in the national standard of flooring, there is no color difference. Color difference and texture difference are not product quality problems, and consumers should have an objective understanding of them. Myth 6: The more precious the material, the better the quality of the floor. There are dozens of kinds of solid wood or solid wood composite floor materials sold in the market. The price ranges from hundreds to thousands of yuan. Many consumers believe that the more precious the material, the better the quality of the floor will be. Experts' comments: The precious tree species are not necessarily stable. As the saying goes, "scarcity is the most valuable thing", the price of material types also depends on their rarity, the rarer the more expensive, and the price of tree species is also related to their aesthetic appearance; But rarity and beauty do not mean that the performance is better. In fact, some precious materials are not as stable as ordinary materials after they are made into floors. Consumers should not blindly advocate expensive materials when shopping. Myth 7: The more locks, the firmer the floor "single lock", "double lock", "three lock", "four lock"... In the manufacturer's propaganda, the number of floor locks is rising, and many manufacturers also use this as a selling point, suggesting that the more locks, the firmer the floor will be after installation. Expert comments: The lock floor is a structure that connects the ground plates through the physical force of the lock. Due to the locking force of the locking floor, the floor will extend around as a whole with the temperature change, avoiding local uplift, and solving the internal deformation problem of the floor. In fact, whether the floor is firmly connected depends not on the number of locking stages, but on the variation range of ambient humidity. For northern areas, it is humid in summer and dry in winter. If the floor expands in summer and heavy furniture is symmetrically arranged on both sides of the room, the air is particularly dry in winter and the floor shrinks due to this. Even the three locks can still open the lock, so the lock floor needs the cooperation of the use environment. Myth 8: It is more wear-resistant to have concave and convex texture At present, many flooring brands have launched antique flooring with concave and convex texture, and it is also found in the reporter's visit that many businesses will say that the concave and convex texture will increase the wear-resistance of the floor when they promote it. Expert comments: the floor with smooth surface, the principle of force is surface contact, and the contactable area with objects is larger; The floor surface with concave convex texture is the contact between points and lines, and the accessible area is relatively small. Under the condition of the same wear resistance of the wear-resistant layer, the floor surface with concave and convex texture has better skid resistance, while the wear resistance is relatively poor. Pay attention to the public account of "High Brand Flooring", and broadcast it dynamically in real time! To learn more and more interesting high-end news, please visit: http://www.gaopaiwood.com (High brand official website) There will be wonderful content waiting for you! We are high brand flooring, and we really use the power of famine to serve customers! Netizens dare to comment on a brand that is not popular. 1. Put forward some constructive suggestions to users, which should be done by every brand that cares about users

  •  High brand flooring · Fujian: meet friends with tea and treat people with courtesy- High brand floor
    High brand flooring · Fujian: meet friends with tea and treat people with courtesy- High brand floor

    A beautiful day begins with a cup of tea. Half a cup of tea, watching the ups and downs of life, intoxicated with the aroma of tea, and slowly understand the character and charm of tea. Fujian is a big tea producing province with a long history. Today, High Brand Floor Fujian Station takes you into the tea world, hoping to meet friends and people who are destined to meet the world with tea. President Anhai of Jinjiang: It is a joy and mood to start a day of life in tea, sort out yesterday's thoughts, and continue to manage and organize daily work. The process of tea tasting is like the process of going from unfamiliar to familiar with a customer. If you are not in the process, you will not know its flavor, and if you do not know how to face it, you will not know how to cherish it. The seemingly simple life has long been commonplace, while ignoring that each day's blandness actually contains different wonderful moments. President Zheng, the Marquis of Fujian: There is a huge universe in the tea, and the sun and the moon are long in the pot. Tea is reborn because of water dance, and water is drunk and fragrant because of tea. In fact, what ripples in the teacup is not only water, but also your and my life. I like the wood color and wood fragrance floor, the tea color and tea fragrance world, and I prefer to solve customers' problems after tasting tea. Wait for a cup of destined tea and a destined person to explore the true meaning of life in the mellow fragrance of tea. President Wang of Dehua: Life is like a cup of tea. The first is bitter, the second is astringent, and the third is sweet. After tasting, it is sweet and fragrant. Plain is its true color, bitter is its course, sweet is its gift. Always believe that people who like drinking tea will not be too bad. Goodbye 2016 Hello 2017 We are waiting for you in Fujian, have a cup of tea and get together. High Brand Flooring · Fujian pays attention to the public account of "High Brand Flooring", and broadcasts real-time dynamic news for you! To learn more and more interesting high-end news, please visit: http://www.gaopaiwood.com (High brand official website) There will be wonderful content waiting for you! We are high brand flooring, and we really use the power of famine to serve customers! Netizen comments

  •  Zhonghua Flooring Network Visits High Brand Flooring Guizhou Danzhai Store Zheng Hexiang - High Brand Flooring
    Zhonghua Flooring Network Visits High Brand Flooring Guizhou Danzhai Store Zheng Hexiang - High Brand Flooring

    More recently, the second season of the Hunan Satellite TV reality show "Real Men" is on the air. In the show, both real men and "women men" show their powerful side to the audience in a completely different identity. In fact, there is also such a group of people in the flooring industry. They come from other industries across the border and rush to the front line of the market almost all the year round. They want to connect with manufacturers, seize the market, promote sales, install and promote, and never get familiar with everything... Zheng Hexiang, a high-end flooring store in Danzhai, Guizhou, is a real man among the dealers in the flooring industry. [China Floor Network] Hello, President Zheng! What industry were you engaged in before joining the high brand flooring industry? What is the reason why you finally joined the high brand flooring? [President Zheng of Gaopai Flooring Guizhou Danzhai Store] Before joining Gaopai Flooring, I was engaged in the resource recovery industry. In fact, when I think about it carefully, I was making contributions to the environmental protection cause. Gaopai Flooring is a brand focusing on environmental protection and good flooring, which provides customers with a comfortable and healthy life guarantee from the source of decoration. Therefore, when I decided to change careers, the brand concept of Gaopai Flooring coincided with me, At the same time, the simple and honest manner of Manager Zhou, the regional head of Gaopai Flooring in Guizhou, also let me see that Gaopai Flooring is down-to-earth. I always believed that doing business is not only dealing with products, but also dealing with people. The service personnel of high-end flooring are so friendly, which made me confident about this career change at that time. [China Floor Network] More recently, The Real Man is being shown, and the "test" can be described as the essence of the program. So what is the big test for you in the process of floor management? How did you overcome it? [President Zheng of Guizhou Danzhai High Brand Flooring Store] Because the span of these two industries is relatively large, in the process of floor business, the big test for me should be in the early stage of business. I am a little confused about this industry and don't know how to operate it. But now that I have chosen this path, I must persevere. Any enemy with greater challenges and difficulties will persevere. With the help of the person in charge of the high brand floor area and my own efforts to explore, I slowly explored from practice and made a little progress. Only then did I have my current achievements. [China Floor Network] The picture of "courage, blood, unity and responsibility" in "Real Men" is impressive. Do you think these elements are enough in your team, and which of them are you proud of? [President Zheng of High Brand Flooring Guizhou Danzhai Store] I think my team has enough elements of "courage, blood, unity and responsibility". I am proud of my team! I am proud of their action and execution in every activity. I believe we will be better in the future. [Zhonghua Flooring Network] As far as you are concerned, which quality characteristic of you is more in line with the "real man"? Why? [President Zheng of Guizhou Danzhai Store of High Brand Flooring] Personally, I think I am more in line with the setting of "real man". I like hard work. The more unknown the field, the more I want to explore, so I can be lucky to join the family of High Brand Flooring. My life motto: love to fight will win! At the same time, Gaopai brand is also a floor brand created by father with responsibility and dream, and the brand gene has the characteristics of a man. [China Floor Network] In "The Real Man", the stars are constantly completing various role transformations. How do you think to better change their thinking and improve the operation and management? [President Zheng of High Brand Flooring Guizhou Danzhai Store] As for the operation and management, I think we should pool our wisdom and listen to the opinions of others in the team. As the saying goes, "three cobblers are better than Zhuge Liang", one person will inevitably not see everything comprehensively, and we can better operate by listening to everyone's opinions. At the same time, I also love learning. Reading more books when I have nothing to do is also very helpful to business management. [China Floor Network] Challenging the limit is also a highlight of the program. What do you think is the limit? What ultimate goals will you set in the future? [President Zheng of High Brand Flooring Guizhou Danzhai Store] I think there is no limit to life, and life is endless and struggle is endless! Of course, the ultimate goal of my career is to become the floor NO1 of the region. With the help of high-end companies, I will formulate effective growth goals every year, which will be broken down into monthly, daily and daily small goals. Only when my ultimate goal is achieved can I be guaranteed. My dream still needs to be realized, in case it is achieved. [China Floor Network] In your work, you are so hardworking. What are you like in your life? [President Zheng of Guizhou Danzhai High Brand Flooring Store] I am a modest person. As long as my self-esteem is not hurt, I will never get angry. "Let the wind calm down for a while, and step back from the sea and the sky". I like singing and traveling when I am free. Follow the public account of "High Brand Flooring", and report it to you in real time! To learn more and more interesting high-end news, please visit: http://www.gaopaiwood.com (High brand official website) There will be wonderful content waiting for you! We are high brand flooring, and we really use the power of famine to serve customers! Netizen comments

  •  Chuandu drainage pipe has passed the technical transformation and quality inspection - Jiangong cast iron drainage pipe
    Chuandu drainage pipe has passed the technical transformation and quality inspection - Jiangong cast iron drainage pipe

    Hubei Yidu Network (intern Peng Danfeng) On August 4, the reporter followed the staff of the Municipal Bureau of Quality Supervision to the Chuandu Pipe Factory in Jiudaohe Village, Zhicheng Town to check the production situation. It is understood that in the past three years, the Chuandu brand PVC-U building drainage pipes produced by the factory were judged as unqualified products because their wall thickness, drop weight impact test TIR and tensile yield strength did not meet the requirements of national standards in the product quality inspection organized by Yichang Municipal Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision. Zeng Zhenlu, the head of Chuandu Pipe Factory, said that the original technology was still a little immature, including some problems in operation, including insufficient funds. Nowadays, most PVC-U drainage pipes are relatively cheap in the market, which requires both product quality and cost control. Chuandu Pipe Factory has studied production technology and increased production equipment in the first half of the year, and all indicators of the products submitted for inspection in 2017 have reached the qualified standard. Zeng Zhenlu introduced that this year, with the improvement of the process, the products can basically reach the standard, including the construction of new factories, and the products will become better and better. Copyright notice: ① All words and pictures marked "Source of manuscript: Hubei Yidu website" on this website belong to Hubei Yidu website. Any media, website or individual shall not reprint, link, repost or otherwise reproduce and publish them without the permission of this website. The media and websites that have been approved by our website must be marked with "Source of manuscript: Hubei Yidu website" when downloading and using, and the violators will be held accountable according to law. ② For the purpose of transmitting more information, the manuscript reproduced on this website does not mean to agree with its views or verify the authenticity of its content. If other media, websites or individuals download from this website for use, they must retain the "manuscript source" indicated on this website, and bear legal responsibilities such as copyright. If it is tampered with as "Source of manuscript: Hubei Yidu Network" without authorization, this network will investigate the responsibility according to law. If you have any doubt about the content of the manuscript, please contact us in time. ③ If the manuscript reproduced on this website involves copyright and other issues, please contact Hubei Yidu Network by phone or letter within two weeks. ④ Correspondents shall have the legal copyright of their contributions, and shall not report false news or plagiarize other people's works. Correspondents shall be responsible for the authenticity of their contributions; Once the manuscript submitted by the correspondent to the website is submitted, it means that the author has agreed to grant the right to use the work to the website, and the website has the right to delete or modify the manuscript submitted by the correspondent! Netizen comments

  •  "Three Lives and Three Lives" Pingao Floor · Wuhan Contemporary International Garden - Gaopai Floor
    "Three Lives and Three Lives" Pingao Floor · Wuhan Contemporary International Garden - Gaopai Floor

    In addition to the ten mile peach blossom, there are three interesting high brand flooring projects in our world. Project address: Wuhan Contemporary International Garden Project area: 89 ㎡. Project unit type: two rooms and two halls. 1. At first, you can find sincerity and true love by keeping your original heart in mind. Initial scene: high brand flooring in living room and dining room: N482 Product name: natural color oak Product category: laminate flooring Product specification: 1221 * 200 * 12mm Because of focus, professional, high brand oak pattern laminate flooring, integrating quality and feelings, truly reproduce the simplicity you and ta first met. 2. Collision In fact, the noise in life is the running in of two people and the mediator of emotional life. Collision scene: secondary sleeper high brand floor: T523 Product name: Finland Time Product category: laminate flooring Product specification: 1221 * 169 * 12mm Any time goes by in a hurry, every minute and second accompanied by ta can make you feel the traces of love. High brand flooring, focusing on environmental protection and good flooring, loves ta and gives it more environmental protection. 3. Integration No matter life, old age, illness or death, I only want to stay with you forever. Fusion scene: master bedroom high brand floor: FG-19 Product tree species: Yahua pear Product category: herringbone product specification: 450 * 75 * 15mm No kind of love can be copied, I hope you and the small world of ta are also special. High brand flooring is herringbone flooring, which refuses to be stereotyped and gives you different waiting. Gao Xiaobian: Recently, I have been chasing "Three Lives, Three Lives and Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms" every day. Is there anyone who is also chasing dramas like me? Today's interactive message topic: If Qianqian and Yehua buy high brand flooring, which one will they choose^ O ^ Follow the public account of "High Brand Flooring", and broadcast it in real time! To learn more and more interesting high-end news, please visit: http://www.gaopaiwood.com (High brand official website) There will be wonderful content waiting for you! We are high brand flooring, and we really use the power of famine to serve customers! Netizen comments

  •  There are so many classifications of oak. High brand flooring will take you to appreciate the beauty of oak- High brand floor
    There are so many classifications of oak. High brand flooring will take you to appreciate the beauty of oak- High brand floor

    Those who are familiar with oak know that oak has a history of nearly a thousand years. There are different kinds of oak growing all over the world. Because of different origins, oak flooring can be divided into different varieties. American Oak American Oak includes American Red Oak and North American White Oak. It is also known as Red Oak and White Oak. It is widely used in the production of floors and furniture. Compared with other oaks, American Red Oak is hard and heavy. In addition, it has high breaking strength and full seismic capacity, and is extremely resistant to abrasion. It is a better floor material for residential and commercial projects. The texture of American red oak is more rough and bold, and its color is more ruddy. When used in the home, people can experience the retro feelings of American manors, and add some enthusiasm and vitality to the home. French oak is a precious gift from God to France. In France, the sustainable development of oak resources began 400 years ago, and it is required that oak trees of 150 years old can be cut down. A glass of wine is like a glass of magic water, and oak barrels are the source of this magic. Only 20% of the selected materials in the well-known oak production areas can give red wine the magic of intoxication. German oak has been living with the former Germanic tribes since the 2-3 centuries AD, and has been integrated into the blood of this nation. A six hundred year old oak tree in Dudao Forest is called "Oak Moon Old". This tree is designed to deliver love letters for people and has made countless marriages. The German army used the Oak Leaf Medal as a symbol of honor, even on German coins. The tenacious and long-standing quality of oak trees is respected by many Germans. Ukrainian oak is different from other major European oak producing areas in terms of natural climate and environment. Two thirds of Ukraine's land area is covered by black soil. With fertile soil and rich mineral resources, Ukrainian oak with moist texture and full texture, fresh and rich natural color of logs and relaxed mountain lines has been cultivated. Because of its generous texture, superior performance and unique culture, oak flooring has become a popular variety of wood flooring. High brand flooring has devoted itself to developing oak series solid wood flooring and multi-layer solid wood flooring, bringing users the choice of leading trends and fashionable wood flooring. Follow the public account of "High Brand Flooring", and report it to you in real time! To learn more and more interesting high-end news, please visit: http://www.gaopaiwood.com (High brand official website) There will be wonderful content waiting for you! We are high brand flooring, and we really use the power of famine to serve customers! Netizen comments

  •  He De and He Neng's seamless wall cloth is so popular - wall dragon seamless wall cloth
    He De and He Neng's seamless wall cloth is so popular - wall dragon seamless wall cloth

    Seamless wall cloth has been recognized by many owners for its environmental protection, high-end, luxury and classic quality. It is more important for seamless wall cloth to increase more added value based on cloth. Cloth is silk, soft and comfortable, environmentally friendly and healthy. The clothes we wear are a good example. The seamless wall cloth is like putting clothes on the wall. Why can seamless wall cloth attract so many owners? This is the excellent characteristics of seamless wall cloth. Front, seamless wall cloth is green and non-toxic. It is recognized that cloth is natural silk. Second, breathable, waterproof, antifouling and anti-corrosion. This is the effect of seamless wall cloth after three proofing, and the seamless wall cloth in entertainment places can also be used as flame retardant. Third, the seamless wall cloth has full functions and can be pasted seamlessly. The seamless wall cloth has a full range of functions and can completely meet various use needs. A room only needs a piece of cloth for pasting, so as to achieve seamless pasting. Fourth, the seamless wall cloth has rich patterns and good color fastness. As long as the clothes have colors, seamless wall cloth can do it. Its color fastness is even higher than that of clothes, and it can remain unchanged for 30 years. Fifth, the seamless wall cloth has a long service life, sound absorption and heat insulation. The service life of good seamless wall cloth is more than 30 years, so it is very durable. The wall cloth itself can absorb sound and achieve sound attenuation. For indoor and outdoor, it can also achieve thermal insulation. Sixth, purify air and absorb formaldehyde. The function of purifying air and adsorbing formaldehyde is increased through anion high-tech. Although this effect is not immediate, it will become stronger and stronger with the continuous development of technology. Because there are so many excellent functions, many consumers choose seamless wall cloth. Of course, good materials also need good craftsmanship. Many problems of seamless wall cloth are actually caused by the construction process. When we paste the seamless wall cloth in the whole house, it is better to have less than two people cooperate with the construction at the same time in order to have a good effect and stick firmly! Netizen comments

  •  "Hengran Screen" Settled in Suzhou Red Star Macalline - Yimeida Screen Qingdao
    "Hengran Screen" Settled in Suzhou Red Star Macalline - Yimeida Screen Qingdao

    "The screen design is very smart. My house will be decorated in a week. Do you need to install the screen now? What quality does it have? It's said that it can filter pollen and dust, so you can open windows in smoggy days?" On September 27, "Hengran Screen" entered Suzhou Xiangcheng Red Star Macalline in a low profile. Although the opening was low-key, it still attracted many admiring citizens to go shopping. "I have heard of this brand before, and several friends have used this screen in their homes". At the opening scene, Mr. Chen from Xiangcheng, Suzhou, kept consulting the shopping guide. It is reported that this is the second franchised store of Suzhou Hengran Aluminum Co., Ltd.'s "Hengran Screen" in Suzhou, and the 68th franchised store in China. The store has designed a variety of personalized screen windows and screen door styles, so that every citizen who pursues high-quality life can easily and quickly find screens suitable for their families. Chen Yuanfeng, the person in charge of the shop, said that from the early design of personalized screen scheme for customers to the production and installation, after-sales tracking and maintenance, the shop has always adhered to and practiced the concept and standard of high service in the screen industry. "Screen is related to thousands of households. It seems inappropriate to say that screen is a" low attention "product. With the increasing demand for the new generation of screens, screens, once a "bargain", are no longer a combination of several low-quality aluminum materials and plastic mesh. " Chen Yuanfeng introduced that Hengran screens not only have the functions and characteristics of ash free, oil free, fine mosquito resistant, exquisite, beautiful, durable, etc., but also are particularly suitable for the current environment, allowing urban families to enjoy fresh air, away from allergies and respiratory diseases. They should also be upgraded products, which really solve the pain points of high-end home decoration screens, It complements the later weakness of modern home furnishing. (Zili) netizen comments

  •  Bardis integrated ceiling blooms Hubei Shiyan Red Star Macalline Bardis integrated ceiling
    Bardis integrated ceiling blooms Hubei Shiyan Red Star Macalline Bardis integrated ceiling

    On August 1, Red Star Macalline Global Home Life Plaza Shiyan Shopping Mall was opened in the expectation of all. This is the front seat home life mall of Red Star Macalline in Shiyan, the car city. Located in the heart of Zhejiang Road, it is a one-stop full experience shopping mall integrating building materials, furniture, home decoration and home decoration. It is also a five-star home shopping mall with the theme of "home". As the leader of integrated ceiling in household building materials, Bardis successfully settled in Shiyan Red Star Macalline. On the day of opening on August 1, there was a continuous flow of visitors and consultants in the Badiz exhibition hall, and many owners were attracted to the products with different styles and warm and thoughtful services, which made consumers feel the professionalism and strength of Badiz, and brought consumers an experience journey about brand, quality and taste. The opening of Bardis Shiyan Red Star Macalline Store is just the beginning. In the future, we will continue to provide consumers with exquisite and fashionable ceiling products and professional full roof home decoration. Please pay attention. Netizen comments

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