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China Export Import Bank Continuous adjustment of the management: Yang Dongning has been appointed as the vice president of

September 5, 2024 In March this year, former CITIC Head Office Wang Kang, member of the Party Committee, Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, was transferred to China Export Import Bank He is a member of the Party Committee and has been serving as a member of the Party Committee and Vice President of the Export Import Bank of China since June. On August 28, the official website of the Export Import Bank of China announced that China has received

ICBC News China Export Import Bank

September 13, 2024 On the afternoon of September 12 local time, Premier Li Qiang attended the China UAE Business Forum in Dubai and delivered a speech. (Source: Xinhua News Agency) China Export Import Bank Wu Fulin, Chairman of the Board of Directors, was invited to attend the China UAE Business Forum

Talent Recruiting_China Export Import Bank

8 days ago China Export Import Bank It is funded by the state and directly under the State Council leader Support the development of China's foreign economic and trade investment and international economic cooperation, a national policy bank with independent legal status. Rely on the national credit support, actively play in the service

Export Import Bank Middle and high level personnel adjustment involves Head Office Multi department heads and Beijing branch

September 12, 2024 On August 28, Export Import Bank The official website announced the appointment and removal of personnel, and the Central Committee decided that Wang Chunying would be appointed Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the Export Import Bank, and Ren Shujun would be removed from the post of Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the Export Import Bank. Recently, the bank personnel noticed that the officer of the Export Import Bank

Chinese people bank President Pan Gongsheng attended the regular meeting of the President of the Bank for International Settlements

September 10, 2024 September 8-9, 2024, international settlement bank (BIS) The regular meeting of the President was held in Basel, Switzerland, and Pan Gongsheng, President of the People's Bank of China, attended. The central bank governors at the meeting discussed the global economic and financial situation, productivity growth in the post epidemic era, and the future

China Export Import Bank Hold a high-quality "Belt and Road" cooperation and exchange conference in Beijing

3 days ago China Export Import Bank Wu Fulin, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of the Board of Directors, attended the meeting and delivered a welcome speech. Wang Chunying, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the Export Import Bank of China, presided over the meeting. Li Jun, member of the Party Leadership Group and vice governor of Shaanxi Provincial People's Government, the Regional Opening Department of the National Development and Reform Commission

China Export Import Bank Wu Fulin, Chairman of the Board of Directors, carried out work research in the United Arab Emirates

7 days ago Zhao Zifeng, Executive Vice President, thanked China Export Import Bank The support for BW Global Shipping Group hopes to further deepen cooperation with the Export Import Bank of China in promoting sustainable development. In comparison with Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank, Arab Bank and other institutions

China Export Import Bank Gao Ning, President of Inner Mongolia Branch, and his delegation went to the Comprehensive Bonded Zone for investigation

4 days ago September 14, China Export Import Bank Gao Ning, Secretary of the Party Committee and President of Inner Mongolia Branch, and his delegation visited Hohhot Comprehensive Bonded Zone for investigation and in-depth discussion on strengthening financial cooperation. Dong Yanchun, Secretary of the Party Working Committee and Director of the Management Committee of the Comprehensive Bonded Area, Cao Yan, Deputy Director of the Finance Office of the Municipal Party Committee, attended the meeting

CITIC bank A new member of the Party Committee

7 days ago Jiang Qinshu, born on December 28, 1971, Master of Economics of Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, senior economist, has worked in CITIC System since October 1997, and once worked in CITIC bank Assistant President and Vice President of Chengdu Branch. After the establishment of China CITIC Bank Lhasa Branch in 2015

Two and a half years after the female president's downfall, Export Import Bank Beijing Branch welcomes female head again Teng

September 12, 2024 Li Li was transferred to China from the First Institute of Aerospace Industry Corporation in December 1994 Export Import Bank Work, successively Head Office Cadre of the Credit Department, assistant director, deputy director, director of the Third Buyer Credit Division of the Export Credit Department, director of the Second Buyer Credit Division, deputy general manager of the Ship Financing Department, transportation